Chapter 415 False Town

"You still made money, but you were a little frightened, and you can get the fate of living to be a hundred years old." Lu Zhuo looked at the black night sky and the bright moon, showing a faint smile, and then said: "It's not even a trick. Come on, there is no need to give me any warning."

The will of the world comes and goes quietly.

"grown ups."

The group of soldiers who came with the girl saluted respectfully when they saw Lu Zhuo.At this moment, they had already forgotten about this matter, only they still remembered that Lu Zhuo was an adult from the imperial capital.

"Go down."


Watching those soldiers leave, Lu Zhuo turned and left, taking back the domain that belonged to him slowly.

The night sky was still dark, with a bright moon and stars.

However, it seemed a little brighter than before.

No one noticed.

Early the next morning, Lu Zhuo left with the little emperor and Hei Tong, also quietly.

This time, in the entire city, except for Ma Yin, everyone else forgot about Lu Zhuo and the events that happened that night.


"A small county without a city lord? Or has there been no city lord for more than ten years?"

In the imperial capital, Minister Ornest murmured to himself while biting pieces of meat, and then said, "Send my nephew's cousin to be the city lord."

After saying this, the minister closed his eyes slightly.

This kind of thing is impossible... There must be a city owner, but we all forget it.This kind of power...that lord seems to be on this route...

Ornest was very concerned about this somewhat bizarre incident. After investigating, he found nothing. It seemed that it was really a small town that had not had a city lord for more than ten years, and that no one thought it was weird or noticed.

In the end, he concluded, it must be the means of the gods.

The fear and awe of Lu Zhuo were deeply imprinted in Ornest's heart.This kind of silently erasing the traces of the world is really terrible.

What if you annoy the gods and wipe yourself away?
From then on, he made up his mind not only to be respectful to Lu Zhuo, but also to be extremely respectful, just like when he was just an official and treated his boss!
But Lu Zhuo, who made Ornest's awe even deeper, didn't know about it, or he didn't bother to pay attention to it. He took the little emperor and Heitong all the way south, and finally found Heitong's older sister, Chitong. , the elite seven of the Imperial Assassin Forces, the training place!
A town bathed in sunshine and unusually warm.

Unlike Hei Tong, who did not enter the group of seven, the training of the elite group of seven was like training ordinary children.

Since he was a child, he has only trained fighting skills and assassination skills, but he lives like a normal person.

And if Hei Tong hadn't been rescued by Lu Zhuo, after being injected with drugs, he would live in prison and act like an executioner, completely making a person lose his heart and only know about assassination.

Looking at the peaceful and warm town in front of him, Hei Tong had confusion in his eyes and murmured, "Is my sister here?"

"Yes, Chi Tong belongs to the elite group of seven, and her life is completely different from what you imagined. She is not in pain, but very happy."

Lu Zhuo smiled and rubbed Hei Tong's head, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He was right. Before officially accepting the assassination mission, Chitong lived a happy life, accompanied by six brothers and sisters, and Gozqi, the instructor, one of the former Raksha four ghosts of Huangquan Temple, was indeed happy. It is to play the role of father conscientiously.

Because of this, Lu Zhuo did not directly interfere with Chitong's life.

There was a look of bewilderment on Hei Tong's face, and then, excitement.It was the excitement of seeing my sister soon, but amidst the excitement, there was a touch of panic.

She originally thought that her sister's life would be very difficult, much worse than her life in the palace with her brother's love.

The panic was that she didn't know how to face her sister.

However, she soon calmed down, and she knew that no matter what she was like, her sister would be happy for her if she had a brother who loved her dearly.

Between sisters, their love is so deep that even Lu Zhuo is far beyond comparison.

Seeing Heitong walking towards the town firmly, Lu Zhuo smiled and stretched out his hand to hold her directly.

"elder brother?"

Hei Tong looked at Lu Zhuo who was holding her back with some doubts, and Hei Tong didn't ask why he held her back, didn't she let her see her sister? Instead, he looked at Lu Zhuo with those big eyes obediently. Zhuo.

Looking at this kind of gaze, Lu Zhuo showed a hint of helplessness, and said, "At this time, Chitong should be training."

In fact, it's not supposed to be, but affirmative, because Lu Zhuo's eyes directly penetrated a range of dozens of miles, and saw the red pupil who was fighting a low-level dangerous species.

Beside Chi Tong, there are several other beautiful loli helping her.

They are Cornelia, Tsukushi, and Bonnie.

The four girls of the Elite Seven.

On the other side, there are three boys facing stronger monsters, Guy, Green, and Nahaxiu.

As the captain of the assassination team and playing the role of his father, Goziqi stood on the top of the tree high up, watching the battles on both sides.

Withholding his gaze, Lu Zhuo looked at Heitong and said, "Do you want to meet her now, or go to the town and wait?"

"Go to town!"

It was not Heitong who spoke, but the little emperor with a pouted mouth. She looked at Lu Zhuo reluctantly, and at the same time glanced at Heitong with a complaining look, and said, "I'm going to starve to death, Heitong Little sister, a cheapskate, never shares anything with me!"

"No matter what you say, Dim Sum will not be shared with you... Other things can be shared..." Heitong looked at the little emperor with bulging eyes, with a cute look, halfway through the sentence, he realized that he was indeed a little He looked like a cheapskate, so he added the second half of the sentence.

"Then share your sister with me!" The little emperor snorted and patted Hei Tong's little head.

"This...this doesn't work either!" Heitong said firmly after being stunned for a moment.

Looking at the two girls, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing again, wondering what would happen if those interesting girls got together.

The naturally dumb Hill, the arrogant Maine, the naughty Chelsea, the cold and cute foodie Chi Tong...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo felt a faint warmth. He used to watch you die one by one on earth, but he couldn't express his sadness. Now, he has the power to dominate everything.

none of you will die...

After saying something silently, Lu Zhuo pulled down the little emperor who was hugging him and said, "Let's go to the city for dinner first."

Hearing that it was about eating, Heitong struggled for a moment, she really wanted to go directly to Chitong.But compared to my sister... eating seems to be a little bit more important...

(End of this chapter)

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