Chapter 426 Chi Tong's Heart
Chi Tong watched Martha approaching, her heart fluttered unceasingly, extremely flustered.She really didn't want Martha to be an enemy, she just wanted it to be some kind of training or a secret.

She wants to know the truth.

However, just after Martha got close to her, there seemed to be something indescribable, her complex and tangled complexion immediately became hideous, and she pulled out another dagger out of nowhere and stabbed Chitong's neck fiercely.

A sword light flashed, and blood splattered everywhere!

The dagger was blown away in an instant, and a long bloodstain was cut between Masha's chest and abdomen, and blood spurted out.

This is Chitong's instinct, the kind of instinct that transforms after countless battles with dangerous species... Or, after confirming that Martha is really a spy, she didn't show mercy...

Pain, sadness, and sadness instantly filled Chi Tong's heart!
"Why... why is Sister Martha a spy of the Revolutionary Army!"

At this moment, Chi Tong finally believed, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Masha lying in a pool of blood.

On Martha, blood splattered and kept surging.She was pale, with a gentle light in her eyes, looking at Chi Tong.

Chi Tong... Live well, I... can't tell the truth.

"Why can't you tell the truth?"

As if seeing through everything in her heart, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness and stopped beside Martha.

Chitong was startled, and looked at the figure in surprise, then, suppressing the sadness and pain in her heart, she saluted Lu Zhuo lightly.

"I have seen the Emperor Master..."

"come over."

"Yes..." Chitong's words trembled slightly, her heart was torn apart at this moment.However, this was just the beginning for her.

Lu Zhuo looked at Martha who was lying on the ground, and said flatly, "Tell the truth."

"...I..." Martha struggled to utter a word.

"This is my order."

Lu Zhuo opened his mouth softly, and at the same time flicked his fingers under his sleeves, a green light shot into Martha's body without anyone noticing it.

"Yes... my lord." Masha said with difficulty, her face pale.

She also didn't expect that Lu Zhuo, the emperor teacher, would appear in front of her at such a time. A trace of doubt flashed in her heart. Could it be that the plan has changed...

However, no matter what, it will be a tragic ending for her...but she doesn't want to deceive Chitong...


It was very difficult, but Martha told the truth, causing tears to flow from Chi Tong's eyes like a spring.

"'s not like that...why?!"

"There is no reason, it is because, as an assassin, you have too much emotion in your heart, and you are not qualified."

Lu Zhuo's flat opening made Chi Tong's body tremble.

"It's because of this...It turned out to be this reason, Sister Martha, it's all my fault..."

"Chitong...I don't blame you..." Masha looked at Chitong tenderly, stretched out her hand with difficulty, and gently stroked Chitong's smooth black hair.

Chitong desperately used her clothes to cover Martha's wound, but the wound cut out by her minister Tongyi's words could not be healed.

Tears welled up in her eyes, self-blame and sadness.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at Lu Zhuo at the side, as if a drowning man grasped at the last straw.

"Master Emperor, please save Sister Martha."

"Why? Or, what can you give? I saved her, but there is no benefit." Lu Zhuo looked at Chitong calmly, but smiled bitterly in his heart. He is really not suitable for playing the role of a villain. I knew Stop playing like this.

What Lu Zhuo said made Chitong's eyes flicker slightly. These words meant that Lu Zhuo was able to save Martha, and Chitong had also heard about Lu Zhuo's mystery and strength from Heitong.

Chi Tong gritted his teeth, with a firm expression on his face, and said, "Sir... If you can save her, I... I am willing to sacrifice myself..."

"Don't be kidding, you belong to me, or you belong to the empire, and the empire belongs to me. This is not your bargaining chip."

A playful smile appeared on Lu Zhuo's face, looking at Chi Tong, because Chi Tong was indeed sold to the empire, and together with Hei Tong, they both belonged to the empire's slaves.

"I...I can still give you my heart..."

After Chitong finished saying this, she looked at Lu Zhuo with stubbornness in her eyes, which meant that even though my person belongs to you, my heart does not belong to you. If you forcefully occupy me, I can suicide.

This set again?

Lu Zhuo snorted softly, shook his head, and suddenly stretched out his hand to shake Martha away.

A golden light flashed from Lu Zhuo's hand, and Martha's wound, which was healed and bleeding continuously, was completely healed in an instant, without even a trace of scar.

This time, Chi Tong and Masha were both stunned, one forgot to cry, the other forgot to be sad.

"This kind of power..." Chi Tong stared blankly at Masha, and suddenly showed a happy smile, "Sister Martha!"

"Chi Tong..." Martha hugged Chi Tong, who was rushing up tightly, and tears flowed from her eyes.


Lu Zhuo on the side watched this scene, coughed untimely, and interrupted the venting of the two of them neatly.

Chitong woke up from the joy, bit her lip lightly, and stood in front of Lu Zhuo.

"My lord... I am yours, I promise to be loyal to you..."

"Okay, I don't need it."

Lu Zhuo spoke softly, interrupting Chitong's somewhat tangled words.

Seeing Chitong's surprised look, Lu Zhuo suddenly showed a smile, this smile, with peace and warmth, made Chitong feel like a spring breeze, as if the sadness and pain in his heart had been wiped away.

"I don't like to force others, although this is a deal you made, but I didn't accept it."

"But..." Chi Tong was stunned, and suddenly felt that she couldn't understand Lu Zhuo at all.

"My lord, thank you..." Martha stood up, with a grateful expression, and saluted Lu Zhuo respectfully.

Lu Zhuo looked at Martha and Chitong, and suddenly said, "Chitong, do you hate the Empire?"

Asking this sentence made Chi Tong and Martha a little surprised.

"Chitong, don't talk nonsense..." Masha saw that Chitong was about to speak, and directly squeezed Chitong's hand.

Chitong looked at Lu Zhuo with complicated eyes. At first she thought that Lu Zhuo had some kind of purpose for her, but now she couldn't understand it at all, "I don't hate."

Martha breathed a sigh of relief when he said this.If Chitong said she hated the empire, Martha was afraid that Lu Zhuo would kill them both directly.

She was a dead person anyway, but she just got another life in vain. If Chi Tong was killed, it would make her extremely regretful.

"Do you really hate it?"

Lu Zhuo smiled, and looked at Chitong with piercing eyes, as if he could see through her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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