Chapter 427 The Battle on the Other Side
"I'm the killer of the empire. I really shouldn't have too much emotion. This matter is my fault." Chitong looked at Lu Zhuo calmly and replied.

"Really?" Lu Zhuo continued to smile, and said: "Whether you hate it or not, this time, I saved Martha, as a deal, you should not know about it. In tomorrow's message, Martha is also a revolutionary The military spy was killed by you, and your mission is completed."

"This..." Chitong froze for a moment, not understanding Lu Zhuo's meaning, but Martha showed a surprised look.

Looking at Lu Zhuo, Martha knelt down directly.

"Thank you sir!"

"Get up."

The meaning in Lu Zhuo's words was naturally to free Martha, otherwise, even if Lu Zhuo saved Martha, Martha would still serve the empire.

In this way, it is equivalent to erasing Martha's name, and Martha is free.

Chi Tong was not stupid, seeing this scene, she immediately understood what Lu Zhuo meant, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she was a little more grateful to Lu Zhuo.

"Okay, that's it."

Lu Zhuo looked at the two people, and finally looked at Chi Tong, revealing a meaningful gaze, and slowly walked into the darkness.

Just as Lu Zhuo's figure disappeared, another petite body suddenly jumped into Chi Tong's arms.

"Sister, I'm here to see you."

"Black pupil."

Chi Tong gently touched Hei Tong's little head, with a loving smile on his face.Her smile rarely blooms, but in front of Hei Tong, she is always gentle.

"Sister, what happened?"

Hei Tong looked at Chi Tong's face, which was still stained with tears, a trace of doubt flashed in his big eyes, and asked, "Did brother make sister cry?"


Chitong hugged Heitong lightly and whispered.

No matter what, she knew how much Lu Zhuo, as the emperor's teacher, doted on Heitong.This also made her very relieved, because as long as Lu Zhuo was around, Heitong would always be safe and would not be eroded by any darkness.

As for herself... She doesn't expect so much, she just hopes that Lu Zhuo can love this little sister Hei Tong forever.

In fact, Lu Zhuo really loves Hei Tong the most.Even compared to the little emperor, Lu Zhuo dotes on Hei Tong a little more, because Hei Tong doesn't like to share food, and there is only one word, be good.

Very nice.

In comparison, Chi Tong also has this attribute, but as her older sister, she hides this 'good'.


Imperial capital, prison.

A vicious man with a scar on his face and a suffocating aura all over his body stood in the middle of a clearing.

On one side of the open space, there are four pillars, on which are bound four people with a stupefied figure and a face of despair.

"Today's task." The vicious man said with a very cold tone.

Following his opening, four people came out from behind.

The four bound people showed surprise on their faces at the same time.

"Such a small child..."

"What a horrible empire!"

They all showed despair and hatred, gritted their teeth and cursed, while the four teenagers and girls with weapons in their hands stood calmly and numbly, and each of them chose one.


Almost at the same time, the four swords swept across in an instant, blood splattered everywhere!

"It's done!" Yin showed a smile, which should have been incomparably pure and beautiful, but coupled with the tragic scene of blood splashing, it made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Natara withdrew the sword coolly, without saying a word.

Wu Min helped her eyes and gently put away the sword.

A trace of panic flashed across Remus' little face. In front of her, blood was also splattered everywhere, but the man was not killed by a single blow.

The vicious man looked at this scene, frowned, and shouted, "Remus, are you an idiot?"


Remus hastily added a sword, and after completely burying the half-dead man, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled, "That's all right."

"Good you! As a punishment for not one-shot kills, you clean up the field for me!"

The vicious man shook his head, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face. After finishing speaking, he gently touched a scar on his finger, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "The elite group of seven has completed its first mission. Our A team can't fall behind..."

There should be five people standing here, but now there is one black pupil missing.And the original instructor, who was supposed to be the bald man who was killed by Lu Zhuo, has now become a vicious man.

Although there are some changes, it does not affect the essence of the plot...


Outside a noisy village, a ferocious man stood here with a cold look in his eyes.

"All those who escaped are spies of the Revolutionary Army. Your mission is to kill them all!"


Wumin Remus and the others responded in unison, then picked up their weapons and rushed over.

In the village, many people fled out in embarrassment, and when they saw the four people in front of them, they were all stunned.

"Damn, it's the Empire's..."

"It's all children!"

"No matter what, you must escape, even children can't keep it!"

Those people looked at each other with a murderous intent on their bodies. Since they were able to come to the imperial capital to be spies, they were all extremely shrewd and shrewd.

Wu Min and the others watched those people rush up, with a hint of excitement and a hint of fear on their faces.

Without hesitation, they took out a pill one after another, put it in their mouths, and crushed it fiercely.

The feeling of the blood being accelerated in an instant, the strength and the speed increasing rapidly, made them full of confidence.

"let's go!"

"We will win, but I won't die!"

One side is a large number of spies from the Revolutionary Army, and the other side is the ordinary group of the Imperial Assassination Troop, using special drugs that Dr. fashion configured.

As soon as they crossed, the spies of the revolutionary army fell to the ground in an instant!
"Damn, why are they so strong!"

"Be careful, they are not ordinary children!"

The vigilant and angry shouts came, and after reacting, a large number of revolutionary army spies barely stabilized the situation.

Remus held a long sword in his hand, and instantly pierced a person's throat. Compared to his clumsiness when dealing with prisoners, it looked a lot more agile.

Just as she slashed an enemy with another wave of her hand, with a confident smile on her face, two swords swung from behind her, and she didn't even notice it!

"I'm not going to die... ah!"

The two swords slashed on her back instantly, blood splattered everywhere, and Remus fell to the ground with an unbelievable look on his face.

I...I was hit by a sword...



Wu Min and the others, who noticed this scene, all showed expressions of fright and anger. They wanted to come to rescue, but they were surrounded by enemies and could only fight desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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