Chapter 428 Helping You Out
The battle fell to the ground because of Remus' injury, and it became intense in an instant, and everyone fought with red eyes.

Among them, Wu Min, a girl with glasses who looks very gentle and elegant, wants to rescue Remus through a gap.

At this moment, an axe with a hint of slaughter, fell fiercely from above.


Her heart skipped a beat, because of the support of the drug, Wu Min slammed her head down and rolled, barely avoiding the axe.

In front of her, the big man holding the axe showed a wicked smile.

"Can this be avoided?"

The axe was not old enough to be castrated, and at an incredible angle, it crossed an arc and landed on Wu Min's head again!
This person is obviously a master!He almost saw Mae Min's movements completely!

"The blunt method, although the strength and speed are good, but... it is vulnerable!"

Watching the axe fall, Wu Min's pupils shrank suddenly, a flash of horror and disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Can't avoid it!

Are you going to die?No, I can't die... how can I die here!
However, no matter how she struggled in her heart, she couldn't break through her own limitations. Although there were drugs to enhance her strength and speed, when facing the real powerhouse, she, who only practiced killing skills against prisoners, was no match at all.

At this moment, a deep sigh suddenly came.

This sigh seems to be in the ear, and it seems to come from the sky, on the chaotic battlefield, everyone heard this sigh!
A look of disbelief flashed in their eyes, and they couldn't help turning their heads.

In the middle of the big man and Wu Min, the axe that was only one point away from Wu Min, and even the wind, had blown her hair apart, revealing her white and tender skin.


An ordinary finger that can be seen from above, protruding from the back of her head as if carrying the trajectory of heaven and earth, gently touched the ax blade...

Everyone who watched this scene suddenly widened their eyes.

how can that be!

"My God, what the hell!"

Everyone was stunned there, with horror in their eyes, even some people couldn't hold their weapons, and the weapons fell to the ground and made a clanging sound, but no one paid attention.

They were just shocked and horrified, looking at the axe that the finger was against.

Seeing the axe, it seems to have undergone the erosion of time and the washing of the years, starting from the part that comes into contact with the fingers, it turns into a little powder.


The powdering became more and more open, and when it extended to the handle of the axe, it suddenly accelerated.

In an instant, the big man with a terrified and horrified face suddenly collapsed, turned into flying ash, and scattered directly!

In the distance, the vicious man who was watching the battle here had his eyes popping out.

Not because of the strange way the big man died, but because of the figure that suddenly appeared behind Wu Min as if teleporting.

"Emperor... Your Excellency!"

Without hesitation, the vicious man's figure flashed, rushed through the crowd, and came to Lu Zhuo. Without looking at the others, he directly bowed down to Lu Zhuo.

"Captain of the Imperial Assassination Force, former Rakshasa Four Ghosts, Baloyi pays a visit to the Emperor!"

Lu Zhuo looked at him indifferently, and did not speak, but looked peacefully across the entire battlefield.

Although the black pupil who should be here in the original book was taken away by Lu Zhuo in advance, the other people here, Lu Zhuo, didn't care too much, but just because he couldn't see it anymore, so Lu Zhuo made a move, following his own heart, He will do whatever he wants.

At this time, Wu Min, who had been rescued from the near-death situation, turned pale, and then realized that she opened her mouth, trying to say something, but no sound came out.

There was disbelief on her face, and then it turned into joy.

I didn't die... I was saved!

"Mu Min, a reserve member of the Imperial Assassination Force...I have seen...Master Emperor..."

She looked at the ferocious man kneeling towards Lu Zhuo in front of her, and quickly realized that she knelt down towards Lu Zhuo.

At the same time, Natara, Yin and the others also reacted and knelt down towards Lu Zhuo in unison.

Even they all know that the most powerful people in the imperial capital are the emperor and the emperor!

Those revolutionary troops were all stunned, watching this scene with panic on their faces.

"How can the emperor of the empire appear here!"

"My God, what just happened..."

Everyone was extremely flustered. Seeing Natara and the others knelt down towards Lu Zhuo, they didn't have time to attack, but turned and fled one after another.

In the scene just now, a person was turned into powder by Lu Zhuo's finger, which scared them to pieces.

Looking at the fleeing crowd, Lu Zhuo waved at them casually.


As if a breeze was blowing, everyone's figures were stagnant, and their expressions were full of panic, disbelief, panic, all stagnant.

Everyone's bodies turned into powder lightly and completely dissipated...

The vicious man was about to raise his head, but when he saw this scene, his mouth grew wide in horror, and he lowered his head suddenly.

He doesn't want to be wiped out by Lu Zhuo like the bald head before!
When Wu Min and the others raised their heads, they didn't see the scene of Lu Zhuo waving his hands to kill the crowd, they just noticed that the spies of the Revolutionary Army disappeared inexplicably.

"Get up."

As if doing a trivial matter, Lu Zhuo said lightly, watching the vicious man and the others stand up respectfully.

"Mumin...Thank you for saving me..."

Wu Min looked at Lu Zhuo, the pair of small eyes behind the glasses were shining with gratitude and surprise.

I am grateful to Lu Zhuo for saving her, and I am surprised that Lu Zhuo, the emperor, is so young!

Lu Zhuo looked at Wu Min, smiled peacefully, then turned around, and walked towards Remus who fell on the ground on the other side.

Seeing that smile, Wu Min froze for a moment. Such a smile made her feel too soft and warm, not like the person in charge of the highest power in the empire at all, but like an ordinary big brother next door.

She knew that if Lu Zhuo hadn't rescued her, she might have been split in half.He looked at Lu Zhuo with admiration again.

"Sir... Remus she..."

Silver's long hair was covered with blood, and her small face was full of worry and sadness. Standing beside Remus, she looked at Lu Zhuo who came over in surprise and respect.

She was also surprised by Lu Zhuo's appearance, so young and handsome, he was not at all like the legendary master emperor.

"Silver... I'm not dead... I said, I won't die..." Remus collapsed in a pool of blood and forced a smile. Although she was slashed in the back by two swords, she couldn't. No internal organs were injured, just the spine.

In the original book, she injured her spine, although she did not die, she could no longer carry out assassinations and could only be an ordinary person.

And this also means that she has no value.

So, in the end, she ended up being injected with anesthesia and spring by her bald instructor.Medicine, dry to death!
This plot also made Lu Zhuo feel unbearable.So, Lu Zhuo intervened.

(End of this chapter)

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