Chapter 439 The Encounter of Destiny

"Me! I'm... I have to be like this in the slums." Leone's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he suddenly said: "I have a friend who doesn't know how to protect himself. He was captured by a noble. Three days later, I only I saw her body..."

Hearing what she said suddenly, Lu Zhuo also fell silent.

After a while, Lu Zhuo said calmly: "If you don't know how to protect yourself, you can only die if you die. But no matter what she has experienced, the cycle of cause and effect will be reversed in the next life."

"You said, there will be an afterlife?" Leonai asked in confusion after listening to Lu Zhuo's words.

Lu Zhuo raised his head, looked at the sky, and said softly, "Maybe there are no other worlds, but this world does."

In the world of One Piece, there is no reincarnation, but there is Fairy Tail.This world, too.

Reincarnation is actually the most fundamental rule of the world. With this rule, there will be reincarnation; without this rule, there will be no reincarnation.

For Lu Zhuo, these things are of little significance.

"It sounds like you are a god." Leonai woke up from her confusion and gave Lu Zhuo a white look.

"Yes, I am a god." Lu Zhuo looked at Leone with a smile.

Leoney snorted and said, "The magic stick is almost the same. With your stealing skills, you don't need to hang out in the slums anymore."

Listening to her words, Lu Zhuo felt a little funny, "I've never been in a slum, I'm a nobleman, the kind of people you hate the most."

"Tch, what kind of aristocrat are you pretending to be? At most, you are a rich thief who stole a lot of money. I have been around for so long, but still can't tell who is what?" Leone curled her lips and looked at Lu Zhuo disdainfully.

Lu Zhuo shook his head helplessly, "It's fine if you don't believe me."

He is not only a nobleman, but also the most noble nobleman in the empire, moreover, he is also a god, the master of the world.Speaking of these things, it is estimated that Leonie will either be scared stupid, or be regarded as stupid by Leonie.force.

Leonai looked at Lu Zhuo, suddenly smiled, and said: "Since I am a person of the Tao, then I will take the loss. Anyway, you are quite handsome, and the loss is not too big. However, I remember You, the loss is not for nothing, the old lady will make it back!"

Lu Zhuo almost spit out a mouthful of blood, what do you mean you are handsome!Putting this sentence aside, what is the difference between saying that you are a jerk?
Handsome, do you understand!Moreover, it's still a mouthful and an old woman, Leonai, if you talk like that, you will feel bad, you know? !

Seeing Lu Zhuo's suddenly embarrassed face, Leonai burst out laughing, walked up to Lu Zhuo, pouted her small mouth, looked at Lu Zhuo provocatively, suddenly stretched out her hand, and gently pinched Lu Zhuo jaw.

"If you can teach me that hand, I can let you kiss again."


Lu Zhuo looked at her speechlessly, are you playing the character of shaking S?It's a pity, Leonai, you don't have the S attribute.

Speaking of this action, it made Lu Zhuo feel like he was an M attribute.

What the hell is this!
That S-shaking queen of Esdeth was beaten by me, shit!
Shaking his head, throwing away the messy thoughts inside, Lu Zhuo pinched Leonai's small face with his backhand.

This time, Leonai's reaction was quick, she let go of Lu Zhuo's chin neatly, and backed away.

However, Lu Zhuo said that you must leave something behind for this provocation.

So... as if nothing had happened, Leone retreated calmly, leaving only a burst of laughter like silver bells.

But after she left, what she didn't know was that Lu Zhuo suddenly had a pair of light yellow panties on his hand.

"The breast wrap and the panties are all stolen from you. This is the punishment for provoking me." A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth, and he put the panties in his pocket casually, and took them out the next time we meet. I think Leone's expression must be very exciting.


Heitong sat on a recliner with a bag of snacks in his arms, and suddenly looked at Chitong who came out and smiled, "Sister, have you received the last mission?"

"Well, this is the last one." Chi Tong nodded lightly, and gently touched Hei Tong's small head, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

No matter what, the darkness of the empire has nothing to do with her. After that, she only needs to live with Hei Tong.

Hei Tong obediently put away the snacks, and followed behind Chi Tong with his own Emperor's Eight Room.

Three days later, somewhere in the imperial capital.

The fateful encounter, where the causal lines of the world are concentrated, brings about this inevitable encounter.

Najeta stood calmly on a ruin, looking at the indifferent Chi Tong in front of her.

"Empire, is it worth what you pay for it?"

"Buried." Chi Tong didn't have any extra words to say. She, who has been walking in the dark, has long been accustomed to the words of all kinds of people she has defined as her target.

There is begging, there is resentment, there is sadness, and there are rebels like Najeta.

Ding Dong!

Najeta pulled out a sword gently, blocking Chi Tong's attack, and at the same time glanced at the other side, Lubbock's battle with Hei Tong.

Hei Tong's strength is even stronger than Chi Tong, and Najeta found out that Hei Tong has not yet used the ability of her Emperor's Eight Households.

Once used, I am afraid that Lubbock will be instantly defeated.

Thinking of this, Najeta felt a bit anxious in her heart, and in the constant intertwining with Chi Tong, Najeta said coldly: "You know, you are not doing this for your goals, for the happiness of the people. You're helping Zhou and abusing him!"

"Murder..." Chi Tong raised her head silently, a trembling ripple flashed in her amber eyes, but Murasame still carried a sharp sword flower in her hand, slashing towards Najeta's head ruthlessly. Body.

Once again staggered, Najeta was almost slashed by Chi Tong's sword, and her face was suddenly very vigilant.

That sword is dangerous!

This is not intuition, but Nadetta has all the news about Chi Tong, and even this time's counter-insurgency plan revolves around Chi Tong!
"How long are you going to be controlled by the empire!" Najeta held Chitong's sword and shouted angrily at Chitong.

This sound finally made Chi Tong's indifferent and flat little face flash a shiver.

No... I can't listen to these, it has nothing to do with me, as long as I finish the final task, I can...

"This is your last mission, right." Nadetta pushed hard, and at the same time her body floated and retreated, she said lightly, "I know, after this mission is over, you will be free and can accompany your sister... But, can your heart really go through?"

"After killing me, can you really live with your sister in peace? Those hands stained with countless sins, those swords with blood, can you forget them?!"

Chi Tong listened to Najeta's increasingly loud and stern voice, and the expression on her face suddenly became a little painful, "No, don't say it anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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