Chapter 440 Chitong and Najeta
Seeing Chi Tong's flustered look, Najeta felt a little joy in her heart.

She knew that Chi Tong did not say the word "burial", which proved that her heart had been moved!

Next, Najieta made an extremely bold move. She inserted the sword in her hand into the ground, spread her arms, and looked at Chitong calmly.

"If you really want to get that relief, then come and get it. Kill me, and you can get it."

Although her expression was unusually calm, her heart was actually beating.

Chitong looked at Najieta's calm look, as if she could sacrifice herself for it at any time, with a painful expression on her face, she gritted her teeth.

"I...I bury you!"

She walked towards Najieta step by step, and Tegumura trembled slightly in her hand. She only needed to hand out the sword in her hand, and she would be able to kill Najieta, and she would be able to complete this final task.

But for some reason, her sword stopped, and it stopped in front of Najieta's chest.


When the sword fell to the ground, there was a sound of metal and stone mingling.The trembling that Murasame collided with the stone seemed to represent Chitong's heart.

Najeta...a former general of the Empire, unable to bear the darkness of the Empire, defected to join the Revolutionary Army.In order to build a new kingdom, in order to overthrow this dark empire, she even has the consciousness to dedicate her life.

My hands are already stained with the blood of sin... Can I use this life to obtain redemption?
Chi Tong's heart was shaken, it wasn't a slight shock, but like a sky crashing and an earth cracking.

Najieta looked at the slightly trembling red pupil in front of her, and felt relieved, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She gently stretched out her hand, placed it in front of Chi Tong, and said, "Come, join me and build a new and happy country for the people."

Silence, Chi Tong was silent...

On the other side, Heitong gently pinched Teigu Hachibo with his right hand, and waved it with a relaxed expression, slashing out sword lights one after another, forcing Lubbock into a panic.

And this girl was still very relaxed, she kept reaching into her bosom with her left hand, took out pieces of snacks and put them in her mouth to eat.

Lubbock is full of bitterness, I'll go, what's the situation!Is this black pupil too strong? !Boss Nadetta, if you fail to succeed, I will die!

Hei Tong ate another snack, smashed his mouth, and suddenly his pretty face turned slightly rosy, showing a smile.

Of course, this isn't a laugh at Lubbock...

"Sister, it should be resolved. I've been here for so long, so it should be over." Hei Tong muttered, looking at Lubbock with a smile, but it made Lubbock feel overwhelmed. A chill froze.

"If I killed you in seconds at the beginning, and my sister had to fight for a long time to solve it, I'm afraid it will make my sister depressed, so...well, you can die now."

Hei Tong smiled sweetly, but was filled with ice-coldness.

A sword light that was far stronger than the previous one brought a sharp sword energy, and the wind and clouds moved in an instant, and it rushed towards Lubbock fiercely.

That posture seemed to kill Lubbock in an instant!

Lubbock was horrified, and hurriedly moved his fingers, and countless threads crisscrossed, trying to block the sword.

However, the sword light this time was different from the previous one. The moment it touched the thread, it turned into silver light out of thin air!
If you look closely, there are countless tiny sword glows!

Sword domain!

Although Hei Tong doesn't like cultivation very much, she is very talented, and she practiced occasionally, and she has become a sword field within a few years!

Seeing this scene, Lubbock suddenly let out a strange cry.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing that Heitong showed his true skills, this guy shrank instantly, jumping and running for his life, countless silk threads spun around his body, wrapping him like a rice dumpling.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

The sky-filled sword light impacted on it, making a crisp sound of metal and iron clanging. Hei Tong smiled sweetly, waved his hand lightly, and struck out another extremely dazzling sword light fiercely.

The cocoon made of silk threads was finally unable to resist, and was ruthlessly broken open by this sword.

However, Hei Tong suddenly showed a surprised expression, and stomped his feet angrily.

In front of her, there was no Lubbock in the two halves of the cocoon made of silk thread.This guy didn't know what method he used to run away under Heitong's eyes!
"Oh, it's too bad, I'm going to be scolded to death by my sister..." Heitong suddenly put on a bitter face, and said very tangled: "If it wasn't because this is the imperial capital, I couldn't just use the few things my brother gave me. Super dangerous species, how could that guy escape!"


On the other side, Chitong quietly followed Najieta, away from the ruins.

"Why don't you go and persuade your sister." Najieta looked at Chitong calmly.

Chi Tong was silent for a while, and then said softly, "She is very happy... I don't want to break her happiness."

"That's a pity..." Najieta sighed in her heart. She knew from the information that Chitong's younger sister, Heitong, might be even stronger than Chitong in strength.

If you turn against Chi Tong, and then use Chi Tong to turn against Black Tong, the success rate will be very high.

However, Hei Tong's relationship with that man made her have some scruples.

Chitong followed Najieta silently, with a look of complexity and apology flashing in his eyes: Heitong, I can't say goodbye to you... With that person's protection, you don't need my sister...

Follow me and you won't be happy either...

Chi Tong didn't know if she would persuade Hei Tong, whether Hei Tong would go with her, but she felt that there might be a 90.00% probability that Hei Tong would follow her.

After all, this is not like in the original book, where Hei Tong was given a special drug by the empire and obeyed the empire infinitely.She just has a brother like Lu Zhuo.

Because of this, Chitong knew that even if Heitong followed her and abandoned Lu Zhuo, she would be very sad, and her sinful hands would not be able to give her happiness.

In this case, it's better to leave by yourself and let Lu Zhuo comfort her.

With this in mind, the two walked to an abandoned church, where the revolutionary army gathered, or, in other words, the prototype of the Night Raid, where they gathered.

However, the moment the two stepped into this place, their hearts trembled at the same time.

A person that neither of them wanted to see at all, or absolutely didn't want to meet under such circumstances, sat quietly in front of them with a smile on their faces, as if waiting for their arrival.

Looking at Chitong and Najieta, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "Najie Xitan... No, Najieta. It's immoral to poach my corner."

"Emperor Master..." Najieta's voice trembled a little. She had seen the battle between Lu Zhuo and Esdesh with her own eyes, which made her feel that she had no confidence in her heart.

"Why are you here?!" Najieta asked in a deep voice, barely suppressing the panic in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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