Chapter 441 The Fetters of Sisters

Sitting there with a calm and relaxed face, Lu Zhuo looked at Najieta in front of him with a smile.

"You almost abducted my little red pupil, can I still come?"

Looking at Lu Zhuo's appearance, Najieta gritted her teeth lightly, while the red pupil beside her lowered her head silently, not daring to look into Lu Zhuo's eyes.

The two girls had different thoughts, but both were nervous and flustered.

It even occurred to Najieta that Lu Zhuo could detect her meeting place. Could it be that there were some traitors in the revolutionary army?
As for Chitong, she was thinking about Lu Zhuo's treatment of her. Although he seemed to be indifferent to her, in fact, Lu Zhuo seemed to be by her side all the time, looking at her.

She wasn't even sure if Lu Zhuo did it for her sake or for Heitong.

Suddenly, Lu Zhuo's figure appeared in front of Chitong as if flashing.

Gently stretching out his hand, Lu Zhuo squeezed Chitong's chin, forced her to look at him, and said with a smile, "Didn't you already make a decision? Why don't you dare to look at me, guilty? Or..."

Being controlled by Lu Zhuo with this action, a faint blush flashed across Chi Tong's face, but she didn't struggle, but looked at Lu Zhuo calmly.

The moment Lu Zhuo appeared, she had made up her mind.Now that she has decided to betray, she should have come to her senses.

In front of Lu Zhuo, an unfathomable emperor, she felt that she had no chance of winning, but... the most she could do was die.

"Why, you want to stand on the side of the dark empire?" Najieta suddenly felt very angry. She was angry because Lu Zhuo knew everything, and Lu Zhuo was obviously not a minister like Ornest who liked to play with power. If he didn't stand on the side of the revolutionary army, Lu Zhuo shouldn't watch the darkness of the empire completely stand by.

Because, what is under Lu Zhuo's feet is the groaning of those people in the imperial capital!
Lu Zhuo gently let go of his red eyes, turned his head, looked at Najieta with a smile, and said, "I'm not on the side of the empire. I'm just a bystander now. Otherwise, you thought I would let go last time?" You go? Do you think my strength can't wipe out your current revolutionary army, which has not yet fully matured?"

"Can't you hear the groans of those suffering people?!" Najieta was furious, completely ignoring Lu Zhuo's identity.

Hearing Najieta's words, Lu Zhuo chuckled lightly and said, "Weak people are only qualified to moan."

This sentence was the original words of Esdesi, which was borrowed by Lu Zhuo casually.

"You..." Najieta had also heard this sentence from Estes, and Lu Zhuo said it again at this time, her chest felt tight from being pressed, and she glared at Lu Zhuo angrily, with a look of reluctance .

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled, suddenly stretched out his hand, and patted the shoulders of the two.

"What is this heavy atmosphere? Well, well, I'm not here to keep you here. I'm just looking at Chitong's attitude."

After saying these words, Chi Tong's amber-like beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed.

Why, it's my attitude again...

"Chitong, did you just leave the black pupil behind?" Lu Zhuo looked at Chitong again, and said with a smile. There was no trace of anger on him, and his tone seemed to be that of two friends talking.

Chi Tong was silent, and suddenly whispered: "My sinful hands are no longer qualified to hug Hei Tong..."

Lu Zhuo sneered, shook his head, and said, "Hehe, what is a crime? You just let some people who would die decades later die decades earlier."

"The problem is, if you abandon Heitong like this, she will... be very sad."

Lu Zhuo deliberately said the previous words plainly, but only emphasized the last few words.

Very sad.

These three words, like knives, pierced Chitong's heart fiercely.

Chi Tong had a bit of pain on his face, why did this happen, what did he do wrong? !

"Don't be so painful, this is your own choice, you should be enlightened, right?" Lu Zhuo chuckled, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Chitong's small face.

Silky, delicate and moist.

Then, Lu Zhuo gently leaned his head against Chi Tong's ear, and said in a low voice, "Oh, right, Hei Tong is now following your tracks and rushing here, and will arrive soon."

This sentence made Chi Tong's eyes shrink slightly, almost subconsciously, and she said, "No, I can't meet Hei Tong!"

"Then you can go." Lu Zhuo stood up straight again, looked at Najieta at the side, and said with a smile: "You can go too."

"Let's go?! You let us go?!" Najieta looked at Lu Zhuo with a dull expression, she was a little speechless.

Originally, she thought that she would be planted here today, but Lu Zhuo's attitude made her feel so confused and unreasonable!

As the imperial teacher of the empire, just let her turn against Chi Tong and join the revolutionary army?
What exactly does he want? !

The doubt in Najieta's heart was getting bigger and bigger, and she couldn't help asking.

Hearing Najieta's question, Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "What I just the hearts of you lovely girls."

"Bah!" Najieta blushed, and spat out fiercely, seeing Chitong who had gone away quickly, she followed immediately.

At this moment, a hurried black figure rushed over and stopped beside Lu Zhuo.

"Brother! Why are you here, have you seen my sister?" Hei Tong gasped, running all the way to make her breathless.

Seeing her appearance, Lu Zhuo's face flashed with compassion, he gently touched her head, and said, "Your sister is gone."

"Leaving? What do you mean?!" Hei Tong was stunned, staring blankly at Lu Zhuo. Those big black eyes were so cute that Lu Zhuo couldn't bear to hurt her.

However, Hei Tong still saw in the distance, the back of Chi Tong who was running, and the figure of Najeta beside Chi Tong.

The rebellion and sister of the revolutionary army...

At this moment, Hei Tong's small face was blank.

She stood there at a loss, like a child who was suddenly homeless.

Suddenly, she reacted, and desperately chased in the direction of Chitong, but Chitong and Najieta had already disappeared into the depths of the street.

She ran desperately, ran desperately, she ran without a trace of strength, and she slumped on the ground.

"Why...sister, why betray..." She sat there helplessly, her eyes were blank, and the snacks in her pocket were scattered on the ground, but she didn't seem to see it.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo gently hugged her from behind, with a little apology on his face, he said, "Heitong, I'm sorry..."

"No... Brother, it's my elder sister's fault... My elder sister betrayed us, she abandoned me..." Hei Tong muttered to himself, a morbid smile suddenly appeared on his face.

How similar is this smile to the black pupil at that time in the original book? !

"Betrayal...hehe. I'm going to kill my betrayed sister...I'm going to kill her..."

"Black pupil...forget about it." A sigh flashed in Lu Zhuo's eyes. Looking at Heitong's appearance, he suddenly felt that even if he broke this world and killed the will of the world, Heitong shouldn't be affected by it. What a pain!

But now, since it has happened, Lu Zhuo can't make it reverse.

After all, Chitong's rebellion is an absolute link, it is the whole world, the joint point of all destiny and karma, even Lu Zhuo, if he wants to break it, he must not only fight against the will of the world, but also against all karma in the whole world destiny.

"I can't forget... brother... hold me tight, please?" Hei Tong murmured, with a tear in the corner of her eye, she turned around and hugged Lu Zhuo desperately, she didn't want to lose Lu Zhuo again.

Watching this scene, Lu Zhuo showed a bitter smile.Hearing Hei Tong's murmur, he hugged that soft and petite body tightly.

It's okay, Heitong, and I'm by your side.

With Lu Zhuo, a person who has changed a lot here, Heitong is less painful and more warm than in the original book.

Being hugged by Lu Zhuo, feeling the tight warmth of Lu Zhuo's embrace, her gloomy heart burst into light again.

I have my brother by my side... well, I still have a brother...

"Brother, you won't leave Hei Tong, right?" Hei Tong hugged Lu Zhuo tightly and murmured.

"I will never leave you." Lu Zhuo gently kissed Hei Tong's forehead, and gently pressed his face against hers.

Black pupil's heart was once again illuminated by the warm sunlight.

as usual.

And Chi Tong, who ran far away, ran and ran, tears fell from those amber-like eyes that seemed to never shed tears, and dissipated on the ground with the wind brought by her body.

Although Lu Zhuo hugged Hei Tong, he was also looking at her, but at this moment, Lu Zhuo was unable to comfort her. Lu Zhuo really felt a little uncomfortable with the pain he created by himself.

Although it is much better than the original book, Chitong’s partner Zhuzi and others were also rescued by Lu Zhuo, but just looking at this, the girl like a goddess shed tears, Lu Zhuo felt a little pain in his heart, so he hugged her tightly. Looking at the black pupil in his arms.

Beside Chitong, although Najieta's mind is also very chaotic, she knows that compared to her own chaos, Chitong's heart is already on the verge of breaking.

Najieta looked at Chitong while running, "Your sister has been completely brainwashed by that man, but we still have a chance to save her."

"No...she doesn't need to be rescued, she will be happy if she stays by that person's side." Chitong replied dully, her tears stopped at some point, so she just stopped and looked at Najie calmly tower.

Looking at her calm appearance, Nadetta suddenly felt a pain in her heart. She rebelled against this girl. Is it right or wrong?For the happiness of the people, she put her life in darkness...

Everything is for the people.

Najeta sighed in her heart, and in the end she didn't say much, she shook her head and said, "That's good, maybe when the empire is overthrown in the future, she will come back to you."

"Maybe." Chitong responded silently, she didn't even think there was any hope, because she saw with her own eyes, the scene where Lu Zhuo wiped out tens of thousands of people with a wave of his hand, it was like a god.

She didn't want to defeat Lu Zhuo, she was persuaded by Najieta, her willingness to betray was just that she wanted to use her own way to kill those scumbags in the dark, instead of helping those scumbags in the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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