Chapter 447 Defeat Brand
"Evil haunted!"

A ferocious aura suddenly erupted, Tazmi raised his brows, and a scene appeared in those eyes.

Behind Brand, a monster that looked extremely ferocious and powerful appeared, roaring angrily at him.

snort!Just the remaining thoughts of a semi-holy dangerous species.

Faced with this kind of provocation, Tazmi, or rather Lu Zhuo, was naturally a little contemptuous, and a gleam of light that no one could see flashed in his eyes.

An earth-shattering coercion, an aura that made the whole world surrender to it, suddenly erupted from Tazmi's body!

However, such a powerful momentum can still be perfectly controlled, and it only falls on the remaining will of the emperor who is haunted by evil spirits. Leone and Brand on the side are not aware of it!

The evil spirit haunted the remaining will, the phantom of the monster, suddenly seemed to be frightened, and the extremely ferocious ghost eyes showed a horrified look, screamed, and made a surrender action to Tazmi!

However, no one noticed this scene, only Brand suddenly frowned, feeling that his emperor seemed to be a little less imposing and a little weaker.

But he didn't think deeply. After putting on the armor, he looked at Tazmi calmly and said, "Young man, come on!"

"it is good."

Tazmi nodded slightly, his face was flat, and he gently pulled out the broad sword behind his back and waved it towards Brand.

An invisible sword aura suddenly came through the air. Brand, who had been prepared for a long time, waved the giant spear in his hand fiercely, smashed it with all his strength, and smashed the sword aura abruptly!
"Okay! It really is this kind of power!"

Brand couldn't help laughing out loud, his voice filled with excitement.

He has seen the battle between Esdeth and Lu Zhuo from afar, and he really wants to challenge the strength of the two of them, but his identity cannot touch Lu Zhuo, and Esdeth is too cruel for him to dare to challenge.

As for Lu Zhuo's kind, he could bring forth an invisible power that could split everything with a wave of his sword, so he really wanted to fight with it.

Brand is also a battle madman!
A sword energy from Tazmi was shattered, and Brand shouted, "Tazmi, I'm going to attack!"

Brand has a strong momentum on his body, his legs are hard, and with the help of that pair of armor, he leaps high, a giant spear against the sun behind him, as if the gods are descending, with a cover for nine days and ten. The demeanor of the ground fell ruthlessly.

"Hey, Brand, don't be so serious." Leonai said weakly with a small mouth.

"Brande is so serious, that boy is probably going to die... You must keep your hands, don't make that cute boy lose arms and legs, I don't have anything to play with that old lady..." Leone I complained in my heart, and at the same time stared intently at the scene on the field, and even turned on my Teigu.

If things go wrong, she is always ready to help Tazmi.

However...Tazmi is no longer the Tazmi in the original book, but Lu Zhuo!
Will Lu Zhuo lose to Brand and let Leone save him?The answer is no, even if a little stronger power is exposed, it is impossible for Lu Zhuo to fail.

Even if his current identity is Tazmi, it is impossible for that true holy heart to fail, even if it is acting!

The one who can defeat Lu Zhuo, in Lu Zhuo's heart, is only those eyes that are as direct as the black pupils, pitiful and cute, paranoid and cute.

As for Brand, the gay...

Tatsumi looked at Brand calmly, the shot that shattered the sky and the earth seemed to be falling like a meteor, and the broad sword in his hand emitted a faint silvery light.

At the same time, a faint momentum surged up, it was the taste of a sword, this was the momentum of a sword.

As soon as this momentum appeared, Brand's shattering blow suddenly changed slightly, which surprised both Brand and Leone.

If their feeling before was that Brand could split Tazmi in half with one shot, then now it is, as if Tazmi was a sword standing there, a sword... that could split in half ?

At this moment, Brand was already very dignified. He had used his full strength when he was about to hold back a little bit of strength. He felt that he might not win if he fought hard.

However, the changes in Tazmi are not over.

That sword fell lightly into the sky, with extremely dexterous movements, and the whole process was even more silent, but in an instant, both Leone and Brand felt as if there were flowers in front of them, as if there were silver lights in the sky, like a violent storm. Suddenly appeared!
The next moment, the silver light that filled the sky disappeared again, and reconvened on the broad sword in Tazmi's hand.

Sword domain...

The sword and the gun intersect, silently.

Then, the gun in Brand's hand was directly smashed!
At the same time, the armor on Brand's body also seemed to roll down from the mountain of knives, and countless cracks appeared!

Brand's armor finally shattered, revealing Brand with a pale face and a shocked expression.

On the opposite side of Brand, Tazmi looked at the broad sword in his hand and suddenly shook his head.

Ding Dong!

Although the broad sword was also a sharp blade, Lu Zhuo couldn't bear the power of the Sword Domain, and it shattered into countless pieces, scattered all over the place.

"Good... so strong." Brand stared blankly at Lu Zhuo, then suddenly showed a gentle smile and said, "Young man, let's be friends."


Tazmi came back to his senses from the state of using the sword, and suddenly felt a chill.

At this moment, a pair of papaya milk landed on Tazmi's head again, Leone stood behind Tazmi with a smile on his face, and wrapped his arms around Tazmi recklessly.

"Hey, boy, you can beat Brand, your strength is beyond my expectations!"

"...Tie, my sword is broken, his gun is broken, I didn't win." Tazmi wanted to shake his head, but was squeezed by the huge papaya milk, that soft comfort, Let Tazmi simply go with the flow.

Leone, on the other hand, didn't feel that he was being taken advantage of at all, but felt that he was teasing Tazmi.

"Hehe, what's the point of being modest with my sister. Brand used Teigu, but you don't have Teigu. If you get a Teigu, or a good sword, you will definitely be able to beat Brand."

At this moment, Brand also walked up to Lu Zhuo, patted Lu Zhuo on the shoulder, with a 'gentle' look on his face.

"Ahaha, if you lose, you lose. It's no big deal. Boy, I'm optimistic about you. Maybe you can reach the level of that woman in Estes, or even your master."

Feeling Brand's full affection, Tatsumi finally couldn't bear it anymore, reluctantly gave up Leone's embrace and her papaya milk, and fled away in a hurry.


(The cold is too uncomfortable, dizzy, it is really difficult to type, I barely come out with today's code, let me have a good rest tonight, tomorrow's update will not be in the early morning, it should be late, please forgive Xiaofeng...)
(End of this chapter)

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