Chapter 448 Goodbye Najeta

On a piece of green grass, Lubbock was lying there furtively. The green clothes and green hair on his body blended with the environment, and he was extremely concealed.

If there is another green hat, it is estimated to be more perfect.

"It's almost time for Miss Leone to take a bath. In order to see that pair of Mimi's demeanor, I can put any danger behind me!"

Lubbock laughed slyly, and at this moment, a dull voice came from behind him.

"Then, I'll take your two fingers."

Leona, who showed a cute look, suddenly appeared, and peeped in front of Leone, who had an extraordinary sense of hearing and smell. I have to say that Lubbock's mind was full of lustful things.

Tazmi, who was standing behind Leona, said that if I came to peep, I would never be found...cough.

Following Lubbock's scream, he was instantly slapped by Leone and slammed to the ground with a thud.

"You're really bad, Lubbock."

"Damn, I won't give in..."

"Then, next time it's an arm." Leoney laughed, looked back at Tazmi and said, "You see, this idiot is Lubbock."

Tatsumi nodded in agreement, this guy is indeed an idiot, at least on this point.

Look at yourself, become Tazmi, and pretend to be a pure boy, you will enjoy Leone's gentle attack at any time...

After turning around again, Leone took Tazmi to a small hillside, and the sky gradually darkened.

Ahead, a bonfire was burning, reflecting the beauty of the sunset.

When he got closer, he saw a very discordant scene.

Chitong was biting the barbecue with a cute expression on his face, and that movement looked completely different from his demeanor during the battle.Fortunately, Lu Zhuo's soul is in Tazmi's body, and he has long been able to bear the foodie demeanor of the two sisters, Chi Tong and Hei Tong.

Leonai seemed to be used to it, pointing to Chitong and said with a smile: "Look, her name is Chitong, she is the one who fought with you last night. Don't mind her current appearance, she is a foodie."

Tatsumi nodded approvingly.

Chitong noticed the movement behind her, turned her head, and said with a cute face: "Leonie, let's eat together."

After she finished speaking, she threw a piece of roast meat back, and Leona immediately caught it, smiling and greeting: "Thank you Chi Tong."

Then, Chitong looked at Tazmi while eating barbecue, and asked plainly, "Are you a companion?"

"Uh, it should be."

"Then... I'll give you a piece too." Chitong showed a cute expression, and threw another piece of barbecue to Tazmi.

Tatsumi looked at the barbecue full of gravy, and stretched out his hand helplessly to catch it.

Unlike Hei Tong, who likes to eat alone, Chi Tong is still willing to share food, but she can't tolerate waste. If he doesn't catch the piece of barbecue, Chi Tong will directly draw his sword and slash him.

Even before, when he was with Chitong and Heitong in the identity of Lu Zhuo, he was hacked by Chitong in that situation...

Looking helplessly at the piece of meaty and juicy barbecue in his hand, Tazmi was powerless to complain.

Leone on the side didn't mind, and said with a smile, "By the way, you seem to be a bit rich today."

Chitong continued to bite the barbecue and said, "The boss is back."

Leonie turned around, and at a glance, she saw Najieta who was sitting peacefully in front of the campfire, who seemed to be preparing to taste the barbecue.

"Hey, Boss, welcome back, did you bring any presents?"

Leonie greeted her with a smile, but in exchange for Najta, she smiled, but with a sinister look.

While smiling at Leone, she put her hands together, her knuckles creaked, and her smile became more and more gloomy, "Speaking of which, Leone, I heard that you fought in that battle three days ago. It seems to have exceeded the specified combat time."

Cold sweat appeared on Leonie's forehead, and she screamed in her heart that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned and ran away.

The difference from the original book is that Najieta's arm is not a mechanical arm. Due to Lu Zhuo's interference, she is still intact.

So... I saw that Nadetta, like a tiger, threw Leone on the ground with a vicious pounce.

This scene made Tazmi couldn't help complaining, which one is the beast attribute?
"You'll never get married like this..."

"Well, what did you say?" Najta turned her head and smiled sinisterly at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi immediately pretended nothing happened, and said in surprise, "Hey, did I just say something?"

"Isn't it, maybe I heard it wrong." Nadetta glared at Tazmi and continued to repair Leone under her body.

Then, she suddenly froze for a moment, let go of Leone, and asked, "Leone, this boy is..."

Leonai, who escaped Najta's punishment, immediately changed the subject, and said with a smile: "By the way, Boss, I want to recommend this talent to you!"

Najieta calmly returned to sit aside, grabbed a piece of barbecue and ate it, asking, "Does this guy have potential?"

"Hee hee, not only has potential, but also strength! He had a tie with Chi Tong before, and just now he defeated Brand!"

Hearing Leone's words, Najta stood up very moved, not even caring about the barbecue, and said in surprise: "Beat Brand?!"

If it's a tie with Chi Tong, it's normal, because Chi Tong is not one-on-one with others, she is an assassin, and she is there to kill.

If you don't kill people, if you don't take advantage of Muramame's characteristics to make a fatal blow, it's normal to draw a tie with others, and even she can't beat Brand, after all, Brand's Teigu is wearing armor.

You know, in Najeta's impression, Brand is comparable to Estes who doesn't use Teikoku!
This proves that Brand's physical skills have reached a very strong level. Even the Rakshasa four ghosts are scumbags in front of him.

Leonie ran to Najieta with a smile, and whispered in her ear: "Yes, Boss, I still know a secret. His master is that person."

"That person... Imperial Master?!" Hearing these words, Najieta gasped, and even her voice trembled a little.

Randomly, her eyes were full of vigilance, she stared at Tazmi in front of her, and said coldly: "You bastard, what's your purpose!"

"Uh, I just want to make my companions in the village live a better life." Tazmi said with an innocent face, and at the same time, there was a demon in his heart waving a trident, hehe, Najieta, you are not good again...

Najieta walked around Tazmi several times solemnly, and finally frowned, shook her head, and said: "Forget it, I don't understand what the purpose of that emperor is... Leone, he Is there any problem with your history?"

(End of this chapter)

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