Chapter 449 Everyone's Thoughts

"No problem." Leoney patted Tazmi on the shoulder with a smile, and assured her.

"Yeah." Najieta nodded and said, "If it's really that person, there's no need to resort to spies or the like."

"Uh, BOSS, is that person really that scary?" Leonai glanced at her mouth suddenly, and said with some disdain. She said that she had never seen the horror of Master Emperor, but in fact, there was a period in her memory that was captured by her. What nature forgets...

At this time, Chi Tong, who was eating barbecue meat on the other side, was suddenly dazed and murmured: "He is extremely mysterious and powerful, like a god above the mortal world..."

"God, how is that possible." Leoney looked disbelieving.

And Najeta shouted with a serious face: "It's true! Chi Tong has seen it with his own eyes, that person, wiped out tens of thousands of troops of the revolutionary army with a wave of his hand!"

Hearing this sentence, Leoney suddenly showed a horrified expression and said, "It's true or false, how come I've never heard of you!"

Tazmi, who was on the side, also showed a shocked look at the right time, and said, "So that person is so powerful!"

Najeta shook her head with a complicated look, and said, "Not only you, but even Brand and others, I didn't say anything, because I was afraid of hitting you."

"If Esders is comparable to all of us plus [-] elite soldiers, then this person, alone, is comparable to the entire revolutionary army!"

Hearing these words, Leone and Tazmi looked at each other.

And Tazmi laughed in his heart, the entire revolutionary army, one of my maids is enough to compare the whole... Of course, it is not the revolutionary army that does not include girls like Chitong Chelsea.

Chitong continued to eat barbecue, but she suddenly felt that such a foodie herself would sometimes feel that barbecue was tasteless.

Black pupil, how are you doing?
Are you still following me?

Those two figures seemed to be standing in front of her, smiling at her, making her gradually obsessed.

It looked so beautiful, like the most beautiful flowers brewed in the world, which could not be described in words, and Tazmi looked at her in a daze.

He even wanted to give up Tazmi's identity directly, hug her into his arms, and comfort her.

However, he forcibly endured it, because it would ruin her.

Lu Zhuo has seen her and Estes, who are truly talented and able to become saints.He didn't want his whims to destroy her.


In the night raid conference hall, Najeta sat in the leader's position and looked at the people standing below.

"Well, it seems that you all know each other already, so I declare that Tazmi will be one of us from now on."

Everyone who knew the answer for a long time made various voices.

Brand looked at Tatsumi tenderly, making him shiver.

"Great, so we are partners, right." Brand deliberately bit the word partner, which made Tazmi suddenly have the urge to cut him directly.

This big guy is fine elsewhere, but why bother? !Fuck your sister!Let's roll the ball!

Lubbock was disheveled and unhappy.

Really, there is one more opponent, Brand is a gay guy, but this kid is so pure... At first glance, he is pretending, and he must be lustful in his heart, and I will soon attack the gentle and lovely girls, I must protect Good night attack pure and lovely girls!
Lubbock didn't know that his messy thoughts almost hit the truth...

Hill gave Tazmi a friendly smile, Leonai laughed and patted Tazmi's shoulder, Chitong stood there silently, still thinking about Heitong and Lu Zhuo.

As for the one who responded most strongly, it was the girl named Maine.

"I disagree!"

Ma Yin shouted word by word, her little face flushed a little, she glared at Tazmi fiercely, and shouted: "Why can this rookie become a member of us, when I think about carrying out missions with him in the future , What a headache!"

Tatsumi smiled helplessly, then looked at Ma Yin and said solemnly: "So, I, a rookie, need you, a veteran, to support me in the future."

While speaking, he deliberately bit the word "Old Bird" and winked at Maine.

This girl, Maine, almost ran wild. The two pink ponytails behind her were fluttering, and her petite but puffy face was also very cute.

The people present couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

"Anlaan, don't mind, Maine is this kind of character. In fact, if you become a companion, she will care about you." Leona smiled and patted Tazmi on the shoulder.

"Who cares about such a bastard!" Maine was about to run wild again, and finally couldn't help but flee, she was afraid that she would really go crazy if she stayed any longer.

Looking at Maine's back, a smile flashed in Tazmi's eyes.

This girl's personality hasn't changed a bit because of herself, but... it's more interesting and cute.

"Well, let's disband tonight." Nadetta smiled and watched this scene, feeling that Tazmi was quite harmonious, then stood up and walked to Chi Tong.

"Chitong, come and serve as Tazmi's instructor." After saying something to Chitong, Najeta turned to look at Tazmi and said, "Well, you are very powerful to defeat Brand. Strong, but strong strength does not mean strong assassination, assassination is not so simple, you have to follow Chi Tong to learn."

After hearing Najieta's words, Chitong woke up from the silence and sluggishness, and nodded silently.

Tazmi looked at Chi Tong, smiled, and said, "Please advise."

"Yeah." Chi Tong responded very plainly, without a trace of superfluous emotion.

Looking at her, Tazmi suddenly wanted to know how much her identity as Lu Zhuo occupies in her heart, and, moreover, is it the kind of brother she relies on, or... another kind of feeling?

Leonai didn't know that Tazmi and Chitong had their own concerns, so she patted Tazmi on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Come on, young man, I'm optimistic about you. If you can surpass Chitong and become our assassination trump card, It's not impossible for my old lady to promise her with her body."

Saying that, she deliberately rubbed Tazmi's face with her chest.

"..." Nadetta couldn't bear to watch this scene, and the joke was a bit too much, she couldn't help coughing and turned away.

And Leona suddenly felt a little too much, her pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn't say anything, turned and left.

Looking at this scene, Lubbock on the other side suddenly felt a little sitting on wax.

Nima, if it's a joke, it's a little too real!Tazmi the bastard, I hooked up with Miss Leone when I first came here... Woooooo, my ****...

If Leonai knew about his evil thoughts, he would probably just pinch him and kick him like a ball!

(End of this chapter)

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