Chapter 450

A wisp of air bubbles emerged from the water, and then, a clatter sounded, and tuna fish flew out of the water and fell precisely into the baskets on the shore.

Then, Chi Tong gently surfaced, exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest, looked at Tazmi above and said calmly: "Dive into the bottom of the water, hide your breath, wait for the prey to swim by and attack instantly, the key is to be fast and precise. "

"Is that so, I'll try." Tazmi smiled, took off his shirt, jumped lightly, and fell into the water next to Chi Tong, and the splashes slapped on her photo by coincidence A flawless little face.

Although he was prepared, Chi Tong was still choking on his breath by the splash and couldn't help coughing.

At this moment, there was a thumping sound from the water, and the tuna were knocked out and fell into the baskets on the shore with precision.

"It's really good." Chi Tong wiped his nose, got the choked water out, and showed a faint smile at this scene.

At the next moment, she was suddenly grabbed by a hand on her calf and pulled into the water at once.

At this moment, her pupils shrank slightly, and she was a little surprised.

"how come……"

What surprised her was not that Tazmi would attack her, but that when Tazmi attacked her, there was no breath, not even the movement of the water!

You know, she is not a tuna, she is a leader who is proficient in assassination skills, and the ace killer of the revolutionary army!

That is to say, if Tazmi wanted to kill her, she would be dead for the sneak attack just now!

In the water, after Tatsumi pulled Chi Tong down, she let go of her calf, although the soft and slippery feeling made him slightly impulsive.

He looked at Chi Tong who was a little surprised with a smile on his face, and then the two of them surfaced together.


Water splashed out, and two heads came out of the water. Chi Tong had recovered his calm expression, looked at Tazmi and said softly, "Good job."

"Um, do you want me to pull you down again?" Tazmi almost choked on water, did he do well? !

However, Chitong's face was still very flat, and he explained directly: "It's not this, I mean that your breath is hidden very well."

"That's it, then today's training can end early." Tatsumi looked at Chitong with a smile.

Chi Tong suddenly showed a cute expression, and said: "Also, when you attacked me just now, do you need me to slash you?"

"...Let's forget about this." Tatsumi twitched the corner of his mouth and waved his hands weakly.

Immediately afterwards, little stars appeared in Chitong's eyes, looked at Tazmi and said, "Then, as a punishment, you need to cook me a big meal... no, it's two meals..."

Seeing Chi Tong's cute look, and even the corners of his mouth glistening with saliva, Tatsumi wiped the liquid on his head with a face full of shame, whether it was water or sweat.

"Your real purpose is this."


Seeing Chi Tong, who had no plans to admit it, Tazmi was completely powerless to complain.

When the two returned to the shore, Tatsumi put on his clothes in two steps, and then ran to one side, admiring Chitong's clothes while packing up the tuna he caught.

Then, Chitong, who was dressed, walked over silently, and suddenly asked calmly, "Do you like to see me get dressed?"

"..." Facing such a red pupil, Tazmi could only bite the bullet and reply: "Well, this is the reaction of a normal man, you better stop undressing and dressing in front of men..."

"Is that so? I will." Chitong nodded, suddenly with a touch of complexity in her eyes, she looked at Tazmi and said, "Your eyes look like a person."

This sentence made Tatsumi startled, but he didn't show it on his face, but scratched his scalp in doubt.

Seeing Tazmi's confused look, Chi Tong suddenly shook his head and walked away on his own.

Tazmi looked at Chi Tong's back, touched his chin and murmured: A woman's intuition is really scary, it seems that she has to pretend to be more like it.


At the dinner table, Tazmi continued to serve as the chef, and Chitong became a docile handyman again, but when Tazmi wanted to take advantage of it, Chitong would always silently pick up a small Fruit Knife looked at Tatsumi cutely, so Tatsumi could only smile awkwardly.

Because of this, Chitong's doubts during the day were dispelled.Because in her impression, if she were replaced by that person, she might not try like this, but would use force.

Because that person, if he wants to get it, he must get it, even if it is a strong method.And what he doesn't want to get, but he won't try anything.

After hearing Chitong's report, Najieta had a trace of vigilance in her eyes, looked at Tazmi who served the last dish, and asked calmly: "I heard that your method of concealing breath is better than Chitong's." Hitomi is stronger?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Tazmi nodded directly, this was done by himself, anyway, it has been exposed, and it is meaningless to deny it.

Najeta frowned at Tazmi and said, "So, how did you do it!"

"That person taught me." Tatsumi pushed it to his body neatly, and said he didn't know anything else.

And Najieta became more and more confused. After all, in her eyes, Lu Zhuo, the emperor teacher, was really a gathering point of doubts and confusion, and she was almost completely invisible.

Even the ministers, Estes, and even General Budde, she can understand their thoughts, but Lu Zhuo, the emperor's teacher, is completely at a loss.

In the end, Nadetta gave up her research on this issue, turned her head to look at Leone and asked, "Then, Leone, let me hear your report."

Leonai put away her playful smile, and said solemnly, "Okay."

"The target is a man named Oja from the Imperial City Guard, and an oil dealer named Jamel..."

When it comes to the woman who issued the mission, who sold her body in exchange for money, she exuded an obvious murderous intent.

Even Najeta had a cold light flashing in her eyes.

Only Chi Tong, who was on the side, may or may not have heard it, continued to savor the delicacies on the table, without any murderous intentions leaking out.

This is Chi Tong, she is already numb to this kind of thing, she only knows how to keep doing tasks and constantly execute heavenly punishment on bad guys.

After listening, Najieta asked quietly, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, guilty." Leone nodded.

"Then, this mission, Night Raid, has been accepted. But..." Najieta suddenly turned her head to look at Tazmi, and asked, "Are you willing to do this mission?"

"Of course, didn't I join you? And those two guys are indeed damned!" Tazmi showed the appearance of angry youth at the right time.

Seeing this, Najeta thought for a while, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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