Chapter 451 Oja and Seleu

Chi Tong on the side was full, drinking the last sweet soup, Anya asked: "Will you not wait for Maine and the others to come back?"

"No need, your strength is enough to do it."

"Okay." Chi Tong nodded.

Leonai on the side suddenly patted Tazmi on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "That guy Oja is a member of the imperial guard, and he will only appear near the palace, where the most heavily guarded, the wanted red pupil can't Go, only the two of us can go!"

"No, Leone, you and Chitong are in the same group, Oja handed it over to Tazmi." Najeta suddenly interrupted Leone's words, turned to look at Tazmi, and asked calmly, "No problem."

"of course not."


Just after Chitong and Tazmi were on the road, Leonai, who was the last to leave, stood helplessly behind Najta and said, "Really, we still need to test it out."

Then, without waiting for Nadetta to respond, Leona caught up with Chi Tong.

And Najieta quietly looked at the backs of several people, rubbed her sore forehead, and continued to sit there thinking.


"Oujia, the captain of the Imperial Capital Guard." Lu Zhuo sat there calmly, looking at Oujia who looked fierce but cautious, standing in front of him like walking on eggshells.

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Looking at Oujia calmly, Lu Zhuo suddenly asked: "Is there a team member named Sai Liu and Ubiquitas under your command?"

Oujia raised his head strangely, but lowered his head abruptly. Although he wondered why Lu Zhuo knew Sai Liu, he naturally didn't dare to ask anything.

"Yes, sir, by the way, she is an imperial envoy."

To add one more sentence, Oujia seems to have found the answer, after all Tegu envoys are very rare, it is not surprising that Lu Zhuo knows and pays attention.

"So, what happened to her parents?" Lu Zhuo suddenly looked at Ou Jia and asked coldly.

He remembered that in the original book, Seleu, a girl who was supposed to be innocent and lovely, became extremely paranoid and terrifying, and she was crazy in her heart because of the death of Seleu's parents and the death of Oja in front of her.

Oujia was stunned, he didn't know why Lu Zhuo asked this question, but he didn't dare not answer or tell lies.Because he felt an extremely terrifying aura like an ancient beast pressing on his body, making his body tremble a little.

"My lord, she has great potential, but the bond in her heart is too deep, she must be erased and given the target of hatred, so that she can grow..."

"So, her family was killed by the night raid?"


"Then, you were also killed by the night attack." Lu Zhuo looked at Oujia calmly, and said something that made Oujia stunned.

The next moment, Ouja felt as if he was flying, and then saw a headless body standing there without spurting blood.

After burying Oujia, Lu Zhuo stood up, took his head away casually, then shook his head and said, "So the truth is like this, but Sai Liu is still needed to send Hill away from the night attack, let's not do anything to her for now. "


During the night attack, Tazmi stood there with a smile on his face, he completed the task, Leone and Chitong, including Najeta, were not surprised.

The strength that can defeat Brand, coupled with the concealment ability stronger than Chi Tong, can't kill an Oja.

The main thing is that Najeta was worried that Tazmi would have something to do with the Empire, and now that Tazmi killed a garrison captain, she was relieved.

After all, it was inexplicable to give up a garrison captain in order to attack a spy at night.

What's more, Oja is said to be in contact with the minister, so it is more certain that there is no problem with Tazmi's identity.

"Chi Tong, how did I do? But I didn't alarm anyone." Tazmi looked at Chi Tong beside him with a smile.

Chitong replied very coldly, "Very good."

"Hey, can you stop talking so coldly, and show your enthusiasm when I'm cooking?!" Tazmi looked at Chitong with black lines.

The next moment, Chi Tong looked at Tazmi with saliva, and instantly became very enthusiastic.

"Are you going to cook again?"


Leone, who was beside him, bent down with a smile, and couldn't help but pat Tazmi's shoulder hard, "You guy, let's be a cook honestly, our little red pupil is the most difficult goddess to chase after. How about you come after me?"

"..." Chitong looked at Leonai cutely, and suddenly pulled out Teigu Hachifang, and asked cutely: "Leonai, do you want to be chopped?"

"Oh, Chitong, are you protecting your things? So you two..." Leona took the opportunity to laugh, showing a look you know, and then flashed across Chitong's eight rooms, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. trace.

Najieta also looked at Tazmi with a smile, "Tazmi, if you want to pursue Chitong, you have to be able to bear her heart."

After finishing speaking, she also turned and left, leaving Chitong and Tazmi standing in the hall.

Chitong put the Teigu back, and suddenly felt a little awkward atmosphere.Just when she was about to turn around and leave, Tatsumi suddenly stopped her and stood in front of her.

"Red pupil."

Tatsumi's voice had a hint of gentle magnetism. His eyes, looking at Chitong tenderly, made Chitong's heart tremble inexplicably, and he was a little flustered, unable to maintain that indifferent expression.

"I like you, can you let me be your other half?" Tazmi confessed softly, making Chitong's heart tremble again.

"No... I can't." There was a trace of pain in Chi Tong's eyes.

"Why?" Tatsumi asked softly, wanting to reach out to touch her hair, but Chitong took a step back and avoided his hand.

"Because I have someone else in my heart." Chi Tong regained her composure and pressed her pain into her heart.At the same time, she whispered painfully in her heart, is she still qualified to be loved by others?
Looking at Chi Tong who turned and left, Tazmi said softly: "Chi Tong, I will not give up, I will let my figure enter your heart."

Hearing this sentence, Chi Tong trembled inexplicably, and quickened the pace of leaving.

She didn't care about the previous sentence, what made her care was the latter sentence, that sentence, someone else once said to her.

That was Lu Zhuo.

The exact same words, uttered from Tatsumi's mouth, completely disturbed her heart.

Looking at her back, a smile appeared on the corner of Tazmi's mouth. It turns out, Chitong, do you really like me in that identity?
Just when Tazmi felt a little happy in her heart, Najeta suddenly came out, looked at Tazmi, shook her head with a smile, and said, "Are you still so happy when your confession was rejected?"

(End of this chapter)

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