Chapter 462 Seleu's Justice

Seeing everyone kneeling down, Lu Zhuo shook his head, walked up to Sai Liu who was the only one who didn't kneel down, and suddenly asked, "What is justice?"

"Justice? Justice is..." Sai Liu responded subconsciously, but suddenly woke up and found that she did not have a clear definition of justice, so she could not answer this question now.

Seeing Sai Liu's appearance, Lu Zhuo nodded lightly, and said, "You, go to my Imperial Master's Mansion."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo stopped immediately, and his whole body was enveloped in a burst of light, and disappeared immediately, leaving only Sai Liu who continued to be in a daze.


Back at the Imperial Master's Mansion, Lu Zhuo directly threw Hill on his back onto his big bed, and then sat aside in a daze.

"Wow, the master brought back another beautiful woman."


Lu Zhuo looked at Xue'er a little depressed, why every time this girl's first words made him have the urge to vomit blood, what does it mean to bring back another beautiful woman?
Co-authored himself to become a bandit on the mountain? !
"Come here and squeeze my shoulders, I'm thinking about something."

Beckoning to Xue'er, Lu Zhuo slowly closed his eyes.

Xue'er smiled sweetly, walked over obediently, stretched out her jade hand, and gently kneaded Lu Zhuo's shoulder.At this time, Hill beside him woke up slowly.

"Oh? Where is this? Am I dead?"

She covered her forehead, got up slowly, but took off her glasses all at once.

"Oops, my glasses!"

In a panic, Hill quickly knelt on the bed and groped around.

Seeing her like this, Xue'er couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Haha! Master, this girl is so interesting!"

"It's interesting, that's why I brought her back, but you need to take care of her. Well, take care of her as a pet."

Lu Zhuo opened his eyes, looked at Hill who was naturally dumbfounded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After groping for a while, Hill finally found her own glasses. After putting them on, she looked at Lu Zhuo and Xue'er beside her, suddenly came to her senses, and bowed to them.

"You guys saved me, thank you."

"It was saved by the master, and it has nothing to do with me." Xue'er made a face, but suddenly saw Hill squatting down in a panic, and it turned out that her glasses had fallen off again.


This time even Lu Zhuo laughed along with him.

Hill found the dropped glasses again, his face was a little red, he looked at Lu Zhuo embarrassedly, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid."

"Well, it's better to be stupid, I like you who are stupid." Lu Zhuo smiled lightly and looked at Hill, "Okay, don't even think about going back to night raids, just stay with me first."

"Oh? Why, where is this place!" Hill stared blankly at Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "This is the imperial palace, the Emperor's Mansion."

" are the emperor's teacher?!" Hill looked at Lu Zhuo with a look of surprise in his eyes, but then he was a little stunned, "No wonder I killed someone, and you can let me go..."

Having said that, Hill suddenly paused and let out an exclamation.

"Ah! No, I am the Revolutionary Army. Aren't we enemies? Then have I been imprisoned by you?"


Seeing Hill's 'smart' look, Lu Zhuo and Xue'er looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

The next moment, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand and wiped his face lightly, changed into Tazmi's appearance, looked at Hill, and said, "We are not enemies."


Hill felt that her brain, which seemed to be the size of a spoon, was no longer enough.

Lu Zhuo also felt that it might be very difficult and arduous to explain clearly to her, so he directly threw Hill to Xue'er.

Then, he walked out of the room and came into the hall.

In the hall at this time, there was an orange-haired girl with frowning furrowed and silver teeth gritted, standing here.

Her two arms were gone, and her body was still stained with blood, but she didn't even have time to bandage the wound for Lu Zhuo, the emperor's master.

"Why, Master Emperor wants to save those evil people?"

As soon as Lu Zhuo appeared, she immediately asked Lu Zhuo questions. She didn't feel that she was a small member of the security team and the other party was the emperor who controlled the empire.

"Why do you think they are evil?" Lu Zhuo asked with a chuckle.

Sai Liu gritted his teeth and said: "The members of the night raid, wanton killing, is naturally evil."

"What if the people they killed were evil?"

"No matter what, they killed people!" Sai Liu looked at Lu Zhuo stubbornly, as if he believed that the night attack was evil, not only her paranoia, but also her hatred.

Father and master Oka died in the hands of Ye Raid, that hatred.

Hearing Sai Liu's words, Lu Zhuo smiled lightly and said, "Then, if you killed the night raiders, no matter what they were, you killed people, so can I think that you are evil?"


Sai Liu's expression suddenly froze, and his mind couldn't turn around for a while.

Seeing her appearance, Lu Zhuo sighed slightly in his heart. He has been very confused about this girl, Sai Liu, and he doesn't know whether to hate or pity her.

The next moment, Lu Zhuo suddenly walked up to Sai Liu, stretched out his hand, and tapped her forehead.

"This is the truth of everything, see for yourself."

Lu Zhuo directly threw to her the memory of her father's death, obtained from Oka.


After reading that memory, Sai Liu's face showed shock, bewilderment, and anger, and all kinds of expressions were tangled together, which was a kind of complexity that could not be resolved.

It was as if the light of justice in her heart, the thread that held her heart, was directly broken!
"It turned out to be like this..."

"That's it." Lu Zhuo nodded lightly, then looked at Sai Liu, and suddenly said: "It's the same question as before, what is justice?"

"Justice... The justice in my heart is justice..." This was originally the answer that Seleu had prepared, but at the moment she said it, her voice trembled, without a firm tone.

Seeing her distraught look, Lu Zhuo shook his head and said, "Wrong, my justice is justice!"

"I am the imperial teacher of the empire. My every move represents the entire empire and the supreme power in the world. If I say evil, it is evil. If I say justice, it is justice. Therefore, my justice is justice!"

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo looked at Sai Liu and said lightly: "Then, are you willing to abide by my justice?"

This is an opportunity Lu Zhuo gave Sai Liu. If she is willing, Lu Zhuo will help her get rid of her tragic fate. If she is not willing, then Lu Zhuo will not care about it. She will definitely die in Ma Yin next time. hands.


Sai Liu felt a little trembling in her heart. At this moment, she realized that the person in front of her was the Emperor!Is the teacher of the emperor, the person who instructs the emperor how to manage the empire!
In other words, he is such an existence as the Regent!

In the end, Sai Liu knelt down on one knee towards Lu Zhuo, not knowing whether it was in the face of power, or longing for justice, or the broken thread in his heart, wanting to reconnect.

"The justice of your lord is the justice of Seleu..."

(End of this chapter)

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