Chapter 463 The Return of Esdes
"it is good."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth, no matter what you did in the original book, this you is not that you after all.

He looked at Seleu in front of him, stretched out his hand gently, and patted her on the forehead.

A golden light instantly enveloped Seleu's body.

Click click!
All the metal in Sai Liu's body, the transformed body, was completely abolished by Lu Zhuo directly, and a normal body was reshaped for her.

Her arms, also at a speed visible to the naked eye, grew frantically with bones, flesh and blood.

Feeling everything in his body, Seleu's eyes were full of shock and awe.

This is the power of an's like a god...

In the end, the golden light on her body dissipated, and she regained her normal body, and because of Lu Zhuo's power mixed in, this body was also extremely powerful, and even this body alone was able to resist hundreds of berserkers in a berserk state. arm giant.

At this moment, she completely surrendered to Lu Zhuo, gave her strength, gave her justice, and allowed her to carry out her own heart. Lu Zhuo is the adult she always obeys in her heart. No matter what Lu Zhuo does, it is justice!


At this moment, an earth-shattering roar suddenly resounded through the entire Emperor Shifu, causing a trace of anger to flash across Sai Liu's face.

"Who is so rude and offends the adults!"

As she said that, she ran out to teach others a lesson.

Lu Zhuo frowned, and suddenly showed a helpless expression, saying: "Sai Liu, step back."

"Huh? Yes."

Sai Liu was a little surprised, why Lu Zhuo was not only not angry, but showed such an expression, but she still responded respectfully.

Then, when Lu Zhuo walked out of the room, he heard a chuckle coming from the sky.

"Master Emperor, I'm back, come and fight with me!"

The corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched, and he raised his head to look at Esdeth standing on the head of a giant dragon in the sky.

"I said, can you stop making such a big noise as soon as you come back, and come to fight me directly, can you be a little more crazy?"

"Hehe, who told you to lie to me, there is no strong man in the north at all."

Estes raised the corner of his mouth and showed a passionate smile, "It seems that only you can make me excited."


This sentence was so ambiguous that Lu Zhuo almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

At this moment, a sharp neighing, with an air of arrogance to all things, suddenly erupted from the side of the courtyard.

The roaring sub-dragon in the sky, which was baring its teeth and waving its claws, staggered suddenly, and almost fell directly from the sky.

Even if he didn't fall, his body trembled and he couldn't keep flying, so he slowly fell to the ground.


Estes gasped in surprise, looking at the thing that neighed and made his mount tremble in fright. It was a golden bird that she had never seen before.

"What is this? A dangerous species?"

She looked at the phoenix that exuded a noble and majestic aura from top to bottom, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, and said, "A species that I have never seen before."

"You are the dangerous species, and your whole family is a dangerous species!"

The phoenix almost exploded with anger. Ever since it came to this world, no matter who saw it, they would ask if it was a dangerous species. How can the noble phoenix be compared to those ordinary beasts in this world? !

Seeing Fenghuang speak suddenly, Esdesi was startled, but then there was a look of incomparable interest on his face.

"It's so interesting that it can still talk. It looks like I need to dissect it to study it."

"you sure?"

Lu Zhuo rubbed his forehead helplessly, and said, "I'll tell you first, it's very powerful."

"Strong, I like it!"

Estes' eyes suddenly lit up. She didn't think this palm-sized bird was so powerful, but she just thought it was a bit magical. Now that she heard Lu Zhuo's words, she even became interested in fighting .

Then, without saying a word, I saw Esdesi wave his jade hand, and a piece of icy ice flew past with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, heading straight for Phoenix.

The phoenix glanced at Esdeth lightly, flapped its wings lightly, and its body suddenly became the size of a normal person, and then it just chirped softly, and a golden flame suddenly burst out from its body .

As soon as Esdeth's ice came into contact with the flames, it was instantly incinerated!

"Ice that can burn me!"

Esdeth's beautiful eyes flashed, but there was no trace of fear, instead she became more excited, and even stuck out her tongue, licking her lips lightly.

If you don't know that she is Estes, you will definitely feel that this action is very attractive.

A powerful aura suddenly rose from Esdeth's body, as if it had touched a certain layer of diaphragm, which shocked the world!
Looking at this scene, Lu Zhuo's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of surprise.

"Half-holy grade!"

A trip to the north actually raised Esdesh's power to the semi-holy level!One step further, it is the real holy level!
The ice cubes splashed everywhere, and the Frozen Throne suddenly rose under Esdeath's feet, lifting her to a high altitude, overlooking the phoenix below.

"Hehe, little bird, you are so strong, you are worthy of my hunting!"

"Hunting your uncle!"

Phoenix almost exploded, but it couldn't figure out where this crazy woman came from.

This time, feeling the semi-holy aura of Esdeth, Phoenix no longer kept it, and directly used the power of the holy level.


The color of the world changed, and a huge will of the world was suppressed in an instant, and no external holy power was allowed to appear!

Seeing this scene, the corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched.

This is my Imperial Master's Mansion!

"Save me, both of you!"

With an angry shout, Lu Zhuo slammed his hands in two directions, and a burst of space power burst forth, instantly sending Esdesh to his holy world.

The phoenix can resist this teleportation power, but knowing that it is Lu Zhuo's power, it will naturally not take the initiative to resist, otherwise the will of the world will run wild later, and it will not be able to hold it back.

Lu Zhuo also took a step forward and returned to the holy world.

"Okay, you can fight whatever you want here."

Looking at Esdeth with surprise in his eyes, Lu Zhuo shrugged helplessly.

Estes looked around, seeing the completely different scenery and the feeling that made her extremely strange, her eyes shone with surprise.

"This is the power of space transmission..."

However, what happened next interrupted her thinking in an instant. In front of her, Fenghuang looked at her with displeasure, and the golden flames on his body flew up and down, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Okay! Let's hunt you first!"

"This divine bird is not a prey!"

(End of this chapter)

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