Chapter 464 The Love of Esdes

After a big battle, no matter how against the heavens, Esdesi was unable to cross the gap between the semi-holy and the holy level. After all, he was unable to defeat the Phoenix, but was tortured.

But then, Fenghuang was abused by Lu Zhuo.

Estes also clearly felt Lu Zhuo's strength.

In the past, she was too weak to feel how powerful Lu Zhuo was, just like a frog in a well, unable to see the outside world.

But now, she has reached the semi-holy level, even if she is only a semi-holy, she has a holy word on her, and the world she can see has expanded too much.

Finally, Lu Zhuo patted the extremely depressed Phoenix on the head, and said, "From now on, you can be her training partner."

"...too bullying the bird!" Phoenix could only complain silently, and it was powerless to resist Lu Zhuo's overbearing.

Taking this opportunity to get rid of the endless challenges of Estes, Lu Zhuo also became in a good mood, and on the other hand, Tazmi naturally became very happy.


Everyone who attacked at night was very surprised after knowing what happened to Ma Yin and Hill.

Although some people proposed to go to the Emperor's Mansion to rescue Hill, who they thought was imprisoned by Lu Zhuo, but Najieta, Brand, who knew Lu Zhuo's horror, and Ma Yin, who knew Lu Zhuo's identity, were against it. .

In the end, this matter can only be put aside for the first time.

In Ma Yin's room, this girl didn't even look at Tazmi, she turned her little head to the side, sullen.

"Hey, why are you angry, Maine?"

Tatsumi looked at Ma Yin helplessly, sat beside her, and gently hugged her fragrant shoulders.

Ma Yin pouted, pushed his arm away, and snorted, "Don't touch me! You showed up so late, you scared people, do you know? Also, you brought Hill to the Imperial Master's Mansion, didn't you?" did something evil."

"What evil thing?"

"It's just..." Ma Yin's small face was instantly flushed with two blushes, and her appearance became very cute.

She gave Tazmi a white look with some anger, pouted her lips and said, "You're dead! Don't think I'll talk to you anymore!"

"Well, as long as I care about you."

Tatsumi looked at Ma Yin with a smile on his face, and felt that she was very cute, so he suddenly reached out and hugged her.

Ma Yin blushed, but did not resist, and finally said something suddenly.

"That, thank you. Otherwise, Hill might really die."

"Well, you're welcome, with me here, you'll be safe, because this is just a game." Tatsumi gently touched Ma Yin's long pink hair, and then gently kissed her pink lips.


The palace hall was filled with joy.

Because Esdeth returned from his conquest of foreign nations in the north.

"General Esdes, it's a great achievement this time. I have prepared [-] taels of gold for you." The little emperor sat on the throne and looked at Esdes with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, please pass this gold to the soldiers guarding the north so that they can have fun with me."

Esdes smiled and bowed, then her beautiful eyes flashed, and she suddenly said, "Your Majesty, in fact, this time, I want something special."

"Oh? What's the special thing, Estes, if you mention it, His Majesty will definitely agree."

While tearing the meat roll, Ornest looked at Esdeth with a smile, thinking that when Esdeth came back, the group of little thieves who attacked at night would definitely not be able to make trouble again.

"Your Majesty, I want to have a relationship."


Estes' words almost made the jaws of the little emperor and Ernest drop.

After being embarrassed for a while, the little emperor responded: "Then, does General Esdes have a crush?"


"Oh? Let's see, who is the handsome young man who can be favored by General Esders." Ernest looked at Esders with a smile.

With a smile on the corner of Esdeth's mouth, he said softly, "It's Master Emperor."

Ernest sprayed the meat roll out of his mouth, coughing non-stop.

The little emperor also looked at Esdes with a strange expression, and said, "This, I'm afraid I can't decide for you..."

The little emperor, who knew Lu Zhuo's identity, also knew that Esdesh was a pawn in Lu Zhuo's game. She didn't think that Esdesh, an overly strong woman, could make Lu Zhuo's heart flutter.

"Ahem, Estes, can you not mess with me?"

At this moment, Lu Zhuo's voice suddenly appeared and echoed in the hall.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo's figure slowly walked out from behind the little emperor.

"elder brother."

The little emperor glanced at Lu Zhuo with a smile, and then continued to look at Estes below.

Lu Zhuo looked at Esdeth with some headaches. Although this woman is first-class in terms of demeanor and appearance, the problem is that she is a bit too strong!
Moreover, now that she has semi-holy power, if Lu Zhuo is completely undefended, she will be able to hurt Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo didn't want to wake up in bed one day and find out that he had been dissected...

Looking at Lu Zhuo, Esdeth suddenly showed a strong smile and said, "My lord, you owe me a condition."


Lu Zhuo thought for a while, it seems that when he asked Estes to go to the north, he said that he could promise her something when he came back, but even he himself couldn't remember clearly.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Lu Zhuo looked at Esdesh and said, "You really mean that?"

"That's what I mean!"

Estes said decisively, looking at Lu Zhuo without showing any weakness.

After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo said, "All right, that's it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo dodged and disappeared.

If she doesn't agree to Esdes, what kind of trouble will she have?

Esdes was already very scary, and she was still a woman, so a female in estrus would be extremely scary, and it might even be possible to blow up the capital with a super ice meteorite.

Lu Zhuo didn't want to see that kind of situation...

Now that you have agreed, enjoy it. It seems that Esdes in love looks like a normal girl instead.


"Go shopping!" Estes pulled Lu Zhuo's arm forcefully and dragged him out of the Imperial Master's Mansion.

Lu Zhuo said helplessly: "Hey, I don't want to go! Besides, you don't seem to be interested in things like shopping!"

"That's also true... But I've specifically understood that when you fall in love, you need to go shopping." Esdes thought for a moment, and suddenly took out a small notebook to record some unknown things.

The corner of Lu Zhuo's mouth twitched, and he said, "Let's go camping, don't go shopping, I'll hunt some delicious dangerous species with you."

"Alas! That's a good idea!"

Estes smiled happily, and suddenly kissed Lu Zhuo on the face.


Lu Zhuo's expression didn't change at all, he looked at Esdesh.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong? Remember that's how couples should look like this." Esthers looked at Lu Zhuo with a thoughtful expression.

"No, nothing wrong."


(End of this chapter)

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