Chapter 471 Goodbye Chelsea

Just as Chi Tong frowned, with a somewhat flustered look in his eyes, constantly thinking and guessing, and constantly denying, a chuckle suddenly came from above.

"Hehehe, what a powerful force, is this my new partner?"

The next moment, a girl with long orange-red hair and a headset jumped down, walked straight to Tazmi, and gave him a circle with great interest.

"You are Tatsumi, my name is Chelsea, please take care of me!"


All of them had black lines on their foreheads, and looked at the girl Chelsea who suddenly appeared inexplicably. Then, they all raised their brows and looked at the two figures that fell again from the sky.

One is Najeta, and the other is an unknown figure, Susano Toigu.

"It looks like the base has been attacked, but you have already solved it." Najeta looked at the people around, and saw that there were no casualties, she smiled suddenly, and then pointed at Chelsea and introduced: "This is the Erqian, it's the new recruit I brought from the Revolutionary Army headquarters, that one... is the man of Tegu Susano..."


There was a trace of scrutiny in Chi Tong's eyes. Looking at Chelsea, she didn't recognize weak people very much, but she didn't feel any strong breath in Chelsea.

However, at the next moment, her eyes instantly became cute, and she took a lollipop from Chelsea, nodded and said, "Well, you are a partner now!"

Chelsea smiled and stood behind Chi Tong, gently grabbed Chi Tong's long black hair and rubbed it, while Chi Tong was standing there dumbly eating a lollipop.

In fact, the two had an intersection before, Chi Tong 'killed' Taeko, Chelsea's senior sister, but for them now, no matter what happened before, they can let it go, because... now they are companion.

Moreover, the consciousness between the two is also quite high.

"...Chitong was bought so easily..." Leone, who looked at this scene, suddenly froze and complained helplessly.

"Hehe, I'm Tatsumi, please take care of me."

Tatsumi looked at Chelsea with a smile. Since the last time they separated, he hadn't seen her again. This reunion, he won't let go again. Of course he won't look at her, Chelsea girl, Die as miserable as the original.

Just when Tazmi was about to shake hands with Chelsea to show friendship, a girl with long pink hair suddenly jumped between the two and glared at Chelsea fiercely.

"Hey, don't get too close to Tazmi!"

Looking at Maine, who was very vigilant, as if looking at some kind of enemy, the smile at the corner of Tazmi's mouth gradually filled his entire face.

Chelsea looked at Ma Yin in surprise, then chuckled, smacked her mouth, took out the lollipop in her mouth, and said with a smile: "Hey, are you Tazmi's girlfriend? Such a small, flat-chested man will be admired?"

Hearing this sentence, Ma Yin almost exploded with anger, the long pink hair on her back was about to stand on end, she gritted her teeth and stared at Chelsea, she was so angry that she couldn't speak.


Seeing this, Tazmi almost couldn't help laughing out loud. To prevent Ma Yin from erupting, he managed to hold back, coughed, and said, "Mmm, Ma Yin is actually quite cute."

"Tsk tsk, it's so cute!"

Chelsea smirked, emphasizing the word "cute" on purpose, and glanced provocatively at Ma Yin's small breasts, while at the same time she straightened her breasts, which were not too big, but they were just right.

"Ah, bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Finally, Ma Yin felt that she couldn't take it anymore, and was about to take out Teigu to shoot Chelsea, but Tatsumi reached out helplessly and hugged her directly.

Looking at Main who was still struggling, Tazmi said helplessly.

"Okay, stop making trouble, Chelsea, don't provoke her when you first come here."

However, Tazmi's words did not have any effect. Maine still struggled hard, and she wanted to fight with Chelsea desperately.

Chelsea, on the other hand, looked like you came to beat me, smiled happily, and looked extremely cute.


A faint cold drink came, which was countless times more effective than Tazmi's words.

Chelsea and Maine immediately stopped teasing and making noise, and looked in Nadetta's direction obediently.

Seeing this scene, Tazmi shook his head helplessly, and found that his prestige was not as good as Najeta's. It seemed that he needed to increase his prestige during the night attack.

With a hint of surprise in Leone's eyes, he walked to the huge bream-like thing that landed behind.

"This is a giant super-flying dangerous species, air ray."

"Yes, it is a super dangerous species domesticated by the headquarters."

Najieta nodded, showing a proud smile. If you want to kill such a super dangerous species, maybe Leone and others can do it relatively easily, but it is countless times more difficult to tame it.

The next moment, Najieta jumped onto the back of the air ray lightly, and said to the others: "Come up, the location of the base is exposed, we need to change to a new base."

When Maine and Lubbock heard this sentence, they instantly showed a disheveled look, and looked at the empty ray that was about to take off with an ugly expression.

"Want to... ride this thing?"

Tazmi, who was standing beside Ma Yin, heard Ma Yin's trembling voice, and suddenly thought that Ma Yin is a girl who is afraid of heights, so she smiled lightly, reached out and touched her small head, and said, "Don't Afraid, there is me."

Saying that, Tazmi ignored Lubbock's jealous and dying gaze, and directly a princess hugged Maine up, and then jumped onto Kong Xun's back all of a sudden.

"Hey, don't show your love like this, it makes people feel sour."

Watching this scene, Leone couldn't help laughing, with a playful look in his eyes.

Chi Tong, on the other hand, was eating a lollipop in a cute manner. He didn't care about anything else, so he followed directly behind.

Chelsea looked at this scene with a light smile, smacked her mouth, and thought about how to play tricks on the young couple Ma Yin and Tazmi.


In a desolate place far away from the imperial capital, countless powerful dangerous species flew through the sky, and dangerous auras emanated from the steep mountain peaks.

The super dangerous species of air ray stopped on a flat ground. Najieta jumped to the ground with her hands behind her back, looked around, and said: "The dangerous species that inhabit this Magu highland are of high level and are not suitable for human beings." A secret place to live in. Because of this, it is an ideal place for us to lurk."

"So, before the new base is built, let's live here and practice."

(End of this chapter)

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