Chapter 472 The Covenant
Listening to Najeta's words, everyone nodded. Najeta listened to the reports from Chitong and Leone, and suddenly looked at Chitong and Tazmi in surprise.

She was amazed that Tazmi and Chi Tong's strength had improved so quickly, but she was happy about it.

She has always had a headache because of the perverted and powerful woman Esdes, as well as her eponymous General Bude, and the extremely mysterious figure of Emperor Lu Zhuo.

If Tazmi and Chi Tong can grow into a level that can fight against them, then the revolutionary army's hope of success will naturally increase greatly.

"Hee hee, it turns out that Tazmi and Chi Tong are both so powerful, it looks like you two are a good match." Chelsea suddenly ran over with a smile on her face, looking at Taz with a smile. Mi and Chi Tong, then glanced at Maine with a playful look, and said, "As for someone, it's not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it."

"Che... Er... Qian!"

Maine gritted her teeth, shouted at Chelsea word by word, and took out her Teiko romantic fort, and she was about to smash this fellow Chelsea into scum with one shot.

When Chi Tong heard Chelsea's words, her face suddenly turned red inexplicably, showing a cute expression, "I have nothing to do with Tazmi."


Tazmi glanced at Chi Tong speechlessly. The explanation of this sentence makes people feel more like it is related.

But speaking of it, Tazmi also feels that the relationship between himself and Chitong has become too close, but he doesn't know which of the two identities of himself and Lu Zhuo is more in Chitong's heart. heavier.

After shaking his head, Tazmi reluctantly stopped Maine, who was about to go mad, looking at Chelsea, a playful smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said, "Why is Chelsea paying so much attention to me? …”

"Eh..." Chelsea was teased for a moment, and her pretty face blushed a little. Looking at Tazmi's smiling face, she inexplicably thought of another figure, which was the seed Lu Zhuo left in her heart .

"Don't be narcissistic, people just think you are more fun."

Chelsea forcibly defended, and turned her head with a bulging face.

Seeing this, Tatsumi couldn't help laughing, and suddenly leaned forward, almost touching Chelsea's body, and the hot breath he exhaled hit Chelsea's cheeks, making her tremble slightly.


"When...of course...hey! Don't get so close!"

Chelsea, who had reacted, suddenly pushed Tazmi away in embarrassment, looked at Tazmi angrily, and hummed, "I thought you were a very pure boy, but it turned out that you were with that Rabbi. A guy like K."

Lubbock, who was on the side, wanted to cry without tears. He was also shot when he was lying down. Has it all been passed to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army with the question of his own character? !

Leona let out a puff of laughter, the more he laughed, the more he laughed, and while patting Lubbock on the shoulder to comfort him, tears were almost streaming down his cheeks.

Lubbock looked at everyone in despair, covered his eyes and ran away...

Chelsea, on the other hand, blushed a little, looked at Tazmi angrily, and snorted, "You bastard, and that nasty emperor teacher, are both hateful!"


As soon as this sentence was said, not only Tazmi, but Chitong, Najieta and others all turned their heads and stared at Chelsea.

Chelsea was suddenly watched by everyone's eyes, froze for a moment, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What did you say just now? Have you seen the emperor?"

With an inexplicable look in Chitong's eyes, he thought of a lot of things in an instant, and his eyes kept swept across Tazmi's body.

And Najieta looked at Chelsea with a solemn expression, and said: "I heard that Chelsea once carried out the task of assassinating the emperor, but failed. That was the only time she failed. Other tasks, It's all 100% successful."

"Well, that guy from the emperor is purely a bastard, mysterious and terrifying..." Chelsea raised her head slightly, as if thinking of something, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Tazmi on the side looked a little unnatural, but he hid it in an instant and was not noticed by others. He smiled and walked to Chelsea, patted her on the shoulder, and said 'proudly': "I The power of the emperor was also taught to me by the guy from the emperor, but I will definitely surpass him, how about revenge for you?"

Chelsea listened, looked at Tazmi with some contempt, and hummed, "Do you know how terrifying he is? He is the man who made the revolutionary army's army of tens of thousands evaporate with a wave of his hand!"

"So what?" Tatsumi looked at Chelsea with a smile, and suddenly looked at her mysteriously, and said, "Well, let's make a bet, if I can defeat the emperor, how about you marrying me?" Sample?"



Chelsea and Ma Yin shouted in unison, Ma Yin blushed and glared at Tazmi fiercely, but she knew that Tazmi was Lu Zhuo and the emperor's master, this bet was simply a bet that Chelsea would lose !
Tatsumi looked at Ma Yin with some helplessness, and couldn't help sending her a voice transmission: "Hey, Ma Yin, we have agreed not to interfere with my affairs!"

"But, you're talking about other people who attacked at night! Leonai, Chitong...I can bear it, but she can't!" Ma Yin replied bitterly, also under the control of Tazmi sound transmission.

"Hey, but our agreement is that the members of Night Raid can do it. Chelsea is also a member of Night Raid, and... In fact, she has a story with me a long time ago. Like you, I pre-ordered her." of……"

Although these words are a bit shameless, Tatsumi still told Ma Yin like this...

When Ma Yin heard this sentence, she became angry immediately, feeling that she had nothing to refute, she glared at Tazmi sullenly, and then looked at Chelsea viciously.

Chelsea looked at Ma Yin's appearance, and suddenly smiled. Originally, she didn't even think about rejecting it, but now it seems that she thinks that Tazmi surpassed the emperor who made her feel so mysterious and powerful. It's not very sexual, so it's not bad to tease Ma Yin.

As a result, Chelsea, the girl, immediately changed her words, looked at Ma Yin with a playful face, and said with a smile: "Okay, as long as you can defeat that imperial master, you will be the strongest person in the world, even if you are I, too, will love you."

"Well, that's for sure."

There was a smirk in Tazmi's eyes, looking at Chelsea, Chelsea didn't realize that she had sold herself.

On the other hand, Ma Yin felt a little relieved when she saw this scene. She glanced at Chelsea and thought in her heart: You wicked guy, you definitely don't know that you have been sold...

(End of this chapter)

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