Chapter 473

Seeing this scene, Chelsea immediately felt that she was going to faint. It seemed that no matter how she played, she would suffer, so she should hurry up and bring it to the fore...

Thinking of this, Chelsea quickly said: "Yes, that Tazmi not only wants me, but also wants all the girls we attacked at night."

"Is that so...what does it have to do with me?"

Lu Zhuo looked at Chelsea playfully, smiled lightly, stretched out his hand, and brushed lightly over her jade body, making her body tremble continuously, and all the strength in her body gradually disappeared.

"Don't...don't do that."

Chelsea was a little frightened and dodged in a panic. She was really afraid that Lu Zhuo would give her something here, and then she would be completely unable to turn over. This life really belongs to Lu Zhuo.

Of course Lu Zhuo knew this too, but he kept smiling, just stroked with his hands, and didn't make any other movements. Of course he would let Chelsea follow him wholeheartedly, and only then would she become his woman .

Finally, Lu Zhuo, who had enough advantage and enjoyed enough warm jade, stood up from the spring in satisfaction, with a smirk on his lips, and said, "Okay, let me see where that Tazmi is." Be holy. Chelsea, you are mine, you will never run away!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Chelsea slumped in the spring water, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, her pretty face flushed red, and she slapped the spring water viciously, looking like she was gnashing her teeth.

"Bastard! Damn guy! Pervert... I don't know what will happen to Tazmi. He shouldn't be killed by him, sigh, these two..."

In Chelsea's mind at this time, two figures of Tazmi and Lu Zhuo appeared inexplicably. The two were constantly comparing each other, and Chelsea suddenly felt that she could not decide whether to compare with Lu Zhuo or Tatsumi good……


What a bloody thought!
Those two bastards, it's better to fight and die together!

At this moment, Chelsea, gritted her silver teeth, with two blushing faces on her pretty face, stood in the hot spring water, the water swept across her body, and the heat rose, like a fairy standing in the world, stunning and pretty.


Outside the temporary base of the night raid, there are still silk threads arranged by Lubbock as a means of insight into various dangerous species.

Lu Zhuo didn't deliberately hide himself, his aura, like a ray of light in the dark night, was noticed by everyone when he approached.


In the base, Nadetta's eyes suddenly opened, a flash of surprise flashed, and her expression became tense.

Susanoo beside her trembled inexplicably, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.There was even a hint of awe in the depths of those eyes.

Najeta didn't notice the change in Susanoo's expression, and she immediately walked out nervously.

With slow and steady steps, Lu Zhuo walked step by step towards the small wooden building built by Night Attack as a temporary base. At this moment, the door of the wooden building was suddenly pushed open, and Najieta quickly walked out, seeing Lu Zhuo For a moment, a trace of horror flashed in her eyes.

"It's you?!"

"Well, it's me."

Lu Zhuo replied flatly, and continued to walk towards the small building.

The next moment, a burst of air suddenly sounded, and a fist, with a huge momentum, as if it could crush mountains and rivers with one punch, slammed viciously at Lu Zhuo's chest.

Looking at the fist and its owner, Lu Zhuo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and stretched out his palm casually.

The palm, which seemed to have no power at all, collided lightly with the fist that could blast the air.

With a soft sound, that fist was gently received by Lu Zhuo's palm, and he couldn't even make his fingers vibrate the slightest bit!
"Good... so strong!"

The owner of the fist, Leonai, who had already transformed into a king of beasts with Teigu, showed surprise in his eyes, but then glared at Lu Zhuo viciously.

"You hateful guy, you dared to play with me last time, we're not finished!"

While talking, Leonai slammed another fist fiercely, as if she wanted to punch Lu Zhuo's head into a rotten watermelon.

However, the result was that Lu Zhuo flicked his wrist casually, and she flew upside down, piercing the sky and flying to nowhere.

Anyway, her resilience and vitality are terrible, Lu Zhuo is not worried about her, but continues to look at Najieta on the side.

Najieta looked extremely gloomy. She was not surprised by Lu Zhuo's strength. Of course, Lu Zhuo could easily subdue Leone. She was surprised that this temporary base had only been built for a few days. How did Lu Zhuo find this place!
In her consciousness, Lu Zhuo seemed to be an omnipotent god, as if she knew everything, and she was high above herself, always looking at others with a bird's-eye view.

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to arrest us?"

Najieta looked at Lu Zhuo coldly, and she was ready for a desperate fight in her heart. She didn't think that she could use all her strength to activate Susanoo's unique move, and the two strengths of Chitong Tazmi became very powerful. A powerful partner cannot stop Lu Zhuo alone.

However, Lu Zhuo didn't intend to fight her. Seeing her standing in front of the door, he smiled faintly and said, "I'm just here as a guest. Let's see, Najieta, what you have done to my little red pupils." .”

"A guest...?"

Najieta looked at Lu Zhuo with a bitter voice. At this time, she really felt that she was in a mess, and she was still completely flustered.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm the only one. There's no army of [-], and there's no Esthers, General Budd, and the others. I'm just here as a guest."

Seeing Najieta's appearance, Lu Zhuo smiled calmly, but there was a trace of arrogance and domineering in his eyes.

"However, I am alone. If you really want to take you down, you don't have the slightest resistance."


Hearing this, Nadetta clenched her teeth sharply and shouted sharply, "Do it!"

In an instant, a golden flame descended from the sky, like a fierce sword glow, and the hot breath made people feel as if it could melt the entire earth!
On the other side, Tazmi walked out of the door. Although Lu Zhuo controlled it distractedly, he also let him use a sword light on him.

Afterwards, around Lu Zhuo, countless dense and tough silk threads suddenly flashed countless silver lights and gathered, as if they wanted to bind him into a rice dumpling.

Seeing this series of attacks, Lu Zhuo just shook his head with a chuckle and took a step forward.

His figure seemed to penetrate the space, directly avoiding the all-round blockade of the Lubbock silk thread, and came to Najeta in one step, and with a gentle wave of his hand, knocked her out.

"how is this possible?!"

Lubbock at the side couldn't believe his eyes, even a fly should not be able to fly out of the net he set up, how did Lu Zhuo get out of it? !

However, before he could understand, his body, like Leone, flew straight to the horizon and disappeared...

The next moment, the golden flame came with endless sword light, but Lu Zhuo just turned around and waved his sleeve lightly.

All the flames seemed to be blown out by a gust of wind, and those sword lights were like moths fighting the flames, instantly annihilated!

The attack that attacked everyone at night, in front of Lu Zhuo, was completely vulnerable!
Just took two steps, waved his hand, and the night attack was completely destroyed!
(End of this chapter)

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