Chapter 474 Fetters
Looking at this scene, Chi Tong's eyes trembled, and a kind of shock gushed out again.

She knows how powerful her own flame is. Even the hardest steel, even the O'Hara steel that makes Tegu, can be burned to ashes!

Looking at Chitong, the smile on Lu Zhuo's face became wider, and he said appreciatively, "Very good, Chitong, you have already controlled all the power I gave you."

On the other side, Lu Zhuo waved his sleeves, and like Leone, Tazmi flew directly to the sky.

However, he had a strange feeling in his heart. The first was the dual use of the main body and the avatar, and the second was to blow himself up. This feeling was as strange as it was, but in order not to expose it, it could only be done like this.

Seeing that he and his companions were all vulnerable and defeated by Lu Zhuo so easily, Chitong held Murasame's little hand, trembling slightly.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"I don't do anything, I just... come to see you." Lu Zhuo's eyes suddenly softened, and the chuckle on his face also turned into tenderness.

He took light steps and walked towards Chi Tong.

Chi Tong subconsciously swung his sword at Lu Zhuo again, but Lu Zhuo just flicked his fingers, and Cun Yu screamed and was thrown flying.

Lu Zhuo went directly to Chitong's side, put one hand on her shoulder, and gently touched her small head with the other, whispering in her ear: "Chitong... Heitong misses you very much..."

This sentence made Chi Tong's body tremble violently, his heart was extremely turbulent, and there seemed to be tears flashing in his eyes.

She bit her lip lightly, without saying a word, just looked at Lu Zhuo like that, she knew that she still couldn't resist Lu Zhuo...

Seeing her appearance, Lu Zhuo gently brushed his hand over her head, brushing her long black hair, and continued softly: "I... miss you too."

The trembling in Chi Tong's heart was already revealed. Her little hand couldn't hold Tegu Murayu and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Just when Chitong felt that her heart was about to collapse, and she was about to give up everything to accept Lu Zhuo and Heitong, the figure of Tazmi appeared in her heart.

Just when she was in a turmoil, a figure descended from the sky and fell to the ground, making a roar.

"Your Excellency Chitong, are you alright!"

Susanoo looked at Chitong with an extremely serious expression, and scanned her body, but found no signs of injury, then turned around and looked at Lu Zhuo.

His eyes were already trembling, and his expression was full of respect and admiration, but he happened to be carrying Chi Tong on his back and was not seen by Chi Tong.

At the beginning, Susanoo was easily subdued by Lu Zhuo, suppressed with will, and turned into a humanoid Teigu.

In other words, he surrendered to Lu Zhuo, the god, and was willing to become Teigu. After all, he could live almost forever after becoming Teigu.

"Susano...haha, long time no see."

Looking at Susanoo in front of him, Lu Zhuo greeted lightly.

Then, without waiting for Susano to speak, he slapped Susano off with a slap.Nothing to talk to this guy.

The moment he was knocked into the air, Lu Zhuo gave him a will, temporarily erasing the memory of himself in his mind.

All this is complicated to say, but in fact, it was only in an instant, in the eyes of Chi Tong, Lu Zhuo waved his hand, and Susano was knocked away without any resistance.

"How is it, Chi Tong, would you like to come back?"

Looking at Chitong, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand, placed it in front of her, and extended an invitation to her again with a smile.

However, Chitong gritted her silver teeth, picked up her Teigu again, looked at Lu Zhuo firmly, and said, "There are my partners here...I won't go back!"

"Then, just continue to wait."

Lu Zhuo didn't mind, he smiled and withdrew his hand. At this moment, there was a roar and a burst of golden light shot from the side of the temporary base.

With a flick of his fingers, he shattered the golden light, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed Maine, who was hiding there, and threw it to the horizon.

"Wow! I'm afraid of heights, goddamn bastard!"

Ma Yin screamed and flew out, she gritted her teeth in her heart, knowing that this was acting, but the damned Lu Zhuo actually gave her the same treatment, let her fly in mid-air, trembling all over in fright.

However, when she landed, she was greeted by a soft embrace, Tazmi looked at Maine with a smile, pinched her little nose, and said, "What are you afraid of, I will definitely take it. stay with you."

"Take your head!"

Ma Yin was still a little restless, her pretty face became very pale, and she punched Tazmi's chest fiercely with a pair of pink fists, shouting: "Damn bastard, if there is another time, you will be finished!"

"Okay, there will never be a next time, next time I will fly with you in my arms."

Tatsumi kissed Ma Yin's small face with a smile, and after comforting her, his figure flashed and he quickly walked towards the temporary base.

At this time, in front of the temporary base, Chi Tong firmly held Cun Yu with a firm face, sword after sword, brought golden flames all over the sky, and surrounded Lu Zhuo rumblingly.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Zhuo had a relaxed and calm face with a smile on his face.

Ding Dong!

With a flick of a finger, Chi Tong's Murakami was a little unsteady, and when he pressed down, the golden flames in the sky were instantly extinguished!
This kind of power is simply crushing. Although Chi Tong is firm in his heart, he gradually feels hopeless under this almost crushing power.

However, at this moment, a silver sword light cut into the battlefield like lightning, and slashed towards Lu Zhuo fiercely.

Ding Dong!

There was a crisp sound, and a silver light flashed, and Tazmi appeared there with a determined face, while Lu Zhuo held the sword in Tazmi's hand with both hands, but his body also took a few steps back.

Since it's acting, why can't Tatsumi's identity be completely crushed by Lu Zhuo's identity, then he won't be able to play.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo naturally controlled Tazmi, and with a dodge, he broke away from the pinch of his two fingers, and then he rushed over with continuous sword cuts.

Seeing this scene, Chitong's beautiful eyes flashed, and a glimmer of hope was rekindled. Although Tazmi was also knocked away by Lu Zhuo before, in her opinion, it may be that Tazmi was too careless. Now It seems that although Tazmi is completely at a disadvantage, Lu Zhuo has to fight.

Unlike when Lu Zhuo was fighting with her, with a flick of a finger and a wave of his hand, all her attacks could be wiped out invisible.

"Hey, Chi Tong, help!"

Tazmi kept swinging his sword, and turned back and shouted at Chi Tong.

Chi Tong looked at Tazmi in a daze, and suddenly showed a very faint smile, and then nodded resolutely.

Holding Cun Yu, she leaped to Tatsumi's side, and together with Tazmi, the two of them swung their swords continuously, sending out waves of sword energy and sword light, and killed Lu Zhuo!
(End of this chapter)

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