Chapter 475 Tazmi VS Lu Zhuo
As if the sky and the earth were collapsing, the entire area exploded. Lu Zhuo did not directly annihilate these attacks, but blocked them hard, causing all the power to explode. The mountains under his feet trembled continuously, and countless stones rolled It fell like a landslide!
In the distance, Najieta, Leonai and others who were returning at full speed after being knocked into the air by Lu Zhuo felt a little trembling in their hearts when they saw this scene like a landslide.

This kind of power is too terrifying!

They were all worried about Chitong, and hoped that Chitong could defeat Lu Zhuo. After all, Chitong's assassination success rate was almost 100%. The only failure was the assassination of Najieta, who was persuaded by Najieta.

Shuttle among countless sword glows, two fingers cut through the void, bringing up one after another of illusory, colorful sword glows, Lu Zhuo kept smashing Chitong and Tazmi's attacks.

Gradually, Tazmi's offensive became more and more fierce, and his sword intent became stronger and stronger, until the heart of the sword pierced through the void, and the way of the sword was upright.

"Okay, very good, have you grown to this level?"

Lu Zhuo always had that wicked smile on his mouth, looking at Tazmi in front of him, the sword light in his hand became more and more fierce.

It feels weird to use the power of swordsmanship to fight against yourself, but this kind of weirdness makes the swordsmanship have reached a peak, and Lu Zhuo, who can't move forward, shows signs of growth again !

Overjoyed in his heart, Lu Zhuo simply no longer had too many scruples, and the fight with Tazmi almost collapsed.

However, Tazmi does not have the origin in his body, and the strongest power he can exert is only at the level of the sword. Lu Zhuo can only use the power of the sword to fight against each other.

Chi Tong at the side felt more and more that her power could not be inserted in. Her sword glow and golden flames couldn't even penetrate into the center where the sword glow intersected, and she was killed by Nirvana.

"Tazmi... so strong!"

This was the thought in Chitong's mind. She had long discovered that Tazmi was very strong. Now it seemed that even Lu Zhuo, who made her feel that she would never be able to see his depth, could not easily defeat Tazmi.

The battle between the two also dispelled Chitong's worries. In her opinion, Tatsumi and Lu Zhuo appeared at the same time, and they fought like this, so naturally it couldn't have anything to do with it.

Of course, she never imagined that Tazmi and Lu Zhuo in front of her were actually just one person.

"My God, is this really Tazmi?!"

At this moment, Leone's figure came quickly. Although he was a little embarrassed, he had no injuries, or all his injuries had recovered.

She looked at Tazmi, who was fighting Lu Zhuo inseparably, with shock on her face.

Under the interlacing of the sword lights of the two, a tall and steep mountain collapsed because of this, just like an apple that was slowly peeled with a knife, it became smaller and smaller until the entire mountain disappeared!

At this time, Chitong finally slowly withdrew from the battlefield, because she realized that her power could no longer interfere with Lu Zhuo at all, and this place had become a battlefield between two people, and she could no longer cut into it.

"Chi Tong... It seems that we underestimated this guy Tazmi."

Seeing this scene, Leonai couldn't help but smiled at Chitong, it was definitely a great joy for Ye Raider to have someone to resist Lu Zhuo, the unfathomable emperor!

Just when Chi Tong was about to say something, Najeta and Lubbock also came here, looking at the battle scene in front of them, the landslides and the fissures, and the endless dazzling rays of light kept flashing, both of them were also a little frightened.

"Tazmi was able to fight that person to such an extent... It's really good news for the revolutionary army! Can someone who can't be dealt with finally have a way to deal with it?"

Looking at this scene, Najieta showed a look of joy on her face, not only her, but also the entire revolutionary army, were extremely distressed by Lu Zhuo, a mysterious and powerful imperial teacher.

Even Esdes and General Bude have many countermeasures that may be successful, but Lu Zhuo makes everyone feel that there is no chance of winning.

Now, Tatsumi is able to fight against Lu Zhuo. Although it seems to be at a disadvantage, in Najieta's view, this is the dawn of victory!

As long as Tazmi restrains Lu Zhuo, and they try their best to win Esdes and General Bude in the imperial capital, then no matter how strong Lu Zhuo is alone, it is impossible to fight against the whole world.

Of course, this is her wishful thinking. If she knows that Lu Zhuo and Tazmi are alone, and even if Lu Zhuo fights against the whole world, it is just a matter of waving his hands, she will probably lose her will in despair...

There was a violent explosion, and the figures of Tazmi and Lu Zhuo passed by.

Just when Lu Zhuo was delighted to feel that his sword skills were slowly improving, he suddenly frowned and smiled wryly in his heart.

Forgot her, Esdes!
Esdesh is now a semi-holy-level powerhouse, and she can fully sense the earth-shattering battle between Lu Zhuo and Tazmi. With her speed, she can come here in a short time, and it will become a mess .

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo had no choice but to give up the strange idea of ​​continuing to beat himself...

With a bang, the sword light dissipated all over the sky, and Tazmi's figure fell straight back into the crowd of night raiders, while Lu Zhuo stood there and glanced at everyone indifferently.

"Hey, not bad, not bad. I didn't expect you to be so strong, but Chi Tong, you are still a little weak after getting the power I gave you..."

After saying that, Lu Zhuo took another deep look at Chi Tong, took a step forward and disappeared.

The moment he left, Tazmi gave a wry smile, a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.


Seeing this scene, Leone and the others were all taken aback, and they all gathered around, looking at Tazmi worriedly.

Tazmi swayed naturally, pretending to be unsteady and swaying to the side, Chi Tong reacted very naturally, caught him at once, hugged him gently, There was a worried look on his face.

"Tazmi, are you okay?"

"Cough cough... I'm fine, I can't die."

Tazmi coughed, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again. The acting was on the level of an actor!

"'s my fault that I'm too weak to be of any help..."

Seeing this scene, Chi Tong's small face suddenly showed an expression of self-reproach. She couldn't think of it, in fact, Tazmi was just lying in her arms to get some cheap...

Smelling the faint fragrance on Chi Tong's body, Tazmi's heart swayed, but when he thought that he was now a wounded, he naturally could only make an extremely depressed and bitter expression.

(End of this chapter)

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