
Chapter 16 Ji's Chapter 6

Chapter 16 Ji's No.16

The Ji family will attack Zhuanyu.Ran You and Ji Lu met Confucius and said: "The Ji family will have something to do with Zhuanyu." Confucius said: "Please! Is it a fault? Husband Zhuanyu, the former kings thought that the Eastern Mongolian Lord was in the state. Well, he is the minister of the country. Why do you cut him down?" Ran You said: "The master wants it, but neither of us two ministers want it." Confucius said: "Please! Zhou Ren said: "Chen Li is on the list. Those who can't stop.' If you don't hold on to the danger, and don't support it when you're upside down, how can you use the other side? And you said too much, the tiger's mouth came out of the box, and the tortoise and jade were destroyed in the box. Whose fault is it?"

Ran You said: "Today's husband Zhuanyu is solid but close to fee. If you don't take it now, future generations will worry about it." Confucius said: "Please! The gentleman is sick and the husband says that if you want it, you must say it. Qiu also heard that Those who have a family in a country do not suffer from widowhood but inequality, and do not suffer from poverty but anxiety. There is no poverty in Gaijun, harmony without widowhood, and peace without inclination. If this is the case, people from far away will not accept it, so they will cultivate literature and virtue. Since then, Then it will be at ease. Today, you and Qiu Ye, the husband and wife, are not convinced by people far away, so they can't come; Inside too."

Confucius said: "If the world has the way, then the rites and music will come from the emperor; if the world has no way, then the rites and music will come from the princes. From the princes, it will not be lost for ten generations; since the great officials, it will not be lost for five generations." "Accompanying ministers to carry out the state's orders, the three generations hope that they will not be lost. If there is a way in the world, the government will not be in the hands of the officials. If there is a way in the world, the common people will not discuss it."

Confucius said: "Luzhi went to the public office for five generations, and the government was arrested for the fourth generation. The descendants of the old husband Sanhuan are small."

Confucius said: "Three friends are beneficial, and three friends are detrimental: friends who are straightforward, friends who are understanding, friends who are knowledgeable, are beneficial; friends who are generous, friends who are kind and gentle, friends who are sycophants, and friends who are detrimental."

Confucius said: "There are three joys for those who benefit, and three joys for those who lose. To enjoy festivals and ceremonies, to enjoy the goodness of Taoists, to have many virtuous friends, is beneficial; to enjoy pride, to enjoy lost travel, and to enjoy feasting, which is harmful."

Confucius said: "There are three faults in serving a gentleman: to say what you say is impetuous, to say what you say but not to say it is to be hidden, and to say that you don't see color is called blind."

Confucius said: "A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, the blood qi is not fixed, and the abstinence lies in his sex; when he is strong, the blood qi is strong, and the abstention is in fighting; and when he is old, the blood qi is weakened, the abstinence is in gaining."

Confucius said: "A gentleman has three fears: he fears the destiny, he fears the great man, and he fears the words of the sage. A villain does not know the mandate of heaven and does not fear it. He insults the great man and insults the words of the sage."

Confucius said: "Those who are born knowing are superior; those who learn to know are second; those who learn when they are tired are second. If they are tired and do not learn, the people will be inferior!"

Confucius said: "A gentleman has nine thoughts: to be mindful, to listen to Sicong, to think warmly, to look respectful, to think loyal, to think respectfully, to ask questions, to think hard, to see what is right."

Confucius said: "Seeing the good is like not being able to reach it, and seeing the bad is like exploring soup. I have seen his people, and I have heard his words. I live in seclusion to seek his ambitions, and practice righteousness to achieve his way. I have heard his words, but I have not seen his people. also."

Duke Jing of Qi had a thousand horses, and on the day of his death, the people called him Yan without virtue.Uncle Boyi starved under Shouyang, and the people call it today.What does it mean?

Chen Kang asked Yu Boyu, "Have you heard something different?" Confrontation: "Not yet. Tasting independence, the carp tends to pass the court. Said: "Learning "Poetry"?" Confrontation: "Not yet. ''If you don't study "Poetry", you can't say anything.' He retreated to study "Poetry". In the future, he will be independent again, and he will go to the court. He said: "Learning rituals?" Confronting: "Not yet." If you don’t learn rituals, you can’t stand!’ Li retired to learn rituals. Hearing both of them.” Chen Kang retreated and said happily: “Ask one and get three: hear the Poetry, hear the rituals, and hear that the gentleman is far away and his son is also .”

The wife of a monarch of a state is called Mrs. by the monarch, and the wife calls herself Xiaotong; the people of the country call it Mrs. Jun;

(End of this chapter)

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