
Chapter 19 Chapter 9

Chapter 19 Zizhang No.19

Zizhang said: "When a scholar sees danger and death, he thinks about righteousness when he sees it. When he sacrifices, he thinks about respect. When he mourns, he mourns. That's all."

Zi Zhang said: "If you don't hold on to virtue, and don't believe in faith, how can you be successful? How can you be dead?"

Zixia's disciples asked and handed over to Zizhang.Zi Zhang said: "What do you mean by Zi Xia?" Confrontation: "Zi Xia said: 'Give those who are acceptable, and keep away from those who are not.'" Zi Zhang said: "It is different from what I have heard. Goodness is good but modesty cannot. How can I be tolerated by others if I am a great virtuous person? If I am not a virtuous person, people will distance me, so how can I distance myself from others?"

Zixia said: "Although the way is small, there must be something to be seen; if you go far and fear mud, it is because a gentleman does not do it."

Zixia said: "The sun knows what he is dying, and the moon never forgets what he can do. It can be said that he is eager to learn."

Zixia said: "Learn eruditely and be determined, ask earnestly and think deeply, and benevolence is in it."

Zixia said: "Hundred craftsmen live in places to accomplish their work, and a gentleman learns his way."

Zixia said: "The faults of villains must also be written."

Zixia said: "A gentleman has three changes: look at it like a man, even if he is warm, and listen to his words, he is tough."

Zixia said: "A gentleman believes and then works for his people. If he does not believe, he thinks he is harsh on himself; if he believes, he then reprimands him. If he does not believe, he thinks he is slandering himself."

Zixia said: "Great virtues do not go beyond leisure, but small virtues can come and go."

Ziyou said: "Young man of Zixia's family, you should sweep, respond, advance and retreat, then you can do it, but you can suppress the end. What is the original is nothing, what is it like?" Zixia heard it, and said: "Hey! Words go too far The way of a gentleman, which one should be taught first? Who will be tired later? For example, we can distinguish between plants and trees. How can the way of a gentleman be falsely accused? There is only a sage who has a beginning and a soldier!"

Zixia said: "If you are a good official, you will learn; if you are good at learning, you will be an official."

Ziyou said, "Mourning ends with mourning."

Ziyou said: "My friend Zhang Ye, it's hard to do. But I'm not benevolent."

Zeng Zi said: "The majesty is like Zhang Ye, but it is difficult to be with him and benevolent."

Zeng Zi said: "I've heard from all the masters: people who are not self-satisfied must also be mourned!"

Zeng Zi said: "I heard from all the masters that Meng Zhuangzi's filial piety is possible in other ways. It is impossible for him not to change his father's ministers and father's government."

The Meng family made Yang Fu a judge.

Asked about Zeng Zi, Zeng Zi said: "If you lose your way, the people will be scattered for a long time. If you get it, you should mourn and not be happy."

Zigong said: "It is not as good as Zhou's evil. Because the gentleman is evil and lives in the lowly, all the evil in the world belongs to him."

Zigong said: "The faults of a gentleman are like the eclipse of the sun and the moon: when they pass, everyone sees them; when they are worse, everyone admires them."

Wei Gongsun Chao asked Yu Zigong, "How did Zhongni learn?" Zigong said, "The way of literature and martial arts has not fallen to the ground. It is in people. The wise know the big ones, and the unworthy ones know the small ones. Is there any way?" There is the way of literature and martial arts. Why don't masters learn it? And how can there be regular teachers?"

Uncle Wushu said to the doctor in court, "Zigong is more worthy than Zhongni." Zifu Jingbo told Zigong.Zigong said: "For example, the wall of the palace, the wall given is also shoulder-length, and you can see the beauty of the family. The wall of the master is so high that you can't enter through the door. You can't see the beauty of the ancestral temple and the wealth of the officials. Those who get the door may be widowed." Yea. Master’s words, it’s not appropriate!”

Uncle Sun Wu destroyed Zhongni.Zigong said: "I don't think so! Zhongni can't be destroyed. The sages of others, even the hills, can still be surpassed; Zhongni, the sun and the moon, nothing can be surpassed. Although a person wants to kill himself, how can he hurt himself?" The sun and the moon? How often do you see them and you don’t know how to measure them!”

(End of this chapter)

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