
Chapter 18 Microns Chapter 8

Chapter 18 Micron No.18

Weizi went away, Jizi became his slave, and Bigan died admonishing him.Confucius said: "There are three benevolences in Yin."

Liu Xiahui was a judge and deposed three times.The man said: "Is it possible for the son to go?" Said: "If you serve people in a straight way, how can you go without being dismissed three times? Why do you need to go to the country of your parents when you serve people in a wrong way?"

Duke Jing of Qi treated Confucius and said: "If Ji's family, I can't do it. Treat him as between Ji and Meng." Said: "I am old and can't use it." Confucius did.

The people of Qi returned to the women's music, and Ji Huanzi accepted it, and he did not go to court for three days.Confucius line.

Chu Kuang took the public song and passed Confucius and said: "Fengxi! Fengxi! What is the decline of virtue? Those who have gone can not be persuaded, but those who come can still be chased. It is over! It is over! Today's politicians are dying!" Confucius said, I want to talk to you.If you follow the trend, you can't talk to it.

Changju and Jie drowned and plowed together, Confucius passed them, and made Zilu ask him about it.Chang Ju said: "Who is the husband who controls the public opinion?" Zilu said: "For Confucius." Said: "Is it Lu Kongqiu?" Said: "Yes." Said: "It is Zhijin." Asked Yu Jie drown.Jie Ni said: "Who is the son?" Said: "It is Zhong You." Said: "Is it Lu Kongqiu's disciple?" Confronted: "Yes." Said: "The eloquent is the same in the world, and whoever thinks Yi Zhi? And instead of following the scholars who pioneered people, how can we follow the scholars who pioneered the world?" He kept on talking.Zilu went to tell.The master said in a daze: "Birds and beasts should not be in the same group, but who will be with us and the people of the Si people? There is a way in the world, and it is not easy to be with Qiu."

After Zilu came, he met his father-in-law and took a lot of money with a stick.Zilu asked, "Have you seen Master?" The father-in-law said, "The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not distinguished. Who is the Master?"Zilu stands upright.Zhizi lived on the road, killed chickens for millet and ate them, and saw his second son Yan.Tomorrow, Zilu will tell you.Zi said: "The hermit is also." So Zilu saw it the other way.When it comes to it, it will do.Zilu said: "There is no righteousness in not being an official. The festival of the elders and the young cannot be abolished; the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers, how can it be abolished? If you want to purify your body, you will disturb the great ethics. The official of a gentleman is also to practice righteousness. The way of No, it’s known.”

Yimin: Boyi, Shuqi, Yuzhong, Yiyi, Zhuzhang, Liuxiahui, Shaolian.The Master said: "If you don't lower your aspirations and don't humiliate your body, Boyi and Shuqi will agree with you!" He said: "Liu Xiahui and Shaolian lowered their aspirations and humiliated their bodies. They are respectful in their words and considerate in their actions. That's all." Said: "Yu Zhong and Yi Yi live in seclusion and speak freely. They are pure in their bodies and abolish the power in the middle. I am different from that. There is nothing to do."

The great master is suitable for Qi, the Asian rice is suitable for Chu, the third rice is suitable for Cai, and the fourth rice is suitable for Qin.Drum Fang Shu enters the river, spreads the chime and martial arts into the Han Dynasty, and Shao Shiyang and strikes the chime Xiang enters the sea.

The Duke of Zhou said to the Duke of Lu: "A gentleman does not treat his relatives, and does not make his ministers complain. Therefore, if there is no major reason for the old, he will not abandon it. No one wants to prepare for one person."

There were eight scholars in Zhou Dynasty: Bo Da, Bo Shi, Zhong Tu, Zhong Hu, Shu Ye, Shu Xia, Ji Sui, and Ji Kou.

(End of this chapter)

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