
Chapter 7 and Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The Master said: "Speak without writing, believe but love the ancients, and steal from me, Lao Peng."

The Master said: "Knowing it silently, never getting tired of learning, never getting tired of teaching, what is it for me?"

The Master said: "If you don't cultivate virtue, if you don't teach what you learn, if you don't learn righteousness, you can't change it, if you don't do it well, you can't change it, these are my worries."

Zi Zhi Yan Ju, Shen Shen Ru Ye, Yao Yao Ru Ye.

The Master said: "It's too much for me to decline! After a long time, I will no longer dream of Duke Zhou."

The Master said: "Aim for Tao, base yourself on virtue, base yourself on benevolence, and practice art."

The Master said: "If you do more than one self-cultivation, I am not without instruction!"

The Master said: "If you don't get angry, don't open up, if you don't get angry, don't express; if you take one corner and don't use three corners to counter it, then there will be no more."

The child eats at the side of the mourner, and he is not full.

The son cried every day, but he didn't sing.

The son said to Yan Yuan: "Use it to do it, and let it go to hide it. I am your husband!"

Zilu said: "Who will join the three armies?"

The Master said: "Feng He, the violent tiger, who dies without regrets, I will not be with him. He must also be afraid when things happen, and he is also willing to plan and succeed."

The Master said: "If you are rich, you can ask for it. Even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, follow what I like."

What the child should be careful about: Qi, Zhan, and disease.

The son heard "Shao" in Qi, but he didn't know the taste of meat in March.

Said: "If you don't want to be happy, it's here!"

Ran You said, "Master, is the king of Wei?"

Zigong said: "No. I will ask." Enter,

Said: "Who are Boyi and Shuqi?"

Said: "The ancient sages are also."

Said: "Do you complain?"

Said: "Seek benevolence and get benevolence, why complain!"

Said: "Master, don't do it."

The Master said: "Sparse food, drink water, bend your arms and rest your head on it, and enjoy yourself! Unrighteousness and wealth and honor are like floating clouds to me."

The Master said: "If you add a few years to me, it will be no big mistake to study Yi after fifty."

Zi Suo's elegant words, "Poems", "Books", and Zhili are all elegant words.

Ye Gong asked Confucius Yu Zilu, the Zilu was wrong.

The Master said: "Nv Xi didn't say: She is a human being. She forgets food when she is angry, forgets worries when she is happy, and does not know that old age will come to Yuner."

The son said: "I am not the one who is born to know, I am old, and the one who is agile for what I want."

Zi does not talk about strangeness, strength, chaos, and god.

Confucius said: "Three people walk together, there must be my teacher! Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."

The Master said: "I am born with virtue, how can I give it?"

The master said: "The second and third sons take me as a secret? I have no secret.

If I have nothing to do without being with my second and third sons, that is Qiu Ye. "

Zi Yi taught four things: literature, behavior, loyalty, and trustworthiness.

The Master said: "A sage, I can't see it if I can't see it; I can see a gentleman if I can see it."

The Master said: "Good people, I can't see it because I can't see it; I can see what is persevering, so it is possible. Death becomes existence, emptiness becomes abundance, and appointment becomes prosperity. It is difficult to have permanence."

The son fishes but not the key, and the yi does not shoot.

The Master said: "If there are those who do not know, I have nothing to do. If you learn a lot, choose the good ones and follow them; if you see a lot, you will know them, and knowledge is second."

It is difficult to talk to each other, the boy sees, and the disciples are confused.

The Master said: "It's better to advance than to retreat. What's the only thing! People cleanse themselves to advance, rather than to be clean, not to keep their past."

The Master said: "Is benevolence far away? I want benevolence, and benevolence is the best!"

Chen Sibai asked, "Does Mr. Zhao know rituals?"

Confucius said: "Know the etiquette." Confucius retreated, bowed to Wu Maqi and advanced, and said: "I heard that a gentleman is not a party, but a gentleman is also a party? The king is taken from Wu, and he has the same surname. He is called Wu Mencius. The king knows the ceremony, which one?" Not polite?" Wu Ma asked.The Master said: "Qiu is lucky, if there is a fault, people will know it."

If you are good at singing with others, you must make the opposite, and then reconcile it.

The Master said: "Wen, Mo Wu is still a person. If you practice a gentleman, I will not gain anything."

The Master said: "If you are holy and benevolent, how dare I! If you don't get tired of it and teach others, it can be said that you are done!"

Gong Xihua said: "It is the only thing that disciples can't learn!"

Zi Lu is sick, please pray.

The Master said, "Is there any?"

Zilu said to him, "Yes, there is. It is said in the Book of Essays: 'Pray to the upper and lower gods.'"

The Master said, "Qiu has prayed for a long time."

The Master said: "Extravagance is not grandchildren, and frugality is solid. Rather than not grandchildren, it is better to be solid."

The Master said: "A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is long-standing."

Zi is gentle and fierce, mighty but not fierce, respectful and peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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