Chapter 1130 The Word of Fate (Seventh Watch, Exploded)
Feeling the familiar aura around him, Lin Yifei's face couldn't help showing a trace of obsession, taking a deep breath of the familiar aura around him, Lin Yifei felt a little intoxicated.

"Foreigner, this is my core, and it is also the place where Green Leaf cultivates. Let her out!" When Lin Yifei stood still, the voice of the tree of life immediately spread into Lin Yifei's sea of ​​consciousness, but this time , his voice seemed to become closer.

"Okay, but before that, I still want to ask again. Is there really no way to restore Luye's natural heart to its original state? I think she should hope that she can have strong strength." Lin Yifei has no first choice. Time released the green leaves, not because he was worried, on the contrary, the emotion from the tree of life made him understand that the green leaves were his daughter in the eyes of the tree of life, and he would never harm her.

However, Lin Yifei didn't give up. He didn't want Luye's hard-working cultivation to turn into smoke and go away with the wind. How can the cultivation of the gods be thrown away?
Silence, a long silence. Obviously, the tree of life should be thinking at this time, and his silence also gave Lin Yifei a glimmer of hope again. The tree of life did not give a negative answer immediately, which means that it is still There is a silver lining.

"Foreigner, do you know how the green leaves are born?" After a long silence, the Tree of Life asked a question, and did not directly say how to save the green leaves.

"This..." Lin Yifei was taken aback by the question. However, he naturally didn't know how the green leaf was born. The tree of life claimed to be the father of the green leaf, so naturally the green leaf was not conceived by the combination of yang, but by appears in a special way.

"A long time ago, there were no elves at that time, and this world was occupied by many weak races, but at that time, I already existed. Later, I became stronger and stronger, constantly absorbing the sky and the earth When I became stronger, I also felt very lonely, so later, when I had nothing to do, I used my excess energy to create the elves. At first, the elves had less than Thousands of people, but with my creation, the elves have more and more people, and they also began to reproduce more people, until now, it has grown to the current level."

The tree of life seemed to be telling a distant story, and as he told it, Lin Yifei immediately understood that the elves were actually created by the tree of life, although he didn't know how it created life , but Lin Yifei could imagine how much effort and effort the Tree of Life had put into creating such a prosperous race.

"Later, there were more and more people of the elves, and my excess energy was almost released, but then, I discovered a problem, that is, my people of the elves, they are too perfect, So there will always be people who want to attack them, but unfortunately I can't move at all, even if I want to protect them, I can't, so I decided to create a more powerful life to protect the elves, so Green Leaf was born."

"Originally, the elves I created were not very powerful, but Green Leaf, she bears most of my energy, and when creating her, I also used a special thing that gave birth to me. A pinch of soil is the baby I gave birth to at the beginning. It has inherited most of my energy and fused with the special soil. The breeding process of the green leaves lasted for a full hundred million years, and when she was born, she was very The power of the elves has always been guarded by her."

The narration of the tree of life did not stop until this moment, and at this moment, Lin Yifei finally understood why Luye cared so much about her people. It turned out that she was born to protect the elves. The only mission after birth.

Lin Yifei is not very interested in the birth of green leaves. He just likes her. As for how she came here and what kind of mission she has, he doesn't care at all. Now he just wants her back to normal.

"Tree of Life, when you say this, you shouldn't just tell me the origin of the green leaves! Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Lin Yifei believed that it was impossible for the Tree of Life to tell him a story in his spare time, and since he told it, it should definitely not be aimless, but at this moment, he felt that there was such a glimmer of light in his mind It flashed in the middle, but it was hard to catch for a while.

"Foreigner, I said this just to tell you that it is not impossible to restore the green leaf to its original state. I used most of my energy and a pinch of special soil to create her, but now, my The energy has long been restored to its original state. If there is another small handful of special soil, then as long as that small handful of soil is used, plus half of my energy, the natural heart of the green leaf can be restored to its original state. Therefore, The most important thing is the special soil that gave birth to me."

Tree of Life didn't know why he said this to Lin Yifei, maybe he didn't want Luye to become an ordinary person, the elves needed her protection, how could he want Luye to become an ordinary person?
Of course, although the tree of life told Lin Yifei these things, he didn't have any extravagant expectations. The soil that conceived him was too rare, and it was still unknown whether such soil really existed in the world. I don't expect Lin Yifei to help him find it.

"Wait, what color is the special soil you mentioned?" The light in his mind suddenly became clear, and Lin Yifei felt that he seemed to have caught something.

"It's a kind of pitch-black soil. Even I don't know its name. I call it Xi Soil. I know that my gestation and growth are all because of it. Otherwise, I would never be able to grow To such an extent, I still have my own intentions! Such a familiar breath, how is this possible? I, I actually smelled the breath of Xiyang."

The Tree of Life was still patiently explaining to Lin Yifei, but at this moment, he suddenly yelled, and then he began to speak incoherently.

Lin Yifei did not know when there was an extra jade bottle in his hand. At this time, the lid of the jade bottle had been opened, and a strange breath was escaping from the jade bottle. Afterwards, Lin Yifei slowly stretched his hand into it. In the jade bottle, gently squeezed a small amount of black soil out, and controlled it to suspend in the air.

"The tree of life, the black soil you mentioned, that is, what you named Xi soil, is it?" Lin Yifei's tone was also slightly agitated, because judging from the reaction of the tree of life, he almost already had Answer.

"That's right, that's it, that's it, I actually saw Xiyang again, after countless epochs, I actually saw Xiyang again, my daughter is saved, saved!" The excited voice of the Tree of Life made Lin Yifei I confirmed my guess, and at this moment, that small pinch of black soil was also wrapped in an invisible energy, slowly floating upwards, and suddenly, green energy rays of light began to be released from the tree of life , penetrating into this handful of black soil.

When the green energy light came into contact with the black soil, the black soil immediately began to absorb the green energy like a bottomless pit, and the green light suddenly shone brilliantly, illuminating the entire tree house.

Lin Yifei felt a shockingly huge energy gathering towards the black soil. This energy is too huge, but once it enters the black soil, it will dissipate invisible, and the black soil, unexpectedly slowly It began to melt, and the originally pure black was slowly invaded by green, and a special aura immediately escaped from the black soil. This aura was exactly the same as the aura on the green leaf.

"What a huge energy. The tree of life has existed for countless years, and it has accumulated such a huge amount of energy. This energy, even if three or five gods and masters add up, it may be difficult to match! The tree of life is worthy of existence The Tree of Life has been around for countless years, but I just don’t know if he can really restore the green leaves to their original state.”

Staring closely at the black soil infused with green energy, of course, at this time it is no longer black, nor is it a pinch of soil, but has turned into a dark green liquid mass.

The Tree of Life didn't make any more noises, but continuously released its own energy into the energy droplets in front of Lin Yifei's eyes, making the dark green energy droplets more and more faint, developing towards a pure green color, and in Lin Yifei's feeling At this moment, the huge amount of energy contained in the group of dark green liquid droplets in front of him is no less than that of a god master, and the huge natural breath makes him feel indescribably comfortable all over his body. It was as if his physical body had been improved at this moment.

Time has been passing by slowly, and all the elders of the elves who are in the tree of life feel that the energy of the tree of life is passing away rapidly, but a breath called new life makes everyone fall into obsession.Originally, the patriarch of the elves was seriously injured in front of their eyes, and they all felt very sad, but at this moment, they even forgot their sadness, but were affected by the breath of new life, addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves.

In this way, it took less than half an hour to brew, and a green droplet that was only the size of a thumb belly finally formed, and the green energy of the tree of life no longer continued to flow into the green droplet at this time.

"Foreigner, hurry up, let Luye take this drop of energy liquid, as long as she takes this drop of energy liquid, then her broken heart of nature will probably be summoned and nourished by this drop of energy liquid, from her body The parts will come together again, and when the time comes, she will regain her strength again."

The tree of life's voice sounded again, and this time his voice became obviously a little hurried, and there was still a trace of weakness. Obviously, in order to make this drop of green liquid, he seemed to have expended a huge amount of energy. become a little weaker.

At this moment, Lin Yifei naturally didn't hesitate anymore, and when he stretched out his hand, Luye's body appeared in his embrace. At this time, Luye was still in a coma, and her life was simply maintaining the status quo. Lin Yifei himself understood that, If he can't find a way to save her, then it will be absolutely difficult for him to maintain her eternal life. Sooner or later, she will die eventually.

It was different at this moment, Lin Yifei saw hope, a real hope, the black soil combined with the huge energy of life, Lin Yifei believed that a miracle would be born before his eyes.

"Hehe, Xiaoyeer, it seems that the heavens don't have the heart to let you sleep like this. Without your smile, the whole world will lose a touch of color. Now, let your smile bloom again!" Gently stroked the green leaf With a pretty face, Lin Yifei suddenly lifted the armrest, and immediately, the green droplet was directly attracted by him.

Slowly opening Luye's mouth, Lin Yifei controlled the drop of green liquid, carefully put it into Luye's mouth, helped her close the mouth, stretched out with one hand, he controlled the green liquid drip until the green liquid drops were introduced into her lower abdomen, and then stared into her eyes, waiting for the miracle to come.

(End of this chapter)

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