Chapter 1131 Hope (one update, continuous explosion)
Things in the world are always so wonderful. Lin Yifei never thought that the black soil he accidentally obtained could be used today. The word fate is not something everyone can figure out. Some things may really be God ordained.

Coming to this world, meeting Luye, watching Luye get hurt, and then helping her find a cure, going around in circles, the last hope was actually on him, Lin Yifei wondered if this meant that he The fate with her, but one thing is certain, that is, these are all predestined by the heavens, and no one can disobey them.

Quietly staring at Luye's pretty face, Lin Yifei penetrated his consciousness into every inch of Luye's skin, and carefully felt the condition of Luye. After the green droplet was swallowed by Luye, her condition was undergoing obvious changes. For a change, first of all, her vitality is almost as if she is on a rocket, and the vitality that a master of the gods should have is restored almost instantly, and Lin Yifei can feel, in the body of the green leaf, there are bits and pieces of energy The light is shining with fluorescent light, Lin Yifei is no stranger to this light, it is the light that can only be emitted by the heart of nature of the elves, these are the fragments of the heart of nature that have been crushed from the green leaves.

The dots of light shone brightly, and then slowly gathered together under Lin Yifei's excited gaze, and the direction they gathered was exactly the direction of that drop of green liquid. Lin Yifei knew that success or failure depended on it.

Little by little rays of light slowly converged, Lin Yifei's mouth slowly revealed a smile, the natural heart of the green leaf was slowly recovering, at first it was only a little bit, and then it reached the size of a grain of rice, and as time went by, More and more stars gathered in it, and the aura of the green leaf was constantly becoming stronger. With this progress, it would take about three to five days for the green leaf's natural heart to fully recover and return to the level of a god.

"Foreigners, it seems that you really have a relationship with my elves. I didn't expect that there is Xisang on your body. It's been so many years. How long has it been since I saw Xisang? Green leaves can recover, no, green leaves can live Come down, this is all your credit!"

The Tree of Life obviously felt the situation of Green Leaf, and a voice of relief resounded in Lin Yifei's sea of ​​consciousness. At this moment, the Tree of Life's impression of Lin Yifei had completely changed.Originally, Lin Yifei saved Luye's life, but now, Lin Yifei took out the breath soil to restore Luye's injury. It has to be said that Lin Yifei is a nobleman of the elves, even if he saved the elves, he would definitely Not too much.

"Tree of Life, you don't have to thank me. I did all this for Luye. There is one thing I want to discuss with you. After Luye's injury is cured, I don't want her to continue to be the patriarch of the elves. I I want her to stay by my side and not be as tired as before."

Lin Yifei sat down slowly holding the body of the green leaf, and when he heard the words of thanks from the tree of life, he shook his head lightly, but when his voice fell, he clearly felt the breath belonging to the tree of life , unexpectedly hesitated slightly at this moment, obviously, what Lin Yifei said had already made the Tree of Life feel embarrassed, or displeased.

After a short silence, the voice of the Tree of Life rang again: "Foreigners, Green Leaf is the guardian of the elves, and the mission of her birth is to protect the elves."

"Hehe, that was in the past. Now, half of her life is given by me. I don't want her to bear the heavy pressure. Besides, don't you think it's too much for her to keep her in charge of protecting the entire ethnic group?" Is it unfair?" Lin Yifei's eyes were fixed on the green leaves all the time, but his voice penetrated into the tree of life.

There was another burst of silence. Lin Yifei's words made the Tree of Life fall into deep thought.The tree of life has existed for countless years, and his thinking is much more complicated than that of people who have lived for countless years. He may understand some emotions more clearly than others. He has never thought about what Lin Yifei said. ?Although Luye is a life created by him, the purpose is purely to protect the elves, but countless years have passed, and she has dedicated everything to the elves. She has really paid too much.

Perhaps, for Luye, endless protection is very unfair to her, but without her protection, what would the elves do?There are too many people coveting the elves. Although the gods and masters in various worlds have agreed not to go to other people's worlds casually, how many people will abide by this verbal agreement?Throughout the ages, Luye has driven away countless intruders. Her existence can be said to be very necessary, even necessary.

"Hey! Aliens, Luye is my daughter, the daughter I am most satisfied with. Do you think I will not be sad if she keeps protecting the elves like this? Every time she resists the invasion of aliens, she will be hurt or Light or heavy injuries, this time she almost lost her life, if she had a choice, I hope she can live happily, but..."

"Wait, since you can create green leaves, why don't you create a second elf family as powerful as her?" Lin Yifei suddenly interrupted the Tree of Life, and his words also made the Tree of Life think immediately. up.

"Foreigner, before this, I did think about creating a new life to help Luye, but I have been unable to do anything, because you already know that to create a life as powerful and potential as Luye, you must With the cooperation of Xiyang, are you willing to take out some of your Xiyang to help a new life of the elves?"

This time, the Tree of Life didn't hesitate, and when Lin Yifei finished speaking, he immediately spoke.

"No, this is a handful of soil. I hope you can cultivate a new guardian of the elves as soon as possible. As for the green leaf, I don't want her to be a guardian anymore." The voice of the tree of life just fell, Lin Yifei Immediately with a thought, he took out a handful of black soil again and threw it directly into the sky.

Lin Yifei knows very well that if the green leaves are taken away, then the elves will definitely decline, and without the protection of the green leaves, the fate of the elves may be very miserable, but if a new guardian of the elves can really be created, then the green leaves can be completely liberated.

Lin Yifei did not firmly believe that the tree of life could create a new god master, but even if there was a glimmer of hope, he would not hesitate to waste some soil, not to mention that he still has a lot of soil, just to let the green leaves Liberation, this is already worth his effort.Lin Yifei knew very well that after Luye woke up, she would most likely choose to stay in the elves and continue to protect her people. The possibility of leaving with him was extremely slim.

Luye has protected the elves for so long, how could she just let go?Even if she really wanted to stay by his side, she would definitely find it difficult to let go of the entire elves.

"Birth soil? Alien, are you really willing to give these precious bream soils to fulfill the freedom of green leaves?" After seeing the bream soil thrown by Lin Yifei, the emotional fluctuations of the tree of life obviously became violent. He knew it was so precious, but he didn't expect that for the sake of the green leaves, the aliens in front of him could be so generous, even giving away the soil casually.

"I just want Green Leaf to be free. Can you create a new life again? And it's the kind of life that can succeed Green Leaf and protect the entire elf clan."

"Yes, but it took a full [-] million years for the green leaf to grow, and it took tens of thousands of years for her to grow. If a new life is created, then she needs to protect the elves for another [-] million years. Can you Do you accept it?"

"Uh, [-] million years?" Lin Yifei couldn't help trembling slightly with his hands holding Luye, [-] million years?No wonder he can accept it!Let the green leaves guard the elves for another [-] million years, what difference does it make if they keep guarding them forever?
"One hundred million years is too long. I want to compress this time infinitely. The shorter the better, the green leaf may wake up in three or four days. I hope that after she wakes up, she can leave without worrying about me." Faintly Shaking his head, Lin Yifei compressed the time of [-] million years countless times, directly compressing it into three or four days.Of course, that's all he said, and he also understands that it is too difficult for one hundred million years to become three or four days.

"Three or four days? But it's not impossible!" What Lin Yifei didn't expect was that the Tree of Life was not frightened by three or four days, but instead gave an answer that made Lin Yifei's heart flutter.

"What did you say? Three or four days, it's not impossible?" Lin Yifei finally looked away from Luye's body. The words of the Tree of Life made it difficult for him to maintain his composure.

"Foreigner, if you are willing to give up one of the two red-haired demons you caught before, then I am confident that a new elf guardian will be created within three days. Of course, if you are willing to give up the two If I give up all the red-haired demons and donate some soil, then I can create two guardians of the elves within three days."

"The red-haired demons? You, you have a way to transfer their cultivation to the elves?" Hearing what the tree of life said, Lin Yifei didn't understand what the tree of life meant?Obviously, the tree of life seems to have a way to turn the venerable red-haired demons into members of the elves and retain their cultivation.

Lin Yifei's shock was no small matter. If the Tree of Life really had such an ability, it would be too perverted. Of course, if he could really do it, then Luye could really be freed. Lin Yifei was very happy. It is clear that if there is no responsibility to protect the elves, Luye will definitely be willing to follow him. This point, he was able to confirm the moment she parted from him.

"That's right, aliens, I can use the venerables of any other races to refine into a heart of nature, and use the breath soil to shape a body with the power of life, and create a new life that yearns for nature and loves life wholeheartedly. Become the guardian of the elves."

The Tree of Life did not disappoint Lin Yifei, his answer made Lin Yifei release the two red-haired demons without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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