Chapter 1204 Phoenix Pill Furnace ([-]rd)
Lin Yifei stood there quietly, narrowing his eyes slightly, holding the ruthless Huo Jingtian of the Phoenix Clan in his hand, and in front of his eyes was a pill furnace with a lifelike colorful Phoenix Clan pill engraved on it. furnace.

Looking at the alchemy furnace in front of him, Lin Yifei was speechless for a long time. The alchemy furnace in front of him was the one he "picked up" in the treasure house of Qingfeng Pavilion when he was in the cultivation world. At that time, he wanted to make alchemy for Qingfeng Pavilion. He picked up this alchemy furnace in the treasure house of Qingfeng Pavilion. At that time, he didn't regard this alchemy furnace as something too rare. He just thought it was more delicate and easier to use. I want to come over.

Of course, even back then, Lin Yifei also felt that the pill furnace was unusual. It was not the pill furnace itself, but the phoenix carved on top of the pill furnace, the phoenix shining with seven colors of light. There are too few awakened people, and he has only a half-knowledge about the Feng Clan, and his cultivation base is too low, so he has no way to study it, so he has left this alchemy furnace aside. Later, he used it for alchemy, but he didn't Pay attention.

"Phew, Phoenix Pill Stove, Colorful Phoenix Relief, I should have thought of it a long time ago, how could I not remember it until now? I really shouldn't, I shouldn't! But I'll say it again, even if I think of this Pill Stove, Without this guy, it's useless!" Lin Yifei sighed, but casually threw Huo Jingtian aside, and then looked back and forth at the pill furnace in front of him.

The whole alchemy stove is about one meter high, with a bronze-like color. The relief statue of the colorful phoenix is ​​carved on it, but it seems to be printed on it. Every feather of the whole colorful phoenix is ​​so clear. With eyes like stars, a bright red phoenix crown, and slightly spread wings, anyone who sees these seven-color wind reliefs will have the feeling of seeing a real living phoenix.

Lin Yifei kept changing his angles. From every angle, he felt that the relief on the alchemy furnace was looking at him. This feeling made Lin Yifei smile slightly.

"Hehe, it's really unexpected! Back then, the dragon and phoenix races died together with many powerful human beings, and the inheritance of the colorful dragon and the inheritance of the colorful phoenix came to the same cultivation world. Could this be fate? The blood of the colorful dragon was stimulated, In the end, I got it, but you, the colorful phoenix, have always been in my hands. I have to say that the world is impermanent, and it is really not something that everyone can imagine!"

Staring into the eyes of the seven-colored phoenix relief, Lin Yifei couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was feeling now, but in the end, the endless emotions condensed in his chest, and finally turned into a sigh, echoing in the space of Feixue.

Lin Yifei thought of this alchemy furnace, but it was not on a whim. In fact, as early as in the inheritance pool of the Feng clan, he had already faintly felt that he had overlooked something, but at that time he didn't think of this alchemy furnace that had been around for a long time. The abandoned alchemy furnace really made Lin Yifei think of it, but when he read Huo Jingtian's memory just now, this alchemy furnace unexpectedly appeared in Huo Jingtian's memory.

In Huo Jingtian's memory, Lin Yifei watched the battle for a long time. I have to say that the battle between the three clans was really fierce, and Lin Yifei was fascinated for a while, but what really surprised Lin Yifei was Huo Jingtian's last inconspicuous memory.

In this memory hidden by Huo Jingtian, Lin Yifei learned that the colorful phoenix did fall at the beginning, but before the war between the three clans, the colorful phoenix kept a trace of her spirit, and only waited for her body to die. Afterwards, the trace of primordial spirit left behind will be resurrected at the right time, and the colorful phoenix will be able to see the sun again, and the trace of primordial spirit of the colorful phoenix is ​​attached to a pill furnace, not the one in front of it. Which is the alchemy furnace?
When Lin Yifei read Huo Jingtian's memory, he was really emotional for a long time.The colorful phoenix is ​​actually in his hands. I have to say that this is really a dramatic scene, and I can only lament the impermanence of the world in the end.

Speaking of which, the Feng Clan is a race that is best at resurrection. Every Phoenix Clan is extremely precious, and the very small number is destined to have such a natural advantage.Huo Jingtian, the king of the Huofeng family, can be resurrected, so how can the colorful phoenix, the world-destroying beast of the Phoenix clan, not be able to be resurrected?Although the fire and phoenix family is the best at the way of resurrection, no matter how you say the colorful phoenix is ​​the real supreme, it is impossible to be weaker than it.

However, after reading Huo Jingtian's memory, Lin Yifei also understood that it was not an easy task for the colorful phoenix to be resurrected. At the beginning, the colorful phoenix left the imprint of the primordial spirit, which was directly given to all the Phoenix clan. An order was issued, that is, if she died in battle, then, after thousands of years, the survivors of the Feng clan must use blood essence as a guide to resurrect her from the alchemy furnace. Phoenix life!

It is a pity that the entire Phoenix clan was wiped out in the great war, and all the orthodox Feng clan members were wiped out without even leaving the seal of the primordial spirit, and none of them could be resurrected successfully. Feng's resurrection seemed impossible.

However, this impossibility finally became possible because of Huo Jingtian's unexpected resurrection. Now, Huo Jingtian is the only surviving member of the Feng Clan, and the hope of the colorful phoenix's resurrection is all tied to him .

"Qicaifeng, Qicaifeng, am I really going to revive you? The Phoenix Clan no longer exists. As the supreme being of the Phoenix Clan, you are a world-destroying beast. Even if you come back alive, so what?" Looking at the eyes of the colorful phoenix relief, Lin Yifei became hesitant.After learning the way to revive the colorful phoenix, his first thought was to save it, but when he actually got to him, he hesitated.

Speaking of which, as the supreme being of the Dragon Clan and the inheritor of the colorful dragon, Lin Yifei instinctively had a selfish thought in him.The Feng Clan disappeared, leaving only the survivors of the Peng Clan and the Peacock Clan, and even these two groups have the strength to fight against the Dragon Clan at this time, and the Dragon Clan is not as good as before. Coming over will undoubtedly be a big threat to the Dragon Clan.

Lin Yifei is indeed not a pure Dragon Clan, but in comparison, with the body of a dragon, he naturally wants to think about the Dragon Clan in every way, but it is impossible to help the Phoenix Clan.

"However, now that the Zergs are in power, they may come over at any time. The more strength you have, the more sure you can deal with it. The colorful phoenix will definitely be a big help. Although the dragons and phoenixes fought endlessly in ancient times, But in the end they joined forces to fight against the human race, which can be regarded as some kind of friendship, and resurrecting her is actually an obligation, after all, the five-colored dragon and seven-colored phoenix can be regarded as fighting side by side, and they live and die together."

"Hey, let's resurrect her! Even if I revive her with Huo Jingtian now, she is nothing more than a master at the peak of the god king. Even if there is an accident, she will directly break through to the god-level stage. With my current overall strength Speaking of which, I don’t need to be afraid of her, resurrecting her is not a big deal, and this is my Flying Snow Space, so am I afraid that something will happen to her?”

Suddenly, Lin Yifei made a decision. After several considerations, he still decided to resurrect the colorful phoenix. Anyway, as a world-destroying beast, the colorful phoenix may be more noble and powerful than the colorful dragon , Such an existence has been in a deep sleep, which is a sad thing in itself.Isn't it a pleasing thing to resurrect her and let the world look up to her existence?
Moreover, as the inheritor of the colorful dragon, Lin Yifei also had a feeling that the lonely does not grow, and the lonely sun does not grow. The colorful dragon was born opposite the colorful phoenix. Although he felt that he was advancing very quickly, he There is a feeling that if there is a colorful phoenix in this world, then maybe he will improve faster and faster.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Lin Yifei's mind, but it made his expression more and more determined. No matter what the result was, he had already decided to let the colorful phoenix reappear, no matter whether it was a friend or an opponent, let alone him.

"Huo Jingtian, you have devoured countless flesh and blood of the Phoenix Clan in the inheritance pool of the Phoenix Clan. You have already tempered your current body into the body of a Phoenix, and your blood has already been transformed into the blood of the Phoenix Clan. Now, It's time for you to make sacrifices for the Feng Clan, for the reappearance of the Phoenix Clan's world-destroying beast, you should be generous and righteous! Soul, sacrifice!"

After making a decision, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated, he had already refined Huo Jingtian, and Lin Yifei naturally knew how to revive the colorful phoenix. At this time, Huo Jingtian didn't need to wake up, Lin Yifei could directly control Huo Jingtian with his own consciousness. The other party, using everything Huo Jingtian could do to revive the colorful phoenix, was naturally a no-brainer.

To revive the colorful phoenix, a phoenix family needs to dedicate all of itself, all of its spirit, all of its blood, even the consciousness of life cannot be left behind, it must be fully dedicated.

Huo Jingtian, who was taken over by Lin Yifei, suddenly opened his eyes. Afterwards, he immediately sat down cross-legged, his hands suddenly began to form seals, and he fiddled with complex handprints. Suddenly, Huo Jingtian was on fire. A blazing flame arose, it was Phoenix True Fire.

The white flames completely enveloped Huo Jingtian. Visible to the naked eye, Huo Jingtian's body began to become illusory. The blazing white flames burned all his impurities, and what remained was pure essence. Quickly, Huo Jingtian's entire body became transparent, the meridians and blood vessels in his body could be clearly seen, and the blood flow speed was unknown how many times faster than before.

"It's time, go!" After a long while, Lin Yifei suddenly shouted, and then, Huo Jingtian, who was sitting there, moved and rushed directly to the pill furnace in front of him, and rushed directly into the alchemy furnace above the pill furnace. Go in the colorful phoenix relief.

"Pfft..." The white flame wrapped Huo Jingtian's body, hit the pill furnace, and made a muffled sound. Then, under Lin Yifei's gaze, the blue pill furnace suddenly shone with boundless light, and the colorful light shot straight into the sky Now, the resurrection of the colorful phoenix begins!

(End of this chapter)

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