Chapter 1205 Dragon and Phoenix Bring Prosperity (Part [-])
From a certain place in the Flying Snow Space, a majestic glow shot up into the sky, illuminating the area around tens of miles brightly. Fortunately, there are few adults in the Flying Snow Space. Otherwise, such a strange sight would have attracted countless people. Onlookers.But at this time, there was only one audience in such a grand and strange scene, and that was Lin Yifei.

Lin Yifei squinted his eyes slightly as he saw the brighter colored light in front of him. Even he felt the dazzling light dazzled him. He was directly stabbed blind.

The Phoenix Pill Stove had slowly risen into the air at this moment, and stopped at a height of more than ten meters, and released its most dazzling light at this height. In the light, Lin Yifei below seemed to feel a faint feeling inside. Loud and clear chirping, the chirping sound seems to be there, but it is not obvious at this time, it is more likely to be Lin Yifei's hallucination, and unconsciously, Lin Yifei's figure is also slowly rising, and he has come to a place that is almost the same size as the Phoenix Pill Stove. at the same height.

The dazzling colorful light has lasted for more than ten minutes. Lin Yifei just acted as a bystander, he couldn't see it with his eyes, and he didn't use his consciousness to investigate. He just let everything go with the flow and waited for the result. advent.


Suddenly, Lin Yifei, who was observing the Phoenix Pill Stove, heard an unusually clear sound of Fengming. He was sure that what he heard this time was definitely Fengming, the real Fengming, this sound was full of joy, excitement, A series of emotional tweets made Lin Yifei immediately confirm one thing, that is, the colorful phoenix, the world-destroying beast of the Phoenix clan, has finally been resurrected.

As the colorful dragon's old enemy, he can also be regarded as a friend like a confidant. The cry of the colorful phoenix can arouse Lin Yifei's heartfelt sympathy. Unknowingly, Lin Yifei felt an impulse in his heart.

"Shenlong Transformation! Get up!" The touch from the bottom of my heart turned into an actual action. Suddenly, Lin Yifei let out a low cry, and the Shenlong Transformation Kung Fu started, and his figure disappeared immediately. In a flash of brilliance, a five-color dragon appeared in the sky into the sky.

"Ang" Lin Yifei, who turned into a colorful dragon, looked up to the sky and screamed. Lin Yifei didn't know why he turned into a dragon, and he didn't know why he screamed loudly. Everything seemed to be caused by the subconscious in his heart, but he didn't resist it.

"呀" seems to have heard the five-color dragon's dragon chant in response, and the resounding phoenix cry sounded again, and following the sound of the phoenix cry, the phoenix pill furnace in the air suddenly stopped emitting light, and fell heavily to the ground. And in the air before the alchemy furnace, a beautiful phoenix several meters long and exuding seven colors of light suddenly appeared, with long tail feathers, golden yellow claws, beautiful and charming seven-colored wings, and a bright red phoenix crown on the top of its head , this is the most perfect masterpiece of the Creator.

"Ang" and "Zee", one dragon and one phoenix, quickly approached each other, the dragon and phoenix blew together, and colorful auspicious clouds suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and at the same time, one dragon and one phoenix finally met At the same time, the five-color divine dragon zigzags upward, and the seven-color wind surrounds the left and right, almost subconsciously. The two world-destroying beasts are like lovers reunited after a long absence, freely playing in the air.

The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. When the Creator created these two races, perhaps he wanted the dragon and the phoenix to be two parts of a whole. No matter what kind of relationship between the dragon and the phoenix, whether they are friendly or hostile, they They are all inseparable as a whole. If one party is missing, the other party is doomed to be alone, and we will never be able to truly be happy.

Lin Yifei's feeling at this moment is very strange. At this moment, the memory of human beings in his mind is so vague. Deep in his memory, he seems to have seen two young beasts, which are a five-colored dragon more than one meter long. , a petite phoenix about one meter in length, and the two little beasts are happily playing together freely.

Later, they found their respective races, and at that time they had grown up, and their incomparable talents made them the kings of their respective races. From then on, they were no longer inseparable, but became rivals, became The enemies that were hostile to each other were eliminated, and the two groups continued to fight. Although they didn't take action personally, they still tried their best to kill each other's strength to the greatest extent. Everything was no longer as harmonious as it used to be.

Later, the strength of human beings made them come together again. They joined forces and wanted to destroy the human beings who threatened them. Unfortunately, after several battles, they discovered that human beings are so powerful. It was too late to stop, so they gathered all the clansmen to fight against humans, but in the end, they ended up falling one after another.

Wave after wave of memories hit Lin Yifei's brain. At the moment when the colorful phoenix was resurrected, Lin Yifei's memories belonging to the colorful dragon were awakening one after another. The original fall caused the colorful dragon to lose a lot of things, such as memory, For example, magical powers, but there are still many things left behind. The previous Lin Yifei failed to inherit these memories, but now, under the stimulation of the colorful phoenix, he finally fully remembered them.

"It turns out that the five-color dragon and the seven-color phoenix were born at the same time and grew up as playmates at the same time. It was only because of the different ethnic groups later that they became opposing enemies. Unfortunately, I thought that the dragon and phoenix clans were immortal. Compatible and opposite parties, but they don't know that things turned out to be like this." Shenlong's memory kept awakening, and Lin Yifei became more and more aware of those things in ancient times.

There is too much helplessness in the world, and the five-colored dragon and seven-colored phoenix are also unavoidable. They were playmates at first, enemies later, and then they lived together and died together. Who can explain all this clearly?
A dragon and a phoenix roamed happily in the air for a long time, and finally, two colored rays of light came back at the touch, and respectively landed towards the ground below. When they landed, as the two colored lights converged, the body of the dragon and phoenix disappeared. On the ground, two young men and women stood facing each other, with a distance of about ten meters between them, and there was a faint smile on their faces.

Lin Yifei looked at the woman in front of him. She had a slim and plump body with unevenness, her delicate face was rosy, her lips were bright and translucent, her nose was delicate, her ears were lively, her eyebrows were red and phoenix, and she was wrapped in a seven-color skirt. With a delicate body and a fair neck that is exposed, exuding a seductive white light, what kind of woman is this?Lin Yifei really didn't know how to describe it.The word beauty is not enough to describe a woman's appearance, because her beauty is not as simple as beauty.

Both of them looked at each other, deep in memory, Lin Yifei knew that the other party hadn't changed, he was still so beautiful, except that his cultivation was no longer as high as before, everything else hadn't changed, the colorful phoenix was still the original colorful phoenix , but reshaped a body with the help of other people's energy.I believe that as long as she is given a period of time, she will definitely be able to return to the peak cultivation level of the past, because she is not reincarnated, but resurrected, truly directly resurrected.

The colorful phoenix was also looking at Lin Yifei, and the aura of the colorful dragon was unmistakable, but the Lin Yifei in front of her was quite different from the colorful dragon in her memory, at least the appearance was different.

Speaking of which, if the five-colored dragon grew up naturally, it would be like the original five-colored dragon after it was transformed into a human form. Unfortunately, the five-colored dragon died just after it was born, and was finally intercepted by Lin Yifei. The appearance of the dragon has changed, so the current colorful dragon is also the original colorful dragon, but it is not the original colorful dragon.

"You, you've changed!" Looking at each other, the colorful phoenix spoke first, her cherry lips parted slightly, and the voice of the colorful phoenix was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, and it was also like the tranquil sound of nature. The sound alone can make countless people fall in love with it.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you haven't changed at all!" Lin Yifei couldn't help showing a faint smile when he heard a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar.Xiaofeng, this is what he called her back then, but at this time, he is both him and not him.

"It seems that you are not just resurrected! Xiaolong, can I still call you Xiaolong?" Hearing Lin Yifei's words, Qicaifeng lowered her head and remained silent for a moment, then raised her head slightly, facing Lin Yifei said softly.

Although Lin Yifei is not the same as the five-colored dragon in human form, in the eyes of the colorful phoenix, he is still the five-colored dragon, that is, the little dragon in her mouth. His appearance has changed, his voice has changed, and even his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, the unique aura that only belongs to the colorful dragon has not changed at all. She still regards him as her best partner.

"Hehe, of course, as long as you like it, you can call it whatever you like!" Lin Yifei stretched out his hand and scratched his head, Xiaolong, this is what the colorful phoenix called him back then, but, Xiaolong, this name made him feel a little weird, No matter what, he is only the inheritor of the colorful dragon, not the reincarnation of the colorful dragon, let alone the rebirth of the colorful dragon. With his original identity, it is difficult for him to have too much sense of substitution and identity.

Hearing Lin Yifei's answer, Qicaifeng couldn't help showing a sweet smile, but she didn't make a sound.There is no need to say anything between her and him. Once upon a time, there was a deep tacit understanding between them.Of course, she also understands that some accidents must have happened to the current colorful dragon. It is very likely that there was an abnormality during reincarnation, which caused the little dragon in her memory to become what it is now.

The Phoenix Clan possesses the secret technique of rebirth, and the Dragon Clan is no worse than the Phoenix Clan. How can their king, the Five-Colored Divine Dragon, just die?The resurrection technique of the colorful dragon is the life-saving trick of the colorful dragon. It is a pity that in the original battle, the colorful dragon didn't even have time to use the resurrection technique, so it died together with the human masters. , and being reborn in the lower realm is already a great luck.

Qicaifeng didn't say anything more. She who had just been resurrected noticed the vision around her. Obviously, this was not the God Realm she was familiar with. Moreover, she had never seen such a desolate world before. For a while, she really wanted to know where she was, and where the people of the Feng clan who resurrected her were now.

(End of this chapter)

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