Chapter 547 Close
Kung Fu pays off, after a lot of hard work, Lin Yifei finally got a god-level puppet of the Earth Clan, and after questioning, he finally got some useful information, that is, in the holy city of the Earth Clan , there is a special area that no one except the patriarch can enter without permission!
After learning about such a place, Lin Yifei's mind was completely active.What he is looking for is some unique places, the more unique the better, because the more unique, the more likely to be close to the law of the earth. After one place, Lin Yifei absolutely didn't want to miss it.

The Holy City of Earth is close to the junction area between respectable masters and god-level masters. Tu Jin, who looks normal, is approaching the central area without haste. As a god-level master of the earth clan, the area here, he But he can move freely, and his place of residence is an ordinary place in this middle area.

However, if someone with a heart sees Tu Jin's course of action at this time, he will definitely find that at this time, the direction Tu Jin is heading in is not the direction to return to his own cultivation place at all, but here is In the central area of ​​the Holy City of Earth, no one cares about these things. More than 50 god-level masters usually practice their own skills, how can they understand each other so carefully?Even if anyone finds out about Tu Jin, he will definitely take a look and ignore it. Obviously, if everyone thinks about it, will the people of the Tu Clan do things that are detrimental to the interests of the Tu Clan?
Among the row upon row of towers, Tu Jin's figure carefully shuttled among them. At this moment, he had already passed the area where the senior masters were, but he had completely entered the area of ​​the god-level masters. Be more careful.He is very clear about his destination this time. To be honest, he is also very curious about that place, but although he is curious, there are orders from above, and he dare not have any thoughts of disobedience.

However, this time was different, with Lin Yifei's order that had to be carried out, coupled with his own curiosity, Tu Jin finally let go of his courage and headed towards the long-awaited mysterious area.

As a god-level master of the Earth Clan, Tu Jin is very clear about the layout here, and he also knows which places are more dangerous and which places can be moved forward with confidence, so he always avoids the real strong men of the Earth Clan, For example, some old guys in the middle stage of the god level, or even the late stage of the god man, chose the clearest and safest route to travel. This is why Lin Yifei asked an insider from the Tu nationality to be a guide.Obviously, if Lin Yifei was allowed to walk this distance by himself, even with the help of the invisibility formula, he might be discovered by the other party's masters.

"Phew, another step forward, as long as I pass the area where the late-stage master in front is, I can see the forbidden area." He let out a sigh of relief, but Tu Jin couldn't help being a little excited.Speaking of which, even though he was careful along the way, he was still discovered by several god-level masters, but the other party didn't think too much, they only thought that he was a clansman who came back from outside, but they didn't meddle in their own business , only one person he was familiar with greeted him, but he didn't ask him what he was going to do.

Speaking of which, such a result is still thanks to the fact that Tu Jin was selected as the person to go to the expedition. In other people's minds, since Tu Jin was selected as the person to go to the expedition, it is entirely possible that any actions are arranged by the above. What right do they have to interfere?The so-called nothing to do with themselves is high-profile, and they are too lazy to cause trouble. If they are not selected, they are already going to burn incense.

After praying for a moment in his heart, Tu Jin no longer hesitated, and once again began to march towards the forbidden land of the Tu people.He has avoided almost all god-level masters, but at the end, if he wants to enter the forbidden area, he must pass through the station of a late-stage god-man master, because there are four directions in the four directions around the forbidden area. No matter which direction he chooses to enter the forbidden area, he has to face one of them.

Of course, these four masters in the late stage of the gods were not there to guard the forbidden area. Speaking of which, this forbidden area was named by the chief of the Tu tribe himself, and he personally ordered that no one should approach it. These four are only because of their high cultivation base. , was assigned to practice in a range a little closer to the forbidden area, but it was still some distance away from the forbidden area.The chief of the Tu nationality has very strict requirements, and they can only see the forbidden area from a distance, but they cannot approach it at all.

Tu Jin thought for a moment, but he went around in a circle and chose another direction to go to the forbidden area. The direction he chose seemed to be similar to the other directions, but out of respect for the four people who were cultivating here. I understand, but Tu Jin knows that a late-stage master in this direction is a cultivator by nature, and he doesn't care about anything except cultivation. Obviously, his success rate is lower if he advances from this direction. It is much bigger.

Think twice before acting, but the result is that there will be a big difference. Tu Jin's choice is obviously correct. After advancing from the direction he chose, he really did not receive any obstacles. Obviously, that Cultivation lunatics are probably concentrating on their cultivation and didn't notice his passing by, or they just spotted him and ignored him.This is not impossible at all. With that personality, such a thing is not impossible. After all, he is only practicing here, and has no obligation to guard the forbidden area, because the patriarch has not given him an order to guard it.

After another period of time, Tu Jin had completely left the garrison area of ​​the god-level masters, and reached a depth he had never reached before, and he finally stopped in his nerves, his body The shape finally appeared in a quiet space.

"Is this the forbidden area of ​​the clan? Why doesn't it look like anything special?" After stopping his figure, Tu Jin checked the surrounding situation, and only after he didn't feel that he was being probed, he looked at the to the front.

From the surface alone, there is nothing strange about this space, just like other places, but there is no tower-shaped building like other places, only a mountain like a big mound Forget it, of course, this big mound is not small, it is not an exaggeration to call it a hill.

"Master, we have reached the outskirts of the forbidden area." At this point, Tu Jin didn't know what to do next. Speaking of which, it was his first time to come here in this area of ​​the forbidden area. Of course, it was the first time he had seen the scene, and it gave him a feeling that it was a bit unexpected. It seemed that this forbidden area was very different from the forbidden area he had imagined.

Tu Jin's questioning was done in the Sea of ​​Consciousness without making a sound. Although this is not the proper place of the forbidden area, it can only be counted as the periphery of the forbidden area, but if the higher-ups know that he has gone here, the crime will be charged. It was the same as trespassing on a forbidden area, so he had to be more careful.

At this moment, in the Feixue space, Lin Yifei had already seen everything in front of him through Tujin's eyes.It can be said that during this journey, Lin Yifei was paying attention to the outside world almost all the time. Although he couldn't use his spiritual sense to investigate, his sense of nervousness was no less than that of Tu Jin.

Through Tu Jin's eyes, he has already seen the not-so-small mountain in front of him. To be honest, he is really disappointed in such a forbidden place. Judging from the appearance, the forbidden place of the Tu Clan is simply It's too ordinary, and it doesn't have the aura that a forbidden area should have.To be honest, even in the fairy world, Lin Yifei has almost never seen such an ordinary mountain.

At this moment, when he heard Tu Jin's question suddenly, Lin Yifei's expression was shocked, but he also began to think.The forbidden area is right in front of you, although it doesn't look very good, but since it's called the forbidden area, it shouldn't be too common, and at this time he is in the flying snow space, but he can't feel anything, so, go ahead Come down, he'd better go out first.

"It seems that I have to go out and feel it. Only by experiencing it for myself can I know whether this forbidden place is really worth my adventure!" Thinking of this, Lin Yifei had a thought, and first activated the invisibility formula, here is In the forbidden area, there was no room for him to be careless, and after he had used the invisibility formula to the limit, he escaped out of the flying snow space and arrived at the outskirts of the forbidden area of ​​the Tu people.

Facts have proved that Lin Yifei's choice to come out of the Feixue space is definitely a wise choice, because after he was in this space, he suddenly felt that his destination was undoubtedly here.

"It's such a strong smell of earth, such a heavy feeling, this is the feeling that the forbidden area should have!" As soon as he appeared, Lin Yifei felt a strong smell of earth rushing towards his face, and that kind of simplicity and harmony The thickness made him cast his eyes on the hill in front of him immediately. He could sense that the source of these breaths was undoubtedly the hill in front of him.

"Take shelter for a while. When you need it, the master will greet you!" At this point, Tu Jin's role has been almost fulfilled. Next, he can do it alone. One more Tu Jin is here, but It would cause unnecessary trouble, so, immediately, he put Tujin into the Feixue space.

Of course, Tu Jin did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with Lin Yifei's actions, and he also knew very well that with his initial cultivation base, it was really not suitable for him to stay outside and cause trouble for Lin Yifei, so when Lin Yifei accepted Feixue After the space, he waited without any complaints.

"Huh, the forbidden land of the Tu people, hehe, I finally saw you! I just don't know what kind of encounters will be waiting for me in this forbidden land. This time, I will definitely not be able to return empty-handed." After taking Tujin back into the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei didn't have any worries. He glanced at the small hill in front of him, and then he moved his feet and started walking towards the small hill.

(End of this chapter)

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