Chapter 548 Three-legged giant tripod (three more)
Taking Tujin back into the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei began to walk towards the forbidden area of ​​the Tu people. Shin also didn't understand at all, so he had to lift his spirits and prepare for any changes.

Concentrating his aura, Lin Yifei didn't dare to release his consciousness casually, but released the special ability of the induction energy body to ensure that there were no safety hazards around him.

"It seems that the patriarch of the Earth Clan is really confident enough that he didn't set up any defensive measures in this forbidden area. Isn't he afraid that someone will break into the forbidden area?" Lin Yifei had already traveled a long distance. However, he discovered that along the way, although his nerves were tense all the time, the danger he expected did not happen, and until here, he still did not encounter any obstacles.Such a situation made Lin Yifei feel a little guilty.

However, what Lin Yifei didn't know was that among the Five Elements clan, the patriarch's weight was beyond what he could have imagined. The clansmen of each clan would absolutely obey without hesitation, even if it was unfavorable to them. things.Therefore, if he wanted to prevent his own people from trespassing on the forbidden area, the chief of the Tu tribe really didn't need to make defensive measures.

Of course, as the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the eventuality. Although the patriarch of the Tu nationality knows that the people under him will not disobey his orders, but just in case, there are still fortifications. No, when Lin Yifei's body When the shape appeared not far from the small hill in front of him, he had no choice but to stop, because when he got here, he finally discovered the strangeness in front of him.

"Huh, that's right! Since it's called a forbidden area, how can it have nothing special about it!" In front of him, far away, Lin Yifei discovered that the space that seemed to have no abnormalities was covered by a layer of almost It was covered by a transparent shield, but this almost transparent shield enveloped the entire hill in front of him. Obviously, the fortification that he had been thinking about all along appeared.

"It seems that the five patriarchs of the Five Elements Clan are all proficient in the prohibition of formations! This defensive shield is invisible and colorless, and even the fluctuations are very subtle. If it weren't for my special ability to sense energy bodies, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find." After walking a few steps quickly, Lin Yifei soon arrived at the energy shield, and when he got close, he couldn't help thinking with admiration.

Lin Yifei has heard that no one in the Five Elements Space can set up formations, but the five patriarchs once jointly set up a formation called the Five Elements Great Formation, and now it seems that even if the five people did not join forces to form a defensive formation, it would be very difficult for them to form a defensive formation. It is nothing to the patriarch of each clan.Of course, at least it was nothing to the patriarch of the Earth Clan.

"Phew, judging from the stability of this energy shield, even a top formation master is definitely nothing more than that! Moreover, this defensive shield seems to be closer to nature, as if it was naturally generated Similarly, the patriarch of the Tu tribe is definitely not inferior to me in talent formation!" Concentrating his special ability on a shield in front of him, Lin Yifei carefully felt it.And the deeper he felt, the more he was able to discover that this obscure formation was definitely the most stable and most invisible formation he had ever seen, even with his formation talent, I have to say the last word.

"There are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky. This statement is not false at all. It seems that I have nothing to be proud of my own formation talent!" Retracting his thoughts, Lin Yifei couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed softly in his heart.Lin Yifei knew very well that the formation in front of him was natural, and he thought he couldn't do it to such a degree, so speaking of it, in terms of the ability to set up the formation, he was inferior to the patriarch of the Earth Clan.

"With such a stable defensive shield, even if someone from the late stage of the gods comes, they will definitely return in vain. No wonder there are no defensive measures outside, but because of this one, it is completely enough!" After sensing for a long time, Lin Yifei clearly realized that even if he were to use brute force to break the protective shield in front of him, it would take a lot of effort if he thought about it. I believe that only the splitting sword can break it Open up the slightest possibility.However, judging from the stability of the formation, even if he used the splitting sword to tear open a gap in the shield of the formation, the gap would have been closed long ago before he could enter.

Therefore, there is almost no possibility of entering the barrier of this formation with brute force, and the only possibility is to be discovered by the formation setter when the formation is broken.

"Hehe, fortunately I still have a unique trick, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm really going to stop here this time! If so, it's really a pity." Lin Yifei chuckled softly in his heart, but he didn't think so. Lin Yifei didn't dare to take it too seriously, but for some formation restrictions and the like, he couldn't bother him at all. Perhaps, the formation that could confuse him in this world has not appeared yet!

The innate skill of the Five-Colored Dragon ignores any formation restrictions, and this is his reliance.

At this moment, Lin Yifei doesn't need to worry about anything anymore, he has already arrived here anyway, it is impossible not to go in and have a look, so why should he hesitate?

"Shenlong Transformation, Dragon Transformation!" Lin Yifei suddenly shouted in his heart when his face straightened, and then, the dragon ball above the Shenfu suddenly shook, and his whole body changed instantly. He who was originally in human form, Soon it was replaced by a colorful and mighty dragon.However, at this moment, this dragon is also a dragon that has hidden its figure, but it has not revealed its form.

"I want to see, no matter how stable this defensive shield is, can it still stop me?"

After turning into Jackie Chan, Lin Yifei's confidence was greatly boosted by the aura of a super beast, and the aura of being the only one in the world also made Lin Yifei feel contemptuous of everything. So far, the protective shield in front of him is no longer there. No matter how strange it is, at this moment, even if the formation ten times stronger than this defensive shield is in front of him, Lin Yifei is absolutely happy and fearless.

Proudly raising the dragon's head, Lin Yifei swung the dragon's tail, but instantly raised the speed to a very high level, and in the blink of an eye, he had already touched the defensive shield in front of him.The joint between the dragon head and the energy shield seemed to touch the surface of the water. Immediately, there was a wave of ripples centered on a point, and rippling slightly. After a blink of an eye, Lin Yifei's figure after transforming into a dragon changed. It has disappeared outside, but it has entered the real forbidden zone of the Tu people.

In front of the multicolored dragon's innate supernatural powers, no matter what formations or restraints he has, they are all in vain. This kind of ability does not care about the level of the formation's cultivation level or the depth of the formation's attainments.This is the power of innate supernatural powers.

After entering the defensive shield, Lin Yifei hastily had a thought, and once again recovered his human form, slowly landed on the ground, and when he stabilized his breath, he turned his gaze forward again , but he was really surprised.

In front of Lin Yifei, where is there any small mountain?At this moment, what appeared in front of him was a very spacious square with a diameter of almost a kilometer. The ground was simply paved with stones, without any tricks, just placed on the ground so casually, almost The whole square is like this, but the only difference is that in the very center of the square, there is a tall stone platform rising from the ground. Looking up from the stone platform, what appears in Lin Yifei's eyes is A khaki three-legged tripod!This is all the layout of the entire forbidden area of ​​the Tu people.

"It's such a strong breath, it came from there!" Lin Yifei didn't care whether the forbidden area was monotonous, because as soon as he entered, he could already feel the impact of heavy breath after wave Looking at him, and the source of this breath is the black cauldron on the huge stone platform in the center of the square.

"It's weird, that tripod must be weird!" His eyes were fixed on the earthy yellow cauldron in the center of the square, but Lin Yifei's feet began to move uncontrollably. After a while, his figure , he had already appeared under the central stone platform, but he had no choice but to raise his head and observe the khaki-colored three-legged tripod from below.

"What kind of tripod is this? Why do you feel so stressed? With my cultivation base, I can't even straighten my waist!" Under the stone platform, under the three-legged tripod, Lin Yifei only felt that his whole body was shaking. As if a heavy pendant had been cast on it, there was a faint feeling that she couldn't straighten her waist.Lin Yifei couldn't help being surprised by such a situation.

"It seems that this time I really came across something good. This khaki cauldron is definitely a very precious item of the earth clan!" Feeling the pure aura of earth continuously escaping from the cauldron, Lin Yifei narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was full of interest in the three-legged tripod in front of him. It was obvious that the three-legged tripod must be extremely rare to be able to radiate such a strong earth aura outward.

Unable to control the curiosity in his heart anymore, Lin Yifei used all his divine power, but slowly lifted into the air, and finally landed on the stone platform, and observed the three-legged tripod more closely.

The color of earthy yellow, slightly black, no texture, no decoration, about two meters in height, more than one meter in diameter, the entire tripod can be described in four words, it is natural!Lin Yifei believed that this cauldron was definitely not artificially refined, but more like a creation of heaven and earth, because he did not believe that someone in this world could refine such a strange thing.

"Good guy, is this big cauldron really formed naturally? If that's the case, then this tripod is definitely a treasure." Standing beside the big cauldron, looking at the Lin Yifei was almost sure that the thing he was looking for was this big guy.After so many days of tossing and turning, he finally came across a meaningful object.

(End of this chapter)

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