Chapter 584 Cold Spirit Armor

At this moment, even if the theft of the Tu Clan's treasured tripod is put aside, the fact that the fire has slaughtered so many masters of the Tu Clan has already made the two tribes into two camps that will never die. For a moment, the goal of both sides is already very simple, that is to defeat the other side and deal with it appropriately.

The next question has also become simpler. In a war, the winner is the king and the loser is Kou.However, speaking of it, Earth and Fire didn't fight once or twice, they were always evenly divided, and it was not an easy task to decide the winner, especially the one that was very obvious.

"Small man, you've spoken loudly enough. My patriarch wants to see how you can destroy me." When he felt the strong fighting spirit suddenly erupting from the opposite soil, Huo couldn't help but move slightly, and just before him When he wanted to be on guard, Tu's first move was already in his body.Gravity technique, a basic application of the law of earth, only one person in the five-element space can do it. The effect can make an area of ​​a hundred miles in an overweight state. In it, the body is as heavy as ten thousand jun, and the combat power cannot be fully exerted. One or two, but the caster is not affected.

Caught off guard, Huo suffered a small loss, and with just one blow, his opportunity was completely lost, and when he opened his mouth to speak, Tu's attack had already arrived.The two small silver hammers came to Huo's eyes almost in the blink of an eye, and before the hammers could touch him, Huo felt a tyrannical force coming from the hammers, and the figure that had just stabilized , then descended uncontrollably from a downward direction.

"This little man's strength has grown again. It seems that we must reduce the confrontation with him, otherwise we will suffer." Shortened his stature, Huo first avoided Tu's blow, and then, A very ordinary-looking silver-white long knife appeared in his hand. As soon as the long knife appeared, he directly inserted it into the ground, and as the long knife entered the ground, the huge suction force on the ground suddenly It immediately became much smaller.

"Hehe, little man, I've already suffered from your gravity technique, do you think I won't guard against you?" With a light smile, Huo's figure suddenly took a step back, and then, a fiery red spear suddenly appeared In front of him, the fire pointed spear, this is the magic weapon of fire, and it is also a super attack weapon with almost the highest attack power in the five elements space.

As soon as the spear appeared, it seemed to be alive, transformed into a fire snake, and then as if it had its own consciousness, it began to rotate around the body of the fire, and as it rotated, the whole body of the fire was immediately covered with blood. The blazing flames looked like they had turned into a ball of fire, but the temperature of this ball of fire was frighteningly high. I am afraid that even a god-level master would not dare to touch the flames. too close.

"Little man, I haven't fought with anyone for a long time. Today, let's have a good fight. If you can beat me, I have nothing to complain about when I entrust my life to you. However, I'm afraid of you I don’t have that ability!” After arming himself, Huo instantly became more confident.At this moment, with the spear in his hand, there was no one in the five-element space that could make him afraid, and of course the soil in front of him couldn't do either.

"Hmph, red-haired ghost, do you think you can win me by breaking my gravity field? Today, I will definitely destroy you, and no one can stop you." Tu couldn't help being a little surprised by his gravity technique.Speaking of which, in the Gravity Technique, his strength will not be affected, and the opponent's strength will definitely not be fully utilized. It is definitely a good move for him, but he did not expect that it would be used by the opponent in this way. It was broken.However, the gravity technique is just a simple method for him. If he wants to kill a master of the same level, it is obviously not enough to rely on the gravity technique.

There are so many god-level masters under him, but they can no longer be counted on. For some reason, the usually obedient subordinates are now afraid of death. However, he wanted to train these disobedient subordinates carefully, and what should be punished was not to be lenient.And since he can't count on others, he can only rely on himself.

"The five clans in the five-element space, I must let it become the four clans, the fire clan, and wait to bear the anger of the clan leader!" He said to himself in the bottom of his heart, and the soil, which was only a little more than one meter away, suddenly trembled , Then, on the surface of his body, a dark armor suddenly emerged from his body. Almost instantly, his whole body was wrapped by the black armor, without any gaps exposed.

The dark armor has sharp edges and corners, and the design is even more seamless. As for the material, I am afraid that only Tu himself knows.When this armor appeared, the most obvious change was that the surrounding temperature dropped a lot in an instant, and the temperature that had risen suddenly due to the appearance of the fire just now was affected invisibly.

"Hmph, don't think that you are the only one who has the goods, and you will be complacent after negating a small gravity spell. This patriarch wants to neutralize all your attacks, and see what other tricks you have." A deep voice came from Tu's mouth, After being blocked by the armor, it became even more low-key, but the sarcasm in his tone could still be heard very clearly.

This dark armor is not an ordinary item. Tu has not shown himself for the past few days, but it is not that the Tu clan is doing nothing. All his time is spent on this armor, and this armor is exactly the same. He has the confidence to deal with the real cause of the fire.

The cold spirit armor, this is the earth's biggest reliance.This cold spirit armor was made by Tu who spent a long time collecting raw materials and refining it in a special way. Speaking of which, the refining process of this treasure armor can be described as very difficult and long. It has been more than thousands of years since he succeeded in refining this precious armor for his own use. In fact, at this moment, soil has not yet reached the level of perfect sacrificial training for this cold spirit armor. , if it wasn't for the assault these days, he might not be able to put on this special armor right now!

"Hiss! What? It looks quite scary!" Seeing that Tu's whole body was suddenly wrapped in a layer of black armor, Huo couldn't help but gasped.From the black armor on the soil, he felt a real threat. Although the armor looked very ordinary, for some reason, he felt a sharp attack on the cold armor. a feeling of.Also, even he who was in the flames could feel the cold air coming from the armor, so it can be seen that the cold spirit armor must have a strong immunity to fire.

"I just don't know what the defensive power of this thing is. If even the physical defense power is very strong, then I'm afraid I will really suffer a loss in this battle!" After fighting so many times, this is the first time he has seen it. When Tu performed this move, it had to be said that Huo already had a hint of fear in his heart about this strange object he had never seen before.

"Huh, just wearing a piece of broken copper and iron, do you want to use this thing to kill me? I'm afraid it's too whimsical!" Although the heart is full of fear, but verbally, the fire is There can be no relaxation in the slightest. If the momentum is lost, then this battle is really impossible to fight. After all, the two have similar cultivation bases, and any mistake may lead to an irreparable defeat.

"Hmph, is it broken copper? You'll know in a while, red-haired ghost. This time, you must pay the price for what you did." With a cold snort, the soil suddenly flashed, But two small hammers appeared in his hands at the same time, and the originally small hammer seemed to be inflated, and suddenly increased several times, and after wearing such a seemingly heavy armor, the earthy The speed did not slow down in the slightest.

"Dang!" While his figure was flickering, Tu's two small hammers all greeted Huo's pointed spear in an instant. Suddenly, the sound of metal clapping spread far away, and a string of dazzling sparks, It also fell instantly, and at the same time, Huo's figure, which was a lot higher than the ground, was knocked flying hundreds of meters away.Obviously, at this moment, Huo hadn't recovered from the black armor he got out of the soil.

With a flash of his figure, Huo finally completely removed Tu's attack power, and Tu's attack also made him wake up from his trance, his expression was shaken, Huo couldn't help but straighten his face, the fire-pointed gun, and even more It was held tightly in his hand, and the close contact just now gave him a deeper understanding of the dark armor of Tu. He knew that with the addition of this precious armor, his I'm afraid that it may really not be the opponent's opponent.

"Hey, this little guy is really a rascal because he is good at refining messy things." Thinking of the natural talent of the Earth Clan in refining weapons, Huo couldn't help cursing fiercely in his heart.However, he is also very clear that refining tools is the talent of the earth clan, just like his fire clan is born to play with fire, but this is not something to be jealous of.Speaking of which, people have magic weapons, so of course there is no reason not to use them. After all, at certain times, magic weapons are also a part of strength, which is beyond doubt.If you have the ability, you can also refine one!Who made you incapable of that!
With a flick of the Huo pointed gun, Huo also raised his spirits. Today's battle will definitely be extremely difficult. He must be prepared for a protracted battle, and more importantly, he must find a way to break through the ground. Otherwise, the best result he can achieve today is not to lose, and it is impossible to win.

"I'd like to see if such a piece of black armor can withstand the wild bombardment of my fire-pointed gun!" The brain was working rapidly, and the fire immediately eliminated some bad emotions, and his figure flashed. In the blink of an eye, he greeted the soil that flew towards him again.

Regardless of whether it is earth or fire, both of them are very clear that how many other people die will not determine the final battle situation, but it is the two of them who can determine the fate of the earth and fire, so neither of them can lose rise.

(End of this chapter)

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