Chapter 585 Returning to the Holy City of Fire ([-]rd)
"Dangdang block!!" A series of metal clapping sounds followed one after another, accompanied by a series of sparks flying around, the two figures, one tall and one short, were constantly flickering in the sky and the ground, and as the two continued to move , the whole space seemed to be trembling faintly, but at this moment, within a thousand miles, no matter what level of cultivation they reached, they all fled here far away, as if they were afraid of being affected.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Another series of metal clapping sounds sounded, but it was a little different from the previous ones. Obviously, the sounds this time were much clearer.And as this series of handover sounds fell, the two figures, one tall and one short, separated instantly, widening the distance from each other.

"What the heck, what did this little man refine? My fire-pointed spear can't pierce through at all. How can there be any chance of winning if we fight like this?" Pulling the distance from the soil again, Huo couldn't help cursing fiercely in his heart, and his face had also become very ugly at this time.It really made him guess right. The cold spirit armor of the soil is not only immune to his divine fire, but also able to catch all physical attacks. After fighting for a long time, he has been fighting with him all the time. The opponent's armor is so strong that it can't touch the slightest bit of the opponent's body.

Speaking of which, although Tu is relatively small and flexible, his magic weapon is a hammer. This kind of magic weapon lacks agility when used. Compared with Huo's fire-pointed spear, it has much less spirituality.Therefore, relying on the unpredictability of marksmanship, the fire's attack can always greet the soil.However, what made Huo feel helpless was that his attack hit the opponent's body, but the effect was too unsatisfactory.

"This little guy is protected by a precious armor, but he doesn't defend at all, and his moves are terrible. If this continues, I will definitely be the first to be unable to hold on. It seems that I must find an effective way! "The moment his stature was stagnant, Huo turned over his moves one by one in his heart, but what made him anxious was that right now, there was really no feasible way to break through the armor defense.

"Hmph, my patriarch said that today I will destroy you, red-haired ghost, you just wait to die!" Between thoughts, Tu's deep voice came again, and at the same time, the two The sledgehammer carrying the power of a thousand troops struck from both sides of the fire, but it seemed as if it was about to pinch the fire's head at once, but Tu himself showed his empty door, and he completely gave up defense.Obviously, after so many attempts, Tu has 100% confidence in his cold spirit armor.

"Hmph, don't think that you can be invincible by relying on a piece of rags and iron. Today, the patriarch will definitely turn your rags into real waste." Seeing two sledgehammers coming from both sides of him, the fire also Unhurriedly, he swung the fire-pointed gun left and right, and he pushed the two sledgehammers away, and returned them to the soil again, but this time, the fire's attack was in a different position.Before, he always attacked Tu's body, but this time, his target was the opponent's head.Perhaps, the defense of the head is worse than that of the body!In short, no matter what, he will try to attack every part of the earth's body.

Just when Tu Huo refused to give in to each other, and the fight was in full swing, a young figure finally appeared from the sky in the central holy city of the Fire Clan, and the place where he appeared was the center of the Fire Clan. In front of the torch-shaped tower where the chief of the Fire Nation lived.

"Huh, not bad, not a single god-level master stayed behind in the entire central holy city. It seems that this time, I can do whatever I want." Spiritual consciousness shrouded the entire central holy city unscrupulously. He looked at every corner of the city, and he was relieved that there was not a single master staying in the central holy city at this time. Obviously, the war outside had already attracted everyone here.Of course, even if there are a few god-level people left, they will not pose any threat to the current Lin Yifei. As long as the patriarch of the Fire Clan is not here, then he can regard this central holy city as his own Like home, do whatever you want.

After seeing the head of the Fire Clan rushing to the outer battlefield, Lin Yifei rushed towards the central holy city non-stop. He has already accomplished one goal of coming to the Fire Clan this time, which is to refine more puppets , improve his cultivation base, and accumulate the materials for the sacrifice technique, but next, he is going to complete his second goal.The second target, of course, is Baoding of the Fire Clan.

"Hey, these two guys should be able to fight for a while. This time should be enough for me to find the Fire Clan's treasure tripod and take it as my own. But then again, the one worn by the chief of the Tu Clan Baojia, it looks really awesome! If you have a chance, you can use it for research."

On the way here, Lin Yifei saw the situation there through the eyes of the god-level puppets on the periphery of the Fire Clan. He could see the appearance of the Fire Clan chief and the Tu Clan chief clearly. He could watch the whole process live, and Lin Yifei was very interested in the armor made out of the soil.It seems that the defensive power of that thing seems to be amazing. If possible, he would like to get two of them for his two confidante. He himself has a windshield to protect himself, but Han Xueer and Liang Hong don't have it. Being able to get a set of that armor, the safety issue can be greatly guaranteed.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can't watch the battle between the two patriarch-level masters, but right now, the most important thing is to get the treasure tripod of the Fire Clan. For the others, I can only reluctantly give up." On the battlefield between Huo and Huo, those god-level masters had already fled to the side far away. It was impossible for him to watch the battle between the two through their eyes. Lin Yifei couldn't help feeling a little regretful for missing such a big battle.

"Phew, the tower of the Fire Clan is very majestic, but I don't know where their treasured tripod is placed." Withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Yifei began to cast his eyes on the tall torch-shaped tower in front of him. On top of the tower, the tower of the chief of the Fire Clan looks really majestic, but Lin Yifei can feel that this torch-shaped tower is obviously inferior to the central spire of the Earth Clan in terms of solidity. Quite a few, so it can be seen that when it comes to architecture, the Earth Clan is superior to the Fire Clan, even the patriarch's residence is no exception.

"Is there no forbidden place for the Fire Clan? The treasured cauldron of the Tu Clan is placed in the forbidden area of ​​the Tu Clan, so the treasured cauldron of the Fire Clan should be placed in this kind of place after all! I just don't know. Where is the forbidden place!" From the process of obtaining the Tu Clan's treasured tripod, it can be predicted that the location of the Fire Clan's treasured tripod will definitely not be too simple.

"Huh, if there is any forbidden area, you can tell if you ask, why bother to think about it!" At this moment, Lin Yifei remembered that there is still a mid-stage god-level master of the Fire Clan in Feixue Space!He didn't release it because he was afraid of Huo Yu's injury before, but now he can be summoned as a guide.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei thought, Huo Yu, who had gained his attention because of his move Meteor Fire Sea, was summoned, and the moment the latter appeared, he was taken aback by the scene in front of him. Obviously, Huo Yu Yu didn't expect that in such a short period of time, he would return to the base camp of the Fire Clan and even outside the main hall of the Clan Chief.

"Hmph, that's all right, don't be dazed, tell my master where the Fire Clan's forbidden area is, and then take me there to have a look." After seeing Huo Yu appearing, he stared blankly at the tall man in front of him. However, Lin Yifei ignored him as the master, and Lin Yifei couldn't help snorting coldly, drawing the other party's attention.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the fact that the opponent's Meteor Sea of ​​Fire was really ingenious and might have helped him, Lin Yifei wouldn't be so polite to this guy who only had a middle-stage god-level cultivation. It's nothing but admiration for such a genius.

Awakened by Lin Yifei's voice, Huo Yu hurriedly turned his head to Lin Yifei, a trace of fear and helplessness flashed across his face, and then, a respectful look appeared on his face.For his current situation, Huo Yu already has a general understanding, and the most intuitive thing is that the person in front of him has completely controlled himself. If Lin Yifei said, he can only obey unconditionally, and he wants to give birth to a trace of love for Lin Yifei. Disrespectful thoughts are very difficult, or simply impossible.For such a situation, Huo Yu had already resigned to his fate, he knew that what he met this time was a real master.

"Huo Yu has seen the master!" The thought was only for a moment, but Huo Yu, who came back to his senses, did not forget to salute Lin Yifei.A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and the coercion Lin Yifei gave him was beyond his ability to resist. This kind of courtesy was simply natural, like an instinct.

"No need, tell me, where is the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Clan?" With a casual wave of his hand, Lin Yifei interrupted Huo Yu's salute, and immediately asked impatiently.Although the Fire Clan patriarch is still fighting with Tu, no one knows when this man will come back. If he comes back suddenly, his plan will come to nothing.

"Uh, forbidden area?" Hearing Lin Yifei's question, Huo Yu was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he didn't seem to know about this word.

"What? Don't you know?" Seeing the other party's reaction, Lin Yifei couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but hurriedly asked.He didn't want to hear the other party say that he didn't know, and he didn't want to have any unexpected situations at this juncture.

"Return to master, subordinate, this subordinate has indeed never heard of any forbidden areas in the Fire Clan, and I hope the master will forgive me." With a slightly unnatural expression on his face, Huo Yu still had to reply cautiously.After living and cultivating in the Fire Clan for so long, he really had never heard of any forbidden areas in the Fire Clan, but seeing Lin Yifei's appearance, he was very sure, which made him a little uncertain.

"What? There's no forbidden area?" Lin Yifei finally became serious after hearing Huo Yu's answer.It seems that this time, it is not as easy as imagined to get the Fire Clan Baoding!

ps: Ask for a reward!Pod needs power

(End of this chapter)

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