Chapter 195 Instant Kill! (The third update, please subscribe!)
Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's expressions changed drastically, and they retreated immediately!

He retreated all the way to the bottom of the volcano, then stopped, and then hid behind a rock, staring at the fire dragon, carefully sizing it up.

I saw that Huojiao was about tens of meters long, with a pair of cold-gleaming claws growing from its lower abdomen, its whole body was covered with red scales, and its tail was extremely ugly, as bare as a loach.

People can tell at a glance that this guy is a jiao, not a dragon!

At this moment, its huge body is flying towards the bottom of the volcano, in the direction of Lin Yi and the others, accompanied by the gushing hot magma!
The body twisted and the speed was extremely fast!

But it doesn't have the aura of a dragon, instead it looks like a big snake cruising in the void!

"What to do, what to do? It's over, it's really over now, we only have the strength of Wu Zongjing now, how can we compete with that big dragon?!"

Chen Tianrui's face was pale and he was sweating profusely. He was obviously about to faint from fright. Among them, he was the least courageous.

Although Ji Xueyao was also very scared, she didn't express much. She just grabbed her brother Ji Shaokang's arm and said in a low voice, "Brother, I'm scared."

Ji Shaokang's expression was solemn, and he didn't know what to do when he encountered this situation.

Together, they are only a few dozen years old, and it is not too much to say that they are fledglings.

So when you encounter some danger, you will be at a loss.

But Lin Yi is different. In his previous life, he experienced countless life and death dangers, so now, facing the situation in front of him, he immediately said calmly and calmly, "Don't panic."

"Panic will only make you die faster!"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Ji Xueyao, Ji Shaokang, and Chen Tianrui nodded.

"Hide behind the rocks, don't go out, that fire dragon doesn't seem to notice us." Lin Yi stared at the huge fire dragon not far away, and whispered to several people.

The movement trajectory of the fire dragon was very strange, twisted and crooked, as if drunk, and a pair of huge pupils were also gray and white, as if lifeless.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Ji Shaokang and the others immediately hid behind the rock obediently, while Lin Yi pondered secretly by himself.

The pupils of the eyes are gray and white, lifeless and lifeless!

It was very awkward to act, and the roar just now didn't seem to be the voice of the big flood.

Lin Yi suddenly became suspicious.

Immediately released his mental power, and quietly shrouded towards the fire dragon!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi discovered an astonishing scene!
It turned out that the Huo Jiao had already died, and within its body, there was a gray python, which was driving the Huo Jiao's body!
The python ghost beast is dozens of times smaller than the Huo Jiao. At this moment, it is curled up on the Huo Jiao's head. Somehow, it manages to control the Huo Jiao's body. However, every time it moves forward a few meters, the python Ming A beast will tremble with effort!
It seems that controlling the corpse of the fire dragon is not easy for it.

"Let me just say, why is this fire dragon so weird? It turns out that a ghost beast is controlling its corpse!" Lin Yi exclaimed in his heart, and then couldn't help laughing, his whole body relaxed a lot.

After finding out the truth of the matter, the huge fire dragon in front of him is nothing to be afraid of, as long as the ghost beast is killed, everything will be solved easily.

"The underworld beasts are formed from the ferocity and hostility accumulated in the Nantian ancient sites for hundreds of thousands of years, and their nature is actually very similar to spiritual power." Gu Xiao said lightly: "It is not wrong to say that they are transformed from spiritual power. And it is by making use of this characteristic that they can control the corpses of other monsters as they wish."

"By the way, Lin Yi, do you understand the secret art of puppets? The dragon in front of you is the famous Hell Demon Flood Dragon. You can see that there is a magic pattern between its eyes, which shows that it can already show It has become a human body, if it can be refined into a puppet, it will definitely be a great help!" Gu Xiao suggested with glowing eyes.

He even came up with the idea of ​​this fire dragon!

Lin Yi stared intently, and as expected, there was indeed a jet-black magic pattern between the Huo Jiao's two huge beast eyes.

Lin Yi also knew that the lines formed between the pupils of the big dragon's eyes were the manifestation of their ability to manifest a human body!
That is to say, if you refine the Huo Jiao in front of you into a puppet, it is equivalent to refining a clone for yourself!
And it's still the Huo Hell Demon Jiao, a remnant of the Nantian Ancient Ruins, who knows how many times stronger than the Jiaolong outside!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi's eyes lit up!
It just so happens that he knows the method of refining puppets, which is called 'killing puppet technique', which was obtained from his interspatial ring when he beheaded a powerful demon known as 'Invincible Demon Lord'.

At that time, Lin Yi was very interested in refining puppets, so he read the 'Killing Puppet Art', but before he had time to refine puppets, he was killed by his own woman and brother together!
But now, when Lin Yi thinks back carefully, he can still recall the content of the 'killing puppet technique'.

Immediately rushed out of the rock, and rushed towards the fire dragon controlled by the python ghost beast!
However, when Ji Shaokang, Ji Xueyao, and Chen Tianrui saw this, they were completely stunned!

"Lin Yi! What are you going to do?!" Ji Shaokang hid behind the rock, and when he saw Lin Yi jumping out in an instant, he was stunned for several seconds!

Didn't he tell himself to wait for someone to hide behind the rock and not go out?

Then why did he rush out alone?

Is he not going to die?
"I'm going to kill the Huo Jiao, you just wait where you are!"

Lin Yi rushed towards Huo Jiao without looking back, and immediately a calm voice floated into the ears of Ji Shaokang and the others.

"Brother Yi! You come back! You are alone, and you are definitely not Huo Jiao's opponent!"

Ji Xueyao immediately shouted desperately, her eyes were a little red, and she was very emotional.

Facing a ferocious fire dragon, in Ji Xueyao's eyes, Lin Yi's actions were absolutely no different from courting death! !

Although she has only known Lin Yi for a short time, Ji Xueyao thinks that Lin Yi is a very good person!
She didn't want Lin Yi to die in vain like this!

So a bold idea emerged in my heart: I'm going to help Brother Yi!
Thinking of this, Ji Xueyao stepped forward and was about to catch up with Lin Yi and help Lin Yi kill Huo Jiao together.

But at this time, Ji Shaokang firmly caught him.

"Xiaoyao, it's too dangerous! If you don't want to go, I will go too!" Staring at Ji Xueyao who was emotional, Ji Shaokang said with a serious expression: "Brother Yi, he went to solve our troubles. At that time, I, Ji Shaokang, must not sit idly by!"

"Brother Tianrui, let's go together! As long as we attack together, we may not be able to kill that fire dragon!"

Ji Shaokang stared at Chen Tianrui with fiery eyes, hoping that Chen Tianrui could go with him to help Lin Yi.

However, Chen Tianrui shook his head desperately, and said: "No, brother Shaokang, I advise you not to make unnecessary sacrifices, that is the fire dragon in the Nantian ancient site! Although we can't perceive its strength, it is definitely not something we can compete with." of!"

"Brother Yi Lin is too reckless. He is already close to Huo Jiao, and he will never come back. I suggest that we run away immediately! Don't let Brother Yi Lin's sacrifice be in vain!"

"What? Escape?!"

Hearing Chen Tianrui's words, both Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao felt a little unbelievable!

Chen Tianrui, who has always been extremely enthusiastic and helpful, actually said such words now?

It really subverted their brother and sister's understanding of Chen Tianrui.

"Yeah, don't be stupid. Even if our cultivation base doesn't drop, we will definitely not be the opponent of the Ancient Fire Dragon together! Yi Lin will definitely die, so don't waste your efforts!" Chen Tianrui said earnestly.

He didn't know Huo Jiao's true strength at all, but because he was afraid, he didn't want to help Lin Yi, and even persuaded the brothers and sisters of the Ji family to leave with him!

When Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao were both angry and surprised, they heard a bang!
The three immediately followed the prestige!

Lin Yi punched the Huo Jiao's head, and then, the Huo Jiao trembled all over, and fell down limply, motionless!


The word "second kill" instantly appeared in the hearts of Ji Shaokang, Ji Xueyao, and Chen Tianrui!
Staring at Lin Yi's figure, they felt like a dream!
I couldn't help opening my mouth wide!

This is so unreal!

A Huojiao with tens of meters in length was instantly killed by Lin Yi?
In fact, they didn't know that the moment Lin Yi got close to the Huo Jiao, he mobilized all his spiritual power and condensed it into an invisible hammer of spiritual power!
Then it ruthlessly smashed into the python ghost beast inside the head of the fire dragon!
The ghost beast composed of resentment and hostility was instantly smashed by the powerful mental force and vanished into thin air!
Without the control of the python ghost beast, the fire dragon immediately turned into a lifeless corpse.

"Huh, it's over, what are you guys... doing?" Lin Yi returned to Ji Shaokang and the others after finishing off the Huo Jiao.

Looking at the three of Ji Shaokang who were looking at each other, Lin Yi asked knowingly.

He heard what Chen Tianrui said just now, and he came here on purpose to embarrass Chen Tianrui.

"No, it's okay." Ji Shaokang smiled awkwardly. Although Chen Tianrui had exposed the ugliness of human nature just now, he still wasn't going to tell Lin Yi about it. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

"Hmph, brother Yi, it's fortunate that you are so powerful that you took care of that fire dragon yourself. Otherwise, you will be in a terrible situation. Some people are going to die!" Ji Xueyao crossed her arms and held Su' The breasts are protruding, and the rosy mouth pouted, and said dissatisfied.

There is something in the words, obviously aimed at Chen Tianrui!
When Chen Tianrui heard the words, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his whole face became extremely red with shame, he lowered his head and said nothing.

In fact, he didn't know what to say.

"Brother Chen, why is your face so ugly? Is it cold?" Lin Yi raised his lips and stared at Chen Tianrui and asked.

They are located under the active volcano, surrounded by magma, it is strange that it is not hot, how could it be cold?

What Lin Yi said was obviously to embarrass Chen Tianrui!

 PS: The third update has arrived, and the two updates have been merged into one. Today is also counted as the fourth update. Continue tomorrow, please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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