Chapter 196 Puppet clone (first update)
Hearing this, the corners of Chen Tianrui's mouth twitched slightly.

His complexion also became more and more ugly, turning ashen.

I regret going to grandma's house in my heart!

If he knew that Lin Yi could instantly kill Huo Jiao, he wouldn't choose to run away no matter what!
But it's too late to say anything now, a flattering smile appeared on his face, and he said awkwardly: "No, it's not cold, brother Yi, did you defeat that fire dragon? It's too powerful!"

"The Huo Jiao is a remnant of the Nantian Ancient Ruins. Logically speaking, our strength has declined, so we are not its opponent! You actually killed it with a single punch. I really admire you!"

In order to divert his attention, Chen Tianrui had no choice but to ask how Lin Yi defeated Huo Jiao, and at the same time he kept praising him.

Hearing this, Lin Yi curled his mouth into a sneer, he was too lazy to argue with Chen Tianrui, and immediately replied: "To you, it is indeed not its opponent, but to me, that thing is just a big snake."

Just a big snake?
The majestic flaming dragon was called a big snake by him?


It's really pretentious!

After Chen Tianrui heard the words, he almost rolled his eyes.

But I admire it even more!

Such a huge and ferocious Huojiao was killed by Lin Yi's fist, which is enough to show how terrifying Lin Yi's strength is!
At this moment, facing Lin Yi, Chen Tianrui couldn't bear the slightest desire to contend!

Because he has decided that he is not Lin Yi's opponent.

However, if you let him know the truth of the matter.

Just because a low-strength boa constrictor beast controls the corpse of the fire dragon, it may immediately vomit blood in anger!

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yi to tell them the truth of the matter.

After all, Lin Yi wanted to use the method of killing Huo Jiao in seconds to frighten Chen Tianrui.

Ignoring Chen Tianrui, who was full of admiration, Lin Yi immediately cupped his fists at Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao, and then turned back to the corpse of the Huo Hell Demon Jiao.

Immediately following the method of 'killing the puppet', prepare to refine the Hell Demon Jiao into a puppet.

For the Ji family brothers and sisters, Lin Yi didn't feel disgusted, and even liked them a little.

Needless to say, Ji Xueyao, the little girl is only 14 years old this year, although according to the customs of the Shenhun Continent, she is already considered an adult.

But after all, I have not been deeply involved in the world, and the clean one is like a mirror, spotless, and I don't even understand the meaning of "long-lasting", so how can I talk about harming others?
She is even closer to herself than to her brother.

As for Ji Shaokang, although he was a carefree person, he also showed his own character when he was in a crisis. He was not like Chen Tianrui who fled before the battle and fell into trouble, which is enough to show that this person has a good heart.

Therefore, Lin Yi thinks that the brothers and sisters of the Ji family are worth making friends with.

That's why I clasped my fists at them to show my thanks.

"To refine a killing puppet, you must first have sufficient spiritual power. Just now, in order to deal with the python ghost beast, you have exhausted your mental power..." Lin Yi thought to himself, with a trace of helplessness across his face, and then sat cross-legged On a rock, close your eyes and meditate, concentrating your spiritual power.

Seeing this, Ji Shaokang, Ji Xueyao, and Chen Tianrui were surprised. They obviously didn't know what Lin Yi was doing, so they had to wait where they were.

It took a full hour for Lin Yi's mental strength to fully recover. Immediately after a flash in his eyes, he immediately recited the formula of 'Killing Puppet Art' in a low voice:

"Return without soul, sacrifice with blood!"

"Manipulate the world, kill with proof!"

After all, Lin Yi circulated the true energy in his body, along the meridian of the arm, directly pierced through the fingers, and a bright red blood gushed out instantly!

It suddenly turned into a thin blood line, extremely sharp, and directly pierced the Tianxuan acupoint on the top of the Huo Hell Demon Jiao's head!
Immediately afterwards, the corpse of the Infernal Dragon was shaken, and some power seemed to be awakening in his body!
At this moment, Lin Yi pointed to the sky with one hand and formed seals with the other, all the spiritual power of the third-rank alchemist was mobilized, and instantly poured into the limbs and skeletons of the Hell Demon Dragon!

Every meridian, blood vessel, nerve, and even the brain is controlled by Lin Yi's mental power!
With a thought in Lin Yi's mind, with a bang, the Fire Prison Demon Jiao opened its eyes!
The flames burst out, and the claws stretched out!
A ferocious aura immediately diffused from it!
Seeing this scene, Ji Shaokang and the others were stunned!

"Oh my god, it turns out that the fire dragon is not dead! What should we do? Otherwise, let's run away!"

Chen Tianrui was so frightened that he trembled all over, thinking that Huo Jiao was not dead at all, he was so frightened that he wanted to run away again.

But at this moment, I saw Lin Yi's lips move, and spit out the word 'transformation', instantly!The gigantic Hell Demon Jiao is transforming at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Turned into a human body!
The human being transformed from the Hell Devil Jiao is about the same height as Lin Yi, about 1.8 meters!
If you look carefully, you will find that even the appearance is exactly the same as Lin Yi!The only difference is that between his eyebrows, there is a black line the size of a copper coin, which makes him look a little more evil than Lin Yi!

At this moment, he was completely naked, and every muscle was exuding explosive power!

This is exactly the clone of the puppet refined through the killing puppet technique. Lin Yi specially modified his appearance according to his own appearance!


However, when Ji Xueyao saw this, she screamed violently, and then buried her head in Ji Shaokang's arms, her cheeks blushing rapidly.

Ever since she was a child, she has never seen a man's naked body!

At this moment, it is naturally difficult to accept.

However, if she were to know that this naked man transformed by the Hell Demon Flood Dragon was actually Lin Yi's appearance, how would she react?

After hearing Ji Xueyao's scream, Lin Yifang remembered that there was another girl present here, and it was obviously a bit reckless for him to turn the Hell Demon Dragon into a human body.

What's the matter, I have to find a rock as a cover, and then manifest a human body. How can I expose my body in front of a little girl?
Although it wasn't his own body, it was also controlled by his own thoughts. Lin Yi couldn't help but blushed, and immediately controlled the Hell Demon Dragon to go behind a rock, then threw away a set of black clothes and a Shura ghost mask, and put them on.

It didn't take long for Lin Yi to control the Huo Hell Demon Jiao to walk out from behind the rock. At this moment, the Huo Hell Demon Jiao was almost indistinguishable from Lin Yi except for the color of his clothes!

Even those eyes were shining brightly, they couldn't be seen as a puppet at all, as if they were exactly the same as Lin Yi himself!
Of course, he doesn't have the Asura Dragon Sword, so it seems that something is missing.

"Amazing! I didn't expect your puppet secret technique to be so advanced that you can control it with your own thoughts. In this way, it is no different from a clone!" At this time, Gu Xiao suddenly exclaimed.

 PS: Thank you [Rarely Confused] brother for the monthly pass, the first one will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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