Chapter 197 Xuanhuang Contract (Second Change)

"That's natural. The killing puppet technique is a peerless secret book treasured by the demon royal family. Compared with the ordinary puppet technique, it is many times more advanced, and it is more like a clone technique!" Lin Yi said proudly: "As long as you can multi-purpose with one mind , you can control the main body and countless clones at the same time!"

"You mean, how many puppet clones you can control depends entirely on how much you focus on?" Gu Xiao said in surprise: "For example, you can control a hundred clones at the same time?"

"That's right, but with my current state, I can only use three things at once, and controlling a puppet clone is already the limit!" Lin Yi replied helplessly.

The power of the killing puppet technique lies in this point!
Other puppet arts, at most, control the puppet through commands. To put it bluntly, the puppet has no self-consciousness, it is completely a puppet on a string, and only obeys the host's instructions.

The Killing Puppet Art is different!
The puppet clone refined through killing puppetry can be controlled by the host with mental power, just like being possessed by the puppet clone!
Moreover, as long as one can multitask, it will not hinder the simultaneous activities of the main body and the avatar, which can be described as extremely against the sky!

"So, the 'killing puppet technique' you have mastered is somewhat similar to the 'big puppet technique' that the soul knows!" Gu Xiao narrowed his eyes and murmured.

Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately became interested and asked, "The Great Puppet Art? Is it more powerful than the Killing Puppet Art?"

"Nonsense, do you know the origin of the Great Puppet Art?" Gu Xiao said disdainfully.

"I don't know." Lin Yi shook his head.

The corner of Gu Xiao's mouth curled up, and he explained: "The great puppet technique originated from the "Secret Code of the Supreme Heaven"!"

"The "Secret Code of the Supreme Heavenly Dao" and the "Book of Origin" you have cultivated are also listed as the three great fortune-telling magic arts of the upper heavens. They contain endless and terrifying secret arts. The realm is invincible, it can be said to be infinitely mysterious! But it is a pity that the original soul cannot pass it on to you now."

"Can't teach it to me now?" Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned, Emperor Yan flashed a ray of light, and said slyly: "That is to say, there is a way to teach me the "Secret Code of the Supreme Heaven" in the future ?”

"Yes, the Nine Heavens Swallowing Vine is now in its first form, when it will be promoted to the third form, and the "Supreme Secret Code" sealed in the vine's heart will be unlocked, then it will be taught to you." Gu Xiao said lightly: "Of course, you don't want to practice all the secret techniques in it after you get the "Supreme Secret Code", because that is impossible."

"According to incomplete statistics, the "Supreme Secret Code" contains 930 million kinds of secret arts. This is only known. The number of unknown secret arts may be even more!"

"What? Nine, more than 900 million kinds of secret techniques?" Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Lin Yi was stunned: "Gu Xiao, you can't be lying to me, right? What kind of exercises contain so many secrets? Technique? Even the Primordial Soaring Heaven Art, there aren’t that many, right?”

"The "Supreme Secret Code" and the "Book of Origin" are of different types. The reason why "Book of Origin" can be listed as the first of the magical arts of good fortune is because it contains the law of the source, which is higher than the law of space and time. Tracing the source, Control the prehistoric universe!"

"The "Supreme Secret Code" itself is composed of endless secret techniques, so the two cannot be compared."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart, and asked quickly: "Then how can the Sky Swallowing Vine be promoted to the third form?"

"It's very simple, devour!" Gu Xiao said lightly with a hook on the corner of his mouth.

"Swallow? You have swallowed a lot, why haven't you even achieved the second form?"

"Swallowed a lot? Are you ashamed to say? Every time the battle is over, you have never let the soul swallow anything, of course, except for those sword beasts." Gu Xiao said dissatisfied: "You know, the soul But the Nine Heavens Swallowing Vine! Swallowing everything in the world, everything can be swallowed! Anyone who comes is not rejected, as long as the soul keeps swallowing, swallowing, and swallowing again!"

"The speed of advancement will definitely increase a lot!"

"No one will refuse, right? Well, I'll let you eat your fill from now on!" Lin Yi promised, and then frowned: "But it's a little troublesome, that is, it's easy to be targeted!"

"You are a fighting spirit that surpasses the god level. If you are targeted by other strong men, then I will die?"

"Oh, my soul didn't want to sign the Xuanhuang contract with you so early, but now it seems that there is no other way. In order to improve the rank as soon as possible, I had to do this." Gu Xiao pouted helplessly, and then said : "Summon out the soul, and then drip your blood essence."

"What are you doing? What kind of Xuanhuang contract did you sign?" Lin Yi asked in a daze.

Gu Xiao explained impatiently: "The so-called Xuanhuang contract is a contract that can completely integrate the battle spirit into a person's flesh and blood. Xuan is the color of the sky, and yellow is the color of the earth. After signing this kind of contract, the relationship between the host and the war spirit , like heaven and earth!"

"Among the world, who can divide the world?"

"In other words, after signing the Xuanhuang contract, even if the host falls and the soul is gone, the battle spirit cannot be deprived from the body, and it can be transformed into various forms, which is enough to deceive people's eyes and ears."

"Damn it, what do you mean you didn't sign such an awesome contract earlier?" Lin Yi couldn't help being rude when he heard this.

"Hehe, didn't this soul want to test and test you? If you are also an unreliable master, wouldn't this soul be in vain in this life?" Gu Xiao chuckled and said in embarrassment.

In fact, the most critical issue is that after signing this kind of contract, the Nine Heavens Swallowing Teng completely belongs to Lin Yi.

Not to mention that the strong in the Divine Soul Continent can't take it away, even the Zhongzhongtian, or even the Upper Zhongtian, no one can take away the Nine Heavens Swallowing Heaven Vine.

It means that Gu Xiao can only follow Lin Yi forever.

For the sake of caution, Gu Xiao has no intention of signing the Xuanhuang contract with Lin Yi for the time being, but now, after a period of investigation, Gu Xiao believes that Lin Yi is a host that can only be entrusted to him, and in order to improve his rank status as soon as possible, he has the idea of ​​signing the Xuanhuang contract idea.

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and immediately summoned the Nine Heavens Swallowing Vine without any nonsense!
In an instant, a piece of golden brilliance filled everyone's eyes!
Although it only passed away in a flash, it still made Ji Shaokang, Ji Xueyao, and Chen Tianrui stay in place. For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.

"He, he actually has a god-level battle spirit? Damn it!" Chen Tianrui stared at the green vines wrapped around Lin Yi's body, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and he burst out in an instant.

 PS: Thank you [Blood Venerable] brothers for voting for the monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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