Chapter 224 The Trick of the Enemy
After hearing Gu Xiao's words, Lin Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that this was the only way to go.

Since Baiguhe is a formation, the only way to destroy the eye of the formation is to cut off Jianghe, which is obviously impossible given his current strength.

Not to mention the corrosiveness of the river water, even the many silent bone dragons above the river bank are enough for Lin Yi to drink a pot.

Corrosion of the river water and no less than a hundred bone dragons all caused great obstacles for Lin Yi to destroy the eyes of the array.

So there is no way, Lin Yi just needs to listen to Gu Xiao's words and fight those Nirvana bone dragons!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately looked at the leader of the Nirvana Bone Dragon, and asked, "Listen to what you said, only by defeating you can we cross the Baigu River, right?"

Silence Bone Dragon replied in a deep voice: "It's not about defeating us, as long as you can break through our defense line, you will be allowed to cross the river."

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned immediately, and said in a cold voice: "Are you kidding me? You are floating on the river, and you are already invincible. I was about to be sucked into it by the suction of the river, so how can I fight you? Isn't that so unfair?"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Ji Mie Bone Dragon, who called himself Chi Xiao Yunlong, was taken aback for a moment, and then said in astonishment: "This has nothing to do with us, but the rules established by Baigu Dajiang since ancient times. If you want to cross the river , the only way is to come to the river and fight with us!"

"Okay, let me ask you, since ancient times, how many people have crossed the river?" Lin Yi asked.

"No more than ten." Nirvana Gulong replied, and then added: "Every cultivation level is better than you, and not just a little bit stronger."

Lin Yi's face darkened in an instant, this bone dragon really wanted to be beaten, and when asked how many people successfully crossed the river, the direct answer was, why did you have to add the latter sentence?What's the matter, look down on people?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi sneered and said, "Really? Then Yi is going to create a miracle today, and he insists on crossing the Baigu River with this lowest level of cultivation!"

"Hmph, arrogance." Nirvana Bone Dragon sneered.

It has no flesh and blood in its whole body, but a white giant dragon skeleton, except for a few clusters of green fireworks burning in the head and eye sockets, there is nothing else on the body!
I don't know where the sound came from, it's quite weird.

Ji Xueyao and Ji Shaokang, brothers and sisters, had long been frightened by the scene in front of them. It wasn't until Lin Yi's figure flew out that they came back to their senses, and then exclaimed:
"Brother Yi, don't!"

"Brother Yi, be careful!"

Brother and sister Ji Xueyao and Ji Shaokang shouted at Lin Yi in unison.

His brows were furrowed, his face was full of worry, obviously he was frightened by Lin Yi's bold actions!
When they crossed the river just now, although they didn't jump very far, they still walked a few meters on the river surface, and felt the inexplicable attraction of the bottom of the river!

It's like a magnet, as if any cultivation base is falling down uncontrollably.

It is obviously an extremely unwise choice for Lin Yi to choose to fight those bone dragons on the Bone River.

But Lin Yi had already rushed out, and holding the Asura Dragon Sword, he stood directly on a tiny young ancient dragon!

The ear-piercing tremor erupted immediately!
Like water waves rippling towards the surroundings, the brothers and sisters of the Ji family instantly covered their ears with pained expressions.

But Lin Yi's figure was instantly shaken back, and he fell straight into the river of bones with a continuous falling arc!

Although Lin Yi has now reached the level of Hunyuan True Body, the fourth stage of the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique, he still does not dare to resist the water of the Bone River!
What if it falls into it and is instantly corroded into a white bone?
Without absolute certainty, Lin Yi would not allow this to happen!

When there was still a distance of three or four meters from the river, Lin Yi mobilized his true energy, and the ten stars in the sea of ​​stars burst into dazzling starlight!

True energy surged out crazily, supporting Lin Yi to push the 'shrink the ground into an inch' to the extreme!

Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

Lin Yi flew directly from the center of the river to Ji Shaokang's brother and sister, and then a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!
This trace of blood came from the force of the countershock.

Just now when he killed the Nirvana bone dragon with his sword, he was shocked to the viscera by the violent counter-shock force. Fortunately, the young Nirvana bone dragon was broken into two pieces by Lin Yi's sword. The emerald firework in the center went out instantly, followed by the two balls in the eye sockets.

Falling directly into the river from mid-air.

After this trial, it was obvious that Lin Yi had the upper hand.

Although it was relatively easy to deal with the juvenile Nirvana Bone Dragon, it was still too strenuous to kill them one by one.

The suction of Jiang He made Lin Yi overwhelmed, and besides, it was just a sudden attack, a sneak attack.

Once again, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

But the good news is that under extreme pressure, Lin Yi has improved in the skill of shrinking the ground to an inch!Going up to a higher level, now one step forward, almost reaching a distance of about 30 meters!

"One step is 30 meters. With the width of the Baigu River, it takes almost a few steps to reach the other side."

Suddenly, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, and a bold idea appeared in his heart!

Now that shrinking the ground to an inch has improved slightly, can he jump over the Baigu River directly by pretending to attack while he is unprepared?
Thinking of this section, Lin Yi immediately took out a Xiaohuan Pill and a Pishen Pill, swallowed them directly, and used the ancient Lingxiao formula to quickly refine them.

Soon, the true qi in Lin Yi's body returned to its peak state, and the minor injuries to his internal organs also recovered under the effect of Xiao Huan Dan.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth hooked up, and he sneered at Nirvana Bone Dragon: "I thought you were very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be mediocre, and you can't even withstand Yi Yi's sword?"

"Hmph!" Ji Mie Bone Dragon snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Sneak attack is nothing more than a villain's tricks, not to mention, the sword in your hand is not extraordinary, what kind of ability is it to kill one of my youngest sons?"

"Hehe, okay, since that's the case, then I'll show you some skills, this time Yi will kill you directly!" Lin Yi said arrogantly.

As soon as these words came out, Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao brothers and sisters were taken aback.

Kill that huge bone dragon?
What a joke!

In the eyes of the Ji family brothers and sisters, that Nirvana bone dragon is definitely no less than a human being in the Martial King Realm!

The shape of the bone dragon was far beyond that of an ordinary bone dragon. What's more, that bone dragon exuded a trembling aura all over its body, and its strength would definitely crush Lin Yi.

How could it be possible to kill it!
However, their brothers and sisters also knew that they couldn't persuade 'Yi Lin', so they could only watch Lin Yi's figure worriedly, and quickly flew towards the huge Nirvana Bone Dragon!

"Oh, courting death!"

The two balls of emerald green fireworks in the eye sockets of the Ji Mie Bone Dragon suddenly condensed, and then let out a sneer!
(End of this chapter)

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