Chapter 225
Immediately afterwards, the Nirvana Bone Dragon flicked its tail suddenly, and the barbed tail immediately whipped up a gust of wind, and the river water of the Bone River, like a waterspout, directly hit Lin Yi overwhelmingly!

Seeing this, Lin Yi raised his sword eyebrows and his eyelids twitched!
He knew very well that even if he had reached the realm of Hunyuan True Body now, facing the flick of the tail of the Nirvana Bone Dragon and the water of the Bone River, he would probably be seriously injured, or even die!

Therefore, you must not go head-to-head with it!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly changed his body shape, pushed the ground into an inch, and instantly bypassed the huge silent bone dragon, trying to pass through the group of bone dragons and jump to the other side of the Bone Dragon.

"Quick! Faster!"

Lin Yi pushed the ground into an inch to the extreme, as if his whole body was about to explode. The super fast speed caused bloodshot eyes and red skin. In desperation, he could only display his Hunyuan real body!

The golden light burst out, emerging through the white clothes, and even the hair turned golden, like a golden meteor, passing through the group of bone dragons suddenly.

But it's a pity that the Nirvana Bone Dragon seemed to have expected it, turned around suddenly, and let out a long roar!
The roar of the dragon shook the sky!

The momentum is amazing!

"Panlong transforming the net!"

Following the roar of the Nirvana Bone Dragon, those little Bone Dragons gathered together one after another. The speed was extremely fast, like lightning, forming a bone net in a blink of an eye!
The bone network formed, directly blocking Lin Yi's way!
A loud bang!
Lin Yi directly bumped into the bone net composed of hundreds of dead bone dragons, staggered and fell straight down!
He never thought that the Nirvana Bone Dragon would do such a thing!
The plan to raid across the river obviously failed!

Even if he only stopped himself for a second, he would not be able to cross the river as fast as before. Lin Yi didn't dare to hesitate. Before he fell into the river, he quickly shrunk the ground to an inch and turned back to the river bank.

"You despicable guy, you actually want to cross the river in this way? Hehehe, do you think I won't be able to see it?" Ji Mie Gulong sneered coldly.

For it, it has been guarding the Baigu River for countless years. I don't know how many strong men have tried to cross the river, and they have used all kinds of methods. It has long been familiar with Lin Yi's opportunistic methods.

Therefore, as early as when Lin Yi passed by it, he had seen Lin Yi's plan, so he directly controlled the bone dragon soldiers to form a bone dragon net, which caught Lin Yi's way.

The leading Silent Bone Dragon knew very well that no one could resist the suction of the Bone River, so as long as it stopped for a while, those who forcibly crossed the river would fall into the river.

Most of the strong men who forcibly crossed the river in the past, after being stopped by the bone net, all fell into the river of bones and turned into a part of the corpses of the river of bones.

As agile as Lin Yi, the Nirvana Bone Dragon has to admit that there are very few!

After Lin Yi fled back to the other side, Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao immediately surrounded him.

Lin Yi felt like he was alive after a catastrophe, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Ji Xueyao supported him, and finally understood that Lin Yi's actions just now were not arrogant, but wanted to cross the river when the bone dragon was not paying attention, but Unfortunately it failed.

"Brother Yi, are you okay?" Ji Xueyao asked worriedly.

Lin Yi waved his hand, his eyes full of seriousness.

I thought to myself, is there no other way besides defeating these bone dragons?
Crossing the river by force will not work.

It is obviously impossible to rely on one's own strength.

Others can't help themselves.

For a while, fell into a deadlock.

The silent bone dragon led many small bone dragons back into the river, but it just hibernated on the surface of the river.

Looking from the direction of Lin Yi and the others, one could even see many emerald green flames in the river, which looked extremely strange!
At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from behind Lin Yi and the others!

"Look, it's a swordsman in white!"

"Gusun, I finally caught you!"

"Swordsman in white, you cheated us with so many treasures, you didn't expect us to escape from the realm of death!"

"Hahahaha, it really doesn't take much effort to get here! Hurry up and hand over the treasure I'm waiting for, or you will be torn apart!"

"That's right, hand over all the treasures on your body, and I can still leave your whole body, or else, I will directly chop you into meat paste and throw it into the river!"

As the sound approached from far away, the figures of a group of people gradually appeared in the sight of Lin Yi and the three of them!
It is none other than those cultivators who were trapped in the world of death before!
Although not many.

But it is definitely not something that Lin Yi and the others can compete with.

Brother and sister Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao's faces turned pale, they were very clear about the character of this guy in front of them.

Jairus must be reported!

They were miserable before, but now it falls into their hands, it must be over!

However, Lin Yi checked and found that there were more than [-] people in total, and there was no trace of strong men such as Yi Jianzong. Compared with the practitioners trapped in the dead world, these guys who escaped were less than one tenth.

Moreover, Lin Yi felt that most of them were in the realm of Wu Zun, and only a few of them had reached the realm of Wu King!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, fortunately, the rule of death is not that whoever is stronger will have a greater chance of escaping, otherwise, his enemies will be difficult to deal with.

But even so, he is now in the dilemma of being attacked!

There were hundreds of Nirvana bone dragons blocking the way, followed by more than 30 strong Wu Zun and even Wu Wang strong blocking the way. If you want to survive, it seems that you can only fight with those strong men!

Lin Yi would not foolishly think that he could break through the defense line of the Nirvana Bone Dragon.

At this moment, Gu Xiao suddenly said: "By the way, Lin Yi, there is a way to make you invincible, didn't you think of it?"

"Make me invincible?" Lin Yi asked in surprise, "How do you say that?"

"This soul reminds you a few words." Gu Xiao chuckled: "Bai Gu Da Jiang."

Lin Yi heard the words, pondered for a while, and instantly understood Gu Xiao's meaning, and immediately said pleasantly: "You mean to use the Baigu River as a base to lure those strong men to come and die?"

"That's right, don't forget, in the face of the Bone River, only you can escape easily if you shrink your ground into an inch, while other people plunder the river, as long as they dare to go deeper, they will inevitably fall into the river without a whole body end." Gu Xiao said: "With this advantage, you will definitely not be chopped into meat paste by those people."

Hearing this, Lin Yi not only rolled his eyes speechlessly, but then came back to his senses, looked at those strong men, and said with a sneer: "You guys were able to escape from the realm of death, to be honest, it was really beyond Yi's expectations, but the treasure is now In my hands, there is no reason to return it."

"If you want Yi to hand it over, then you can come and get it yourself!"

After all, Lin Yi retreated towards the river step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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