Chapter 227 Damn you!
After all, they are all close to ordinary people now, and their strength levels are almost the same.

In an instant, they scuffled into a ball.

A sneer appeared on Lin Yi's face, and then he walked towards Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao.

"How about it, isn't this a good move?" Lin Yi smiled at Ji Shaokang and said.

The corner of Ji Shaokang's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly: "Brother Yi, I have convinced you. I didn't understand what you wanted to do before. I didn't realize until you led them to the river. It turned out that I wanted to use that river to mysteriously The pull of it kills them."

"Now, let their surviving people kill each other, and only one will live."

"Your intention, I really don't understand."

Ji Shaokang said with some regret.

Ji Xueyao leaned into Lin Yi's ear and asked, "By the way, Brother Yi, why did you let someone go? Don't you know that after he regains his strength, he will definitely seek revenge from you?"

"Let it go? Haha, I won't let them go, I just lied to them!" Lin Yi said to Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao through voice transmission.

In an instant, the brothers and sisters of the Ji family looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, thinking that you clearly said the word "guarantee" just now, why did you go back on your word within a few minutes?

This is too immoral, right?
Lin Yi saw their doubts, and immediately said via voice transmission: "Haha, don't worry, I promised to do it as Yi Lin, and my real name is not Yi Lin."

"So, you know what I'm going to do, right?"

"It turns out to be like this!" After hearing this, Ji Shaokang suddenly realized: "Brother Yi, what is your real identity? Can't you reveal it to us brothers and sisters? Don't worry, we promise not to reveal it .”

"Yeah, Brother Yi, I really want to know your real identity, and your appearance..." Ji Xueyao blushed, and said shyly through voice transmission.

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he said lightly: "After I find that thing, I will tell you my real identity. Don't forget, I want you to be more 'sincere'."

Hearing the word "sincerity", the blush on Ji Xueyao's face became more obvious.

At this time, the continuous muffled sound brought back the thoughts of Lin Yi and the three of them. The three of them immediately stared and saw that the six strong men had already been beaten to the point of bleeding by the river.

Two of the Nine Star Martial Venerables had died, one had a big hole in its throat, and a hideous crack appeared on the other's forehead, and the white brains gushed out along the crack!

Both of these two died at the hands of the two three-star martial kings. As the most powerful existence among the six, the two three-star martial kings, although the amount of true energy was almost the same as theirs, their physical bodies were not at the same level after all.

Coupled with rich combat experience, he quickly took the lead in obliterating the two nine-star martial masters by virtue of his physical defense.

The remaining one-star Martial King and another one-star Martial Venerable temporarily formed an alliance to defend against the two three-star Martial Kings.

"Give me death!"

"In order to live, we are forced to!"

The two three-star martial kings roared with ferocious expressions, and then one of them used the eagle claw hand, intending to kill the weakest nine-star martial master again with the throat-breaking killing technique.

And the other three-star martial king clasped his hands together and slashed towards the one-star martial king!

A heavy palm landed on the top of that one-star Martial King's head, and then that one-star Martial King trembled all over, his face was stunned, and thick blood appeared in his eyes!
"Don't worry, I will live on your behalf!" The three-star martial king said a little bit unbearably, and then murmured in a low voice: "If possible, I will avenge you."

He thought no one would hear these words, but they still couldn't escape Lin Yi's ears.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth curled up instantly, remembering the appearance of the three-star Martial King.

On the other side, another [-]-Star Martial King used his eagle claws to directly pinch the Nine-Star Martial Lord's throat.

There was a crisp click, and the throat bone suddenly shattered!

Immediately afterwards, the finger of the three-star martial king pierced his throat in an instant, and the nine-star martial master died suddenly, his face full of unwillingness!

"It's just you and me, come on, make a deal!"

Among the six people, the two who survived to the end were indeed the two strongest Martial Kings!
One was dressed in blue, the other in purple.

The two looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Zipao Wuwang said: "If I die, you know what to do."

"If I die, you also know what to do." Lan Yi Wu Wang also said the same.

The two people's words were meaningful and confusing, but Lin Yi clearly remembered what the purple-robed Martial King murmured in a low voice.

He wanted to avenge that one-star Martial King?
How to take revenge?

It's nothing more than to survive, recover your true energy, and kill yourself!

Therefore, it is self-evident what the two are talking about now.

"Hmph, you are not benevolent, so don't blame Lin for being unrighteous!" Lin Yi thought to himself, and then urged him: "What are you talking about? Hurry up and do it!"

As soon as these words came out, the Purple Robe Martial King and the Blue Clothes Martial King no longer hesitated, and shot angrily respectively!

The two have recovered some strength now, but they have not yet reached the realm of Wu Wang, which is similar to Wu Zong.

But the power should not be underestimated!
"Eagle claws split the sky!"

The blue-clothed martial king lifted his wrist and bent his fingers, and his fierce and sharp aura instantly stabbed towards the purple-robed martial king!

The Zipao Martial King didn't change his face, even with a look of generosity to die, he clasped his hands together, swung his elbows and arms, and shouted violently: "The big handprint of breaking the sky!"

Both styles attack the opponent's vital points together!

One is the throat, and the other is the top of the head!

No matter who succeeds, they will die with one blow!

In a blink of an eye, the blue-clothed Martial King's arm suddenly dropped from mid-air!

Before the trick of Eagle Claws Splitting the Sky was successfully performed, it was completely shattered!

On the other hand, the purple-clothed Martial King hit the blue-clothed Martial King's head heavily with both palms, causing the blue-clothed Martial King to bleed from his seven orifices, and his breath was instantly cut off!
King Martial King in blue stared wide-eyed, with two strings of scarlet blood hanging from the corners of his eyes!
The Zipao King Wu gritted his teeth, with a face full of grief and indignation, he reached out to help the Blue Clothes King Wu close his eyes, then stood up, and walked towards the direction he came from!
He won!
He was the last one to survive among the six!

So he is eligible to live!

But at this time, Lin Yi stepped in a flash and stopped in front of Zipao Wuwang.

"What do you want to do?" Zipao Martial King said coldly.

"Nothing, just kill you." Lin Yi replied with a sneer, just as the words fell, the Asura Dragon Sword came out of its sheath, swishing across the neck of the Purple Robe Martial King!
Blood gushed out of his skin like a thin thread in an instant!
King Zipao Wu clutched his throat, stared at Lin Yi in astonishment, trembling, and said with the last bit of strength, "You, why, what, kill me?"

"'re damned."

(End of this chapter)

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