Chapter 228
Because you damn it!
As soon as these words came out, the purple-robed Martial King immediately fell backwards, and his body hit the ground heavily!
At a glance, I saw that his face was full of regret!
If I knew this earlier, why did I have to work so hard?
Killing each other, in the end, death is inevitable, what is the point?

Of course, Zipao Martial King could no longer think about these thoughts.

Because at this moment he has completely lost his breath!
A strong man in the realm of a three-star Martial King fell.

In this battle, Lin Yi can be said to have won a complete victory. Through the trick of seduction, he led the cultivators who were chasing him to the river of bones, causing them to be almost wiped out!
The remaining strong men also exhausted their true energy, and were all killed by Lin Yi with a single move of cannibalism!

For what he did, Lin Yi didn't feel guilty at all, because he knew the rules of survival in this world.

If you want to survive, you have to be more ruthless than anyone else!

Otherwise, you will end up waiting to die!
Lin Yi didn't think that those strong men would spare his life after taking back their treasures.

No matter who it is, cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots is the safest way.

"Brother Yi, aren't you too cruel? It's inhumane to let people kill each other and not spare his life in the end!" Ji Shaokang said exaggeratedly.

Lin Yi smiled and said nothing.

He knew that Ji Shaokang was joking.

Although Ji Shaokang is a bit pedantic, but his mind is not bad, it is impossible that he can't even figure out this causal relationship.

If he didn't kill the surviving King Wu, wouldn't he be causing trouble in the future?

Instead of talking to Ji Shaokang, Lin Yi asked Ji Xueyao to go with him to search the space rings on those strong men to see if there were any good things in them.

What makes Lin Yi feel a little pity is that most of the strong men who chased and killed him before were swallowed up by the river of bones, and there was almost nothing left except for a skeleton.

The space ring was naturally corroded by the Bone River, and the space rules of this world could not be changed without breaking through the realm of Emperor Wu, and the treasures in the space ring could only be lost to the unknown space.

"Brother Yi, wait for me, and I'll search for you too." Ji Shaokang saw Lin Yi and his sister go to search for the treasures in the space rings of those strong men, so he was naturally unwilling to be left behind, and hurried towards the two of them .

But at this moment, a powerful aura suddenly came from the direction behind him, followed by a voice of resentment!
"Yi Lin, I didn't expect you to be here! Hahaha, it really took no effort at all!"

"Young thief Yi Lin, God open your eyes, let me meet you as soon as I leave the realm of death, hahaha, it seems that God meant it!"

"That's right, even God wants us to seek revenge on you, you wait to die!"

After hearing these voices, Lin Yi's face instantly became solemn!

Through those auras, Lin Yi sensed that there were at least ten Martial King powerhouses!
Although only the six-star Martial King Realm is the strongest, the ten Martial King powerhouses added up are definitely not something that I can compete with!

Lin Yi turned around suddenly, stared at him, and then saw many practitioners walking towards him with hideous expressions!

These cultivators were all the guys who were deceived by Lin Yi before and trapped in the realm of death. Now they somehow escaped from the realm of death, and just happened to meet Lin Yi again. It would be strange if they didn't seek revenge from Lin Yi!

"Hahaha, Yi Lin, Yi Lin, I didn't expect that we all came out!" Xiao Zhanmei's voice came to Lin Yi's ears, with a hint of sarcasm and complacency.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, but said nothing.

On the contrary, the practitioners beside Xiao Zhanmei said gratefully, "Speaking of this matter, I really have to thank Mr. Xiao Zhanmei of Yijianzong!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Mr. Xiao's amazing comprehension ability to comprehend the secrets of the realm of the dead and those who guard the ring, and tell us those secrets, I'm afraid we would still be trapped in the realm of the dead until now!"

"Thanks to Young Master Xiao, we will never forget this kindness!"

"Young Master Xiao, I didn't have time to thank you just now, please accept my worship now!"

"Please accept me for a while!"

"Please accept me for a while!"


While speaking, those cultivators were a little emotional, and each of them looked at Xiao Zhanmei very gratefully, and then bowed to him!
The reason why they were able to escape from the realm of death was not that they used other methods, but that after Lin Yi, Xiao Zhanmei figured out the secret of the ring guards, and then made this secret public, so they were able to escape from the realm of death.

Before, they only cared about running for their lives and didn't have time to thank Xiao Zhanmei, so they bowed together to thank Xiao Zhanmei at this moment.

Xiao Zhanmei smiled in satisfaction, and then said loudly: "You are welcome, it is a rule of my Yijianzong to help others. As the No. Carry forward, you don't have to care about it."

"Oh, Mr. Xiao is really a great virtue! I really admire him, he is far better than that white-clothed swordsman Yi Lin!"

"That's right, that white-clothed swordsman is about to drive me to death. Not only did he cheat us of so many treasures, but in the end he trapped us in the world of death! Fortunately, he escaped now, or else he would have to die of aggrieved death?"

"You guys are so stupid. How can you compare Mr. Xiao with that bastard white-clothed swordsman? Mr. Xiao is the No.1 disciple of Yijianzong, a peerless genius who will take over the position of suzerain in the future. Can't pick them out."

"And that white-clothed swordsman, Yi Lin, is absolutely hateful! He teamed up with the young master of the Ji family to set up a gambling game to deceive us and other treasures, and even set us up to trap us, almost trapping us in the realm of death! If it weren't for Mr. Xiao, we might I can't escape for the rest of my life!"

"So, do you think that bastard white-clothed swordsman can be compared with Young Master Xiao? Can you?"


"You're right! No!"


Everyone said emotionally, at this moment, in their eyes, Xiao Zhanmei's majestic figure is becoming more and more radiant, as if he is the spokesperson of justice.

But 'Yi Lin' was completely reduced to a bastard villain, shameless and despicable. Not only did he want to kill him, but he also had to belittle him before he killed him!
Seeing this scene, not only Lin Yi was speechless, but even the brothers and sisters of the Ji family felt a little speechless.

Lin Yi stared at the faces of those people with a sneer, hoping to remember them all, so that it would be convenient for revenge in the future.

Lin Yi doesn't think that now he can defeat many practitioners by himself!
Among other things, the ten strong Martial Kings are not something that I can contend with at this stage. If I don't run away, why don't I just stay here and wait to die?
(End of this chapter)

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