Chapter 229 Desperate situation, dawn

"Everyone, before raising your eyebrows, I saved your life."

"Now, I don't ask for anything in return, I just ask you to promise to raise your eyebrows."

Taking advantage of this moment, Xiao Zhanmei suddenly looked at the crowd, and then said with a serious face.

Those cultivators immediately frowned when they heard the words, and said boldly:
"Young Master Xiao, please tell me, even if you tell me to wait until you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire!"

"That's right, Young Master Xiao, please tell me quickly!"

The corners of Xiao Zhan's eyebrows and lips were slightly raised, and then he said with a serious expression: "Zhanmei, please, everyone, let's attack the white-clothed swordsman Yi Lin together, and sacrifice to my Yijianzong elders Zhang Dongtian, Xu Fu, Wang Lang, Li Qiubai... the spirits in heaven!"

"Presumably you all know that Yi Lin, the white-clothed swordsman, killed the six elders of my Yijianzong with extremely cruel methods. As the leader of Yijianzong's disciples, how can Zhanmei sit idly by?"

"If you don't care about it, don't care about it, wouldn't you be like a cold-blooded poisonous snake? Not to mention that I am also a teacher and friend with several elders, even the suzerain can't get along with me if I raise my eyebrows!"

"How will I inherit the suzerain position in the future? What's more, in this way, how can I save the face of Yijianzong?"

Xiao Zhanmei said righteously, looking at that posture, it seems that Lin Yi is a member of the devil's way. He asked everyone to surround and beat Lin Yi in order to do justice for the heavens and occupy the commanding heights of morality.

"Young Master Xiao is really sensible!"

"It's not just sensible, I think Young Master Xiao values ​​love and righteousness even more!"

"Young Master Xiao, there is no reason for me not to agree to your request! Do you think so?"

"That's right! That bastard Yi Lin made us miserable enough. If it wasn't for you, Young Master Xiao, we would have ended up being killed by him too."

"So, Yi Lin is our common enemy. Even if Young Master Xiao doesn't mention it, we won't let him go!"


"I suggest, let's kill the brothers and sisters of the Ji family. It's not a good thing for them to work together."

"As long as we don't leak this news, their Ji family won't know who did it. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay! I have long thought that the young master of the Ji family is not pleasing to the eye, like a dog next to the white-clothed swordsman, today I will beat him into a dead dog!"

"Tsk tsk, wait a minute! That little girl from the Ji family is pretty, but let her live and make a cauldron for this old man."

"Old Monster Huang, you are quite courageous. If the Ji family finds out, I think you have enough heads to chop off!"

"We can't keep any of them! We have to kill all three of them, burn them to ashes, and throw them into the river ahead. Only in this way can we destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, without being discovered by the Ji family."

"That's right, then do as you say!"

Many cultivators were talking about this verse, and when they talked about this verse, they suddenly showed coldness on their faces, and surrounded Lin Yi and the other three.

Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy!

If they don't target the Ji family brothers and sisters, it's okay to say, after all, they have the miraculous skill of shrinking the land to an inch, so they can use the previous trick to lure the enemy to lead them into Baiguhe.

But now, if I run away, I'm afraid the brothers and sisters of the Ji family will die even faster!

"To save or not to save?"

"To save or not to save?"

The crowd kept approaching, surrounded by turbulent breath!

Lin Yi frowned, thinking about a very realistic question.

The Ji family brothers and sisters had already been frightened to death, and Ji Xueyao was trembling all over, hiding between Lin Yi and her elder brother Ji Shaokang, her jade hands tightly clutching the corner of Lin Yi's clothes.

Although Ji Shaokang was also very scared, but after all he was an older brother, how could he break down in front of his younger sister?
In that case, wouldn't my sister be even more afraid?
Thinking of this, Ji Shaokang plucked up his courage and yelled coldly at the crowd: "You, you all, get out of here!"

"Get out? Hehe, Young Master Ji, this is not the Changhua Martial Kingdom, and it's not the territory of your Ji family. Why should you tell us to get out of here?" An old man in green robe sneered.

"That's right, you can't protect yourself now, do you know that? If you dare to show off your might, believe it or not, I will make you mentally retarded in a while?"

Ji Shaokang gritted his teeth: "You can touch me, but don't touch my sister, otherwise, otherwise..."

"Haha, otherwise what? Young Master Ji?"

"Yeah, otherwise what? You said it!"

Seeing that Ji Shaokang was at a loss for words for a while, those cultivators felt more and more refreshed in their hearts. A young master from a top family in a middle-level martial arts country is now being bullied into such a cowardly state by himself and others. Thinking about it, I feel relieved!
"You dare to touch my sister, our Ji family will never spare all of you! I swear!" Ji Shaokang roared wildly: "My father, and the clan elders, will definitely kill you all!"

"Hahaha, what a joke. This is the ancient site of Nantian. As far as we know, your Ji family has never sent strong people to practice. Therefore, even if you are killed, they will not find out."

"That's right! Besides, after you were killed, your bodies were burned to ashes and thrown into the river. Who the hell knew we did it? I'm afraid your Ji family doesn't even know the whereabouts of your brother and sister, haha Ha ha!"

Those cultivators said intensified, with a sneer on their faces.

Ji Shaokang's heart gradually turned cold, and his face became more and more ugly. Yes, this is the Nantian Ancient Site, and the family did not send anyone. Even if he died here, the family members would not know.

Thinking of this, Ji Shaokang felt very regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he would not have ran out foolishly at the beginning!
"Yaoyao, brother, I'm sorry!" Ji Shaokang said in a heavy voice.

Ji Xueyao remained silent, but two lines of tears flowed down from her eyes.

After a while, Ji Xueyao said softly, "I don't blame you."

Hearing this, Ji Shaokang couldn't help but shed tears.

Up to now, hundreds of people have come to surround them, and the Wu Wang strongman is heavily guarded in every direction, and he has fallen into a desperate situation!

If there is no miracle, the three of them will definitely die today, and they will die without a whole body!
"Come with me!"

At this time, Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Yi, don't waste your energy in vain, just let fate." Ji Shaokang said weakly, heart ashamed.

Ji Xueyao didn't say anything, but stood up, obviously listening to Lin Yi.

"Let it be fate? Never!" Lin Yi said, his voice was full of determination!

He made up his mind and gave it a desperate fight!
He wants to take the Ji family brothers and sisters together to plunder over the Bone River.

If God blesses them, they will not sink to the bottom of the river soon, so that there will be time to attract those practitioners to come to die!
But if God doesn't bless you, it is very likely that you will die without a whole body, and will be directly corroded by the river of bones and turned into bones!
Clutching Ji Xueyao and Ji Shaokang's wrists, Lin Yiteng jumped up, and when he was about to fly towards the Baigu River, a cold voice suddenly sounded:

"To kill that person, have you asked the deity?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, his expression was overjoyed!

That deserted voice was like a ray of dawn in the darkness, bringing hope to Lin Yi!

(End of this chapter)

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