Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 38 Xu Tianlong, step forward to lead the death

Chapter 38 Xu Tianlong, step forward to lead the death
Hearing the praise from around, Xu Tianlong narrowed his eyes and his face was full of complacency.

During these seven days, his cultivation has also made a breakthrough, and he has entered the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Although he is only at the level of one-star Wuzong, he has a powerful hole card in his hand, and Xu Tianlong thinks he can't use this hole card.

With this trump card in hand, even the two-star Wu Zong is no match for him, and it is obviously overkill to deal with Lin Yi.

"Tianlong, you have to take care of that Lin Yi in a while, don't make it too bloody, I'm afraid!"

At this time, beside Xu Tianlong, a woman in red with a medium appearance, heavy makeup and a dusty look said to Xu Tianlong pretending to be afraid.

The corner of Xu Tianlong's mouth twitched, and he stretched his big hand into the gully on the woman's chest without hesitation, grabbed it hard, and said with a smirk: "Don't worry, I will get rid of him soon, I promise I won't let you see it." What a bloody scene!"

A blush immediately appeared on the face of the red-clothed woman, snuggled into Xu Tianlong's arms, and murmured softly, looking very artificial.

"Crap, what time is it, why isn't that Lin Yi here yet?"

"I won't give up, and dare not come?"

"It looks like, don't forget, that kid only had the strength of a three-star martial artist seven days ago, how much can he improve in these seven days? He must have regretted it, and was afraid of being beheaded by Brother Tianlong, so he didn't arrive for a long time!"

"Hahaha, thanks to the fact that he is still the holder of two new records in the Neizong's assessment, I thought he was so good, but he is just a shrinking turtle!"

As time passed, Lin Yi never showed up, and the inner and outer sect disciples who were watching the fun all around started talking contemptuously.

As soon as those disciples finished speaking, the rest of the people also nodded, thinking that what they said made sense.

Lin Yi was only at the level of a three-star martial artist seven days ago. After seven days, could he still catch up with Xu Tianlong?

It must be because he was afraid of Xu Tianlong's powerful strength, so he didn't dare to come!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

But at this moment, a crisp sound rang out coldly.

Everyone stared and found that it was Chu Shenglan.

At this moment, with a pretty face, she stared at everyone and said, "Lin Yi has gone out to practice, and he will definitely come!"

"Hey, Junior Sister Shenglan, why are you still talking to a newcomer? Could it be that that kid has already hooked your soul away?" Beside Xu Tianlong, a young man with a round face immediately looked at Chu Shenglan, thinking Said in a teasing tone.

This person's name is Ma Zhong, he is a disciple of the inner sect, he has a five-star martial artist cultivation level, he is flattering and flattering, and he is a dog next to Xu Tianlong.

Because of some talents in alchemy, he always wanted to use Xu Tianlong to recommend himself to the elder of alchemy, Feng Wuji, so as to become a true disciple.

"You!" Upon hearing this, Chu Shenglan was immediately ashamed and indignant.

Xu Tianlong laughed wildly, and said: "Ma Zhong is right, Junior Sister Chu, don't you always dislike contact with the opposite sex? There are so many disciples in the Neizong who like you, but you refuse them all. Why are you only treating this newcomer?" Is it true that Lin Yi favors you? Could it be that, as Ma Zhong said, that kid Lin Yi hooked your soul away?"

"Tsk tsk, that kid Lin Yi is really good at tricks. He has bewitched Chu Shenglan, the most beautiful woman in our inner sect. I have to say that even this young master is a little jealous of him!" Xu Tianlong deliberately stirred up everyone's emotions .

As soon as these words came out, those internal and external sect disciples who liked Chu Shenglan really became indignant, wishing to skin Lin Yi's cramps.

Seeing this, Xu Tianlong laughed wildly: "But please rest assured, after today's battle, no one will be able to threaten you. You still have a chance, hahaha..."

"Brother Tianlong, please, I must kill Lin Yi!"

"Yes, yes, kill Lin Yi, then Senior Sister Chu will be ours!"

"Support Brother Tianlong and kill Lin Yi!"

The voices of everyone supporting Xu Tianlong became louder, and Xu Tianlong smiled with satisfaction.

"Xu Tianlong, I, Lin Yi, are here, step forward and lead him to death!"

At this moment, Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded, and then Lin Yi was walking towards this side with steady steps, with a very confident look on his face.

He is finally here!
A look of surprise flashed across everyone's eyes, and they immediately made way for Lin Yi.

When Chu Shenglan saw Lin Yi, her pretty face was full of joy, but at the same time, there was worry in her eyes.

Lin Yi's ability to come proves that he is not a coward, but can he really compete against Xu Tianlong?

After all, Xu Tianlong has stepped into the realm of Wuzong!
Lin Yi nodded slightly towards Chu Shenglan, and then walked in front of Xu Tianlong.

Xu Tianlong's eyes were slightly cold, he stared at Lin Yi and said, "I didn't expect you to dare to come, I thought you were going to be that shrinking turtle."

"Not only did I dare to come, but I also dared to take your life!" Lin Yi replied not to be outdone, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

At this time, the elder who was in charge of the life-and-death challenge walked towards the two of them, holding two contracts in his hand.

Walking in front of the two, the elder with a clear face said in a steady voice: "This is a life-and-death contract. Only after signing can the life-and-death challenge begin."

"When you step up to the stage of life and death, if you don't distinguish between life and death, you will not be able to come down. If you think about it, you can sign it."

After finishing speaking, he handed over the two life and death contracts to Lin Yi and Xu Tianlong respectively.

Xu Tianlong didn't even think about it, bit his fingertips, and directly wrote his name on the life and death contract with blood.

The same is true for Lin Yi. After finishing writing, he handed it over to the elder.

Then, the elder with a pale face looked at everyone, and said loudly: "The life-and-death treaty has come into effect, and now, the life-and-death challenge begins! You two, come on stage!"

As soon as the elder's words fell, Xu Tianlong and Lin Yi jumped onto the ring at the same time.

The platform of life and death is specially built for life and death competition, so the area is very wide.

At this moment, Lin Yi and Xu Tianlong stood facing each other, and there was a strong fighting intent in each other's eyes.

Of course, Xu Tianlong's eyes were more disdainful and contemptuous.

"Lin Yi, you killed my uncle and my cousin. I must avenge this revenge!" Staring at Lin Yi, Xu Tianlong's voice turned cold: "Are you ready to accompany them under the Netherworld?"

"I should be the one asking you this question. Are you ready to go to the Underworld to accompany Wang Yu and Zhao Xinghe?" Lin Yi sneered.

"What?" Upon hearing this, Xu Tianlong's face suddenly changed, and he looked around, but he did not find Wang Yu and Xu Tianlong, and he was surprised: "You put them..."

Lin Yi sneered and didn't answer.

Seeing this, Xu Tianlong came to a conclusion in his heart.

Lin Yi really killed them!
"Hmph, so what, don't scare me with them, I'm in the realm of Wuzong now!"

Xu Tianlong gave a loud shout, and immediately showed the violent aura of his Wuzong realm.

The robes fluttered, and Xu Tianlong's figure suddenly stood up a bit, giving everyone the illusion that Lin Yi was as weak as an ant in front of Xu Tianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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