Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 39 You are still far away

Chapter 39 You are still far away

Lin Yi stood there with no expression on his face, while Xu Tianlong laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha, what's the matter, are you dumbfounded? What about you? How much progress have you made in these seven days?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi was about to show off his cultivation, but suddenly, he heard a familiar voice from the crowd.

"Lin Yi, why are you so confused!"

Lin Yi looked towards the speaker, and immediately realized that it was Elder Zhou Ji.

At this moment, Zhou Ji's face was full of deep worry, as if Lin Yi was going to die.

"Elder Zhou, why am I confused?" Lin Yi smiled.

"You shouldn't have agreed to Xu Tianlong's life-and-death challenge. He is in the realm of Wuzong. Can you win? The suzerain specifically told me to ensure your safety. Now, you have signed a life-and-death treaty and boarded the life-and-death stage. Even the old man has nothing to do with it!" Zhou Ji said sadly.

In his opinion, Lin Yi and Xu Tianlong are not at the same level at all.

Xu Tianlong has been in the sect for more than three years, and his strength is strong, while Lin Yi has only been here for a few days, and his cultivation level is very different. What can he use to compete with him?
Except for Zhou Ji, no one present knew that Lin Yi possessed a god-level top-grade battle spirit.

Therefore, everyone felt that even if Lin Yi was killed by Xu Tianlong, it would not be a big deal.

But Zhou Ji was just the opposite, but seeing that Lin Yi had signed a life-and-death treaty and stepped onto the life-and-death stage, he had no choice but to do anything.

The rules of the Life and Death Platform are very clear, as long as the treaty is signed, no one can stop it, even the Suzerain!
"Don't worry, Elder Zhou, would I, Lin Yi, do such unsure and stupid things?" Lin Yi's lips curled up, and he said lightly, "What's more, a one-star Martial Ancestor is nothing special..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone laughed disdainfully, thinking that this Lin Yi is really crazy, he doesn't even pay attention to the one-star Wuzong?
Who does he think he is?

When Xu Tianlong heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then a manic smile appeared on his face, and he asked in disbelief: "Lin Yi, what did you just say? One-star Wuzong is nothing special?"

"Yeah, one-star Wuzong is nothing to me." Lin Yi continued to provoke Xu Tianlong with a calm expression.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xu Tianlong immediately leaned back and laughed, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

Zhou Ji sighed helplessly, his expression gloomy.

However, immediately afterward, a tyrannical aura emerged from Lin Yi's body, which made his dim eyes suddenly brighten up!
The momentum exploded, Lin Yi no longer concealed his cultivation, and the aura belonging to the nine-star martial artist realm immediately surged away in all directions.

The moment everyone felt this breath, they were all dumbfounded, Xu Tianlong also stopped laughing suddenly, and frowned.

"What's the situation? Lin Yi is a nine-star martial artist?"

"It's impossible! Seven days ago, he was only a three-star martial artist. Why did he reach a nine-star martial artist after seven days? This speed is too fast! I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe it, the facts are right in front of you. He is indeed a nine-star martial artist."

"Monster! This level of upgrade speed is simply monstrous, and even those 'gifted' disciples may not be able to do it!"

The crowd watching all around immediately exploded.

Lin Yi Neng was promoted from a three-star martial artist to a nine-star martial artist in just seven days, which greatly exceeded their expectations!
You know, for ordinary martial arts practitioners, if they want to advance to a small realm, it will take half a month at the fastest!

But Lin Yi broke through six small realms in seven days. How could he do it without evil talent?
Therefore, for a while, the eyes of everyone looking at Lin Yi were filled with shock!
Even the true disciples in the distance couldn't hide the shock on their faces at the moment, and one of them, a silver-haired young man with absolute temperament, murmured: "If those foreign sect disciples are right, this kid's talent , it's really scary!"

"Yes, it's definitely not something ordinary people can do to advance to six small realms in seven days." Then a stunning woman in a purple robe with fair skin and starry eyes nodded and said.

"Hmph, no matter how talented he is, he can't beat Xu Tianlong. Don't forget that Xu Tianlong still has that 'hole card' in his hand. Even the two-star Wu Zong is no match for him. The newcomer is only a nine-star martial artist. Absolutely. He will be beheaded by Xu Tianlong soon!" At this time, another true disciple in black robe said disdainfully.

"Junior Brother Langchu, that's not necessarily the case, I always feel that this new boy is not as simple as he looks on the surface." The silver-haired boy with an absolute temperament smiled playfully, and said to the black-robed youth: "Why don't we take a bet? "

"Gambling? What's there to bet on?" The black-robed young man's expression froze: "Do you think the newcomer can kill Xu Tianlong?"

"Why not?" The silver-haired boy smiled.

Seeing this, the young man in black frowned, and said with a sneer, "Since Senior Brother Yinyue values ​​the newcomer so much, I'll make a bet with you. Give it to me, how about it?"

"It's just a fake, are you sure Junior Brother Langchu wants it?" The silver-haired boy squinted his eyes.

The black-robed youth nodded and grinned: "Sure! Very sure!"

"Okay!" The silver-haired boy agreed, and then asked, "Then what if you lose?"

"If I lose, you can choose any of my magic weapons." The black-robed youth said confidently.

In his opinion, there is no doubt about the outcome between Lin Yi and Xu Tianlong, and the bet between him and Long Yinyue is absolutely worth it!
"Well, if you lose, I'll take your... Hong Yuan Sword!" said the silver-haired boy.

Hearing this, a hesitation flickered in the eyes of the black-robed youth, but then he nodded happily and said two words: "deal!"

After the bet was completed, the three true disciples all looked towards the arena of life and death.

Xu Tianlong stared at Lin Yi for a while, then suddenly let out a sneer, and said in a strange way: "Yes, I didn't expect your cultivation to be promoted so fast. Fortunately, I have stepped into the Martial Ancestor Realm, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with you! "

"Lin Yi, have you stepped into the Nine-Star Martial Master Realm?" Chu Shenglan said in surprise at this moment, covering her mouth with her jade hand, with a shocked expression on her face.

But even so, Chu Shenglan was still very worried about Lin Yi. Although there seemed to be only a small difference between a nine-star martial artist and a one-star martial artist, there was a world of difference!Lin Yi, can he do it!

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly moved.

He didn't use swordsmanship, the black broken sword was always carried on his back, and he just punched Xu Tianlong flatly.

In the sea of ​​air, the stars trembled.

The majestic power of the stars turned into true energy, bursting out in an instant!

The power of the ten dragons blatantly attacked.


There was a loud noise, and the ground shook.

Immediately, Xu Tianlong's body was smashed into the ring by that powerful punch, and the smoke and dust billowed up immediately, blocking everyone's sight.

Xu Tianlong didn't know whether he was alive or dead in an instant!
"Xu Tianlong, don't think that you are very powerful after stepping into the Martial Ancestor Realm, in fact, you are still far behind!" Lin Yi stared at the figure in the pit at the corner of the ring, and said coldly.

The voice faded away, and the audience was silent!
 I just want to silently ask for a recommendation ticket~~~~(>_<)~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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