Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 48 You idiot!

Chapter 48 You idiot!

Yong'an City is a city in Zhongzhou of the Great Jin Dynasty, with a population of about [-]. Because it is close to Yijianzong, there are a lot of practitioners in the city, and there are all kinds of underground black markets, pill shops, shops, and auction houses. .

It can be said that within a radius of several thousand miles, Yong'an City can be regarded as one of the best big cities.

It took Lin Yi and Su Momo less than half an hour to arrive at Yong'an City. After entering the city, they saw a lively scene.

The city is full of traffic, and the streets are full of passersby of all shapes and colors, dressed in ancient clothes. rare.

While Lin Yi and the two were looking around, suddenly, a convoy of carriages galloped from the direction of the main road. There were many men in silver robes standing on top of the carriages, and they kept throwing their hands around. leaflet.

Lin Yi picked up one from the ground, stared at it, and found that it turned out to be a leaflet called 'Tianbao Auction House', which said that three days later, Tianbao Auction House will hold a very grand auction, and the auction will be full of items. There are more than 100 pieces, including many treasures such as weapons, pills, martial arts and martial arts.

Of course, Lin Yi was not interested in these things, but what interested Lin Yi the most was that it said buying lots!

The types of auctions include medicine pills!
Seeing this, Lin Yi suddenly had an idea in his mind. There are still three days to go. If he can refine a few high-quality pills in these three days and put them up for auction at Tianbao Auction House, he may make a lot of money!

So, Lin Yi put the flyer into the space ring, then looked at Su Momo, and said, "Let's go, take me to a pill shop you are familiar with."

"Okay." The little fat man nodded, and then asked cautiously: "Well, brother, do you have money to buy alchemy tools and treasures of heaven and earth?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head, then the corners of his lips curled up, staring at the little fat man with a smile: "But you have!"

The little fat man wailed and wailed, "No way! Do you want me to pay again?"

"Don't worry, when I make money from alchemy, I will never lose you." Lin Yi patted the little fat man on the shoulder, with a strong confidence in his tone, which made the little fat man speechless all of a sudden. .

"Brother, don't lie to me!" The little fat man looked at Lin Yi pitifully and said.

Lin Yi twitched his lips and assured him, "Don't worry, senior brother would lie to you, you are so cute, I can't wait to pinch..."

"What?" The little fat man frowned.

"It's nothing, let's go, let's go." Lin Yi urged, and then the little fat man stopped talking, and took Lin Yi straight to a pill shop.

The little fat man brought Lin Yilai's alchemy shop, which was called Hongyun Danpu.

The facade of the Dan shop is not big, and there are not many people inside, it looks very deserted, only a young man in yellow clothes dressed as a servant is lying on the table, looking at the Dan book bored.

When Lin Yi and the two entered the door, the young man in yellow was muttering about the refining method of a kind of elixir: "The second-grade Qiongqi elixir, the main ingredient is Xiangli Ganoderma lucidum, supplemented with one or two treasure demon lotus seeds, and one plant of dragon snake root , a little Kuijin powder, and two or three ounces of nectar spring."

"Refining usually takes four hours. First, use the alchemist's spiritual fire to refine the young pill for two hours. After the young pill is formed, add Kui Jin powder, and then refine it for two hours. If it fails, there is no..."

"This step is also correct! But why do I always fail? If this continues, I'm afraid Master Chen will drive me away!"

Hearing the doubts of the young man in yellow, Lin Yi smiled, and immediately understood why he failed in refining, but he didn't mean to give advice, and just said lightly: "Let's buy the alchemy tripod."

The young man in yellow stood up listlessly, took a look at Lin Yi and Su Momo, and then sat down again, but this time, he crossed his legs and asked, "Where are you?" Who will buy it?"

"You also want to take care of this?" Lin Yi frowned.

"Nonsense! You think alchemist's tools can be sold casually, but if you don't ask clearly, that's a violation of the laws of the Wu Kingdom!" The young man in yellow said angrily.

Lin Yi endured the slight anger in his heart, and said, "I use it myself."

"You?" Hearing this, the young man in yellow looked suspicious, then stared at Lin Yi, sneered and said, "Oh, what are you talking about, you? You know how to make a fucking pill! Get out of here Get out, don't bother me!"

Before Lin Yi could speak, the little fat man stood up very righteously, looked at the young Yi Yi angrily, and snorted coldly, "Why, I'm afraid we can't afford it?"

After saying that, with a snap, he slapped a gold ingot on the table.

Seeing this, the young man in yellow immediately frowned, and snorted softly, "Hmph, what's so great about being rich? I'm in a bad mood today, so I won't sell it to you!"


Hearing this, the little fat man's teeth were itchy with anger, looking at his posture, he wished he could rush up and fight with the young man in yellow.

At this time, Lin Yi grabbed the little fat man's arm abruptly, and said flatly, "Forget it, since he doesn't want to sell, why should we force it? Let's go!"

Out of respect for the alchemist profession, Lin Yi didn't want to cause trouble in this kind of place, otherwise, this young man in yellow would definitely end badly!

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the little fat man glared angrily at the young man in yellow, then put away the gold ingots on the table, turned and left with Lin Yi.

However, when Lin Yi walked to the door, he suddenly said: "Do you know why you always fail in refining the second-grade Qiongqi pill? The reason is very simple, that is, you don't have a good grasp of the alchemist's spirit fire!"

"Second-grade Qiongqi Dan, when refining the young pill, it must be smelted slowly with a slow fire until the young pill is formed. Kuijin powder cannot be added at one time, but should be added in three times, otherwise it will be easy to fry the pill, and then it will be refined with fierce fire. The reason why you failed must have a lot to do with these two points."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi left without looking back.

When the young man in yellow heard the words, he sneered indifferently: "Haha, a yellow-haired boy, how dare you tell me what to do? You know, I am about to be promoted to a second-rank alchemist. As for alchemy skills, Is it not as good as you?"

At this moment, the owner of Hongyun Danpu, also a newly promoted third-rank alchemist, Chen Baiyan came out from the room behind the alchemy shop. He had just finished his work when he saw the young man in yellow muttering, He frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Just now a young boy came to the store and said that my method of refining the second-grade Qiongqi pill was wrong, and he also said that when refining the young pill, it should be smelted slowly, and Kuijin powder can't be added at once, it has to be divided into three times, haha Haha, I laughed so hard, I have never heard of someone refining Qiongqi Pill like this!"

"Master Chen, do you think it's funny or not!"

The young man in yellow laughed, as if Lin Yi pointing him out was the funniest thing in the world.


However, when Chen Baiyan heard this, the feather fan in his hand fell to the ground, his face was shocked!

When he came back to his senses, he stared at the young man in yellow and couldn't help cursing: "You idiot! You really don't know Taishan!"

"Master Chen, what's wrong with me?"

Seeing Chen Baiyan's angry face, the young man in yellow panicked, but he still didn't know what he did wrong.

"The method of refining Qiongqi Pill you mentioned just now is an ancient method of refining. It is estimated that no more than three people in the entire Great Jin Wu Kingdom know this refining method!"

"How could it be the hairy boy you mentioned? He is definitely a master of Alchemy! You! You are so mad at me!" Chen Baiyan flicked his sleeves angrily, and ran out quickly, looking for Lin Yi.

In the alchemy shop, there was only one young man in yellow who was dumbfounded.

 PS: Chapter 2 is here, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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