Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 49 Refining Medicine Pills

Chapter 49 Refining Medicine Pills
Lin Yi and the little fat man quickly walked into the bustling crowd and disappeared without a trace.

On the way, the little fat man asked incomprehension: "Senior brother, that guy was so rude just now, why did you still teach him the method of alchemy?"

"It's just a casual suggestion." Lin Yi smiled, and then said: "Let's go, go to other alchemy shops, I have to buy alchemy tripods anyway."

"Yeah." The little fat man nodded.

Next, the two came to the second alchemy shop. In this alchemy shop, Lin Yi took a fancy to a alchemy tripod. The whole body of this alchemy tripod was made of white bones. Eerie feeling.

According to the boss, this Dan Ding is called Youming Bone Ding, and it can be regarded as the treasure of the store.

However, because no one can control the cold attribute of this Youming bone tripod, no one has been buying it. If Lin Yi wants to buy it, he can sell it at a low price.

Lin Yi held the dense bone tripod in his hands, and felt it intently, and he found a bone-chilling attribute in it!
Immediately, Lin Yi looked overjoyed!
Although the alchemy cauldron with this cold attribute is difficult to control, it can suppress the probability of exploding pills, and it can also improve the quality of the pills!
Lin Yi bought it directly, of course, at the little fat man's money.

It took a whole gold ingot!
In the Great Jin Dynasty, between ordinary shops and dan shops, most of the currencies in circulation are silver, copper coins, gold ingots, etc., while the common currencies such as auction houses and underground black markets opened by practitioners become For Lingshi!
The spirit stone contains the aura of heaven and earth, which can be used for cultivation and circulated as currency.

It can be distinguished in this way that the currency circulating among ordinary people is secular things, including: silver, copper coins, and gold ingots.

Among practitioners, there are spirit stones, which are divided into low-grade spirit stones, medium spirit stones, and high-grade spirit stones.

With the Youming Bone Cauldron, after Lin Yi and the little fat man left Danpu, they went to the largest underground black market in Yong'ancheng, where they bought many treasures of heaven and earth, and then returned to Yijianzong immediately without staying.

Originally, the little fat man wanted to go shopping more, after all, it was not easy to become a sect once, but Lin Yi refused.

The time is limited. Three days later, Tianbao Auction House will start the auction.

Lin Yi had to refine the elixirs before the auction, and put them up for auction. Only in this way could he make huge profits in a short time!
After explaining clearly to the little fat man, the little fat man lost interest in hanging out immediately, and obediently followed Lin Yi back to the sect.

After returning to the Zongmen, Lin Yi directly shut the door and asked the little fat man to come back to him in three days.


Sword Armor Courtyard, in Room [-].

Lin Yi put the Youming Bone Cauldron on the table in front of him, and then sorted a large number of elixir one by one.

Then, he began to mobilize the spiritual power in his mind, and with a soft chirp, a ball of flame suddenly rose from Lin Yi's palm!
The flame was very small at first, as if it would be extinguished at any time, but as the spiritual power continued to pour in, the flame became stronger and shone with dazzling golden brilliance, illuminating the entire room as if it were daytime!

This is the Tianzhu Shengyan condensed from Lin Yi's previous life according to the "Alchemy Spirit Fire Record", and it is the top five existence of the top ten alchemist spirit fires in the records!

It is impossible for ordinary people to condense this kind of alchemist spiritual fire, but Lin Yi, because he has mastered the memory of his previous life, it is easy to condense it again!

Heaven Punishing Holy Flame, not only can refine pills, but its power is also quite terrifying. Just a single swipe can burn people to death, but it consumes a lot of mental energy.

At this moment, Lin Yi controlled it into a small cluster of flames, only in this way could it burn for a long time.

"Huh, I haven't made alchemy for a long time, let's try the second-grade elixir first." Lin Yi exhaled foul breath, stared at the heaven-killing holy flame in his hand, and muttered to himself.

According to the dozens of elixirs currently available, Lin Yi decided to first refine a second-grade high-grade elixir called 'Yangjing Dan'.

Yangjing Pill, as the name suggests, is a elixir that nourishes the spirit and refreshes the mind, and it is exclusive to alchemists. After swallowing this elixir, it can increase the speed of spiritual concentration in a short period of time.

Ordinary people have no effect if they eat it, it is only effective for those who have condensed their spiritual power.

The materials are extremely simple, and there are only three kinds: Yangshen flower, Jingqi lotus, and Lingquan water.

First of all, Lin Yi crushed the Yangshen flower, put it into the Youming Bone Cauldron, added a little spirit spring water, and roasted it under the alchemy cauldron with the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame to refine the young pill.

It took a full two hours for the young pill to be refined, and a faint fragrance rose from the cauldron, and the smell was shocking!
But Lin Yi is clear that this is just the first step, whether it can be successful or not depends on the next steps!
Essence Qi Lotus is an expensive elixir that can warm and nourish the spirit. People with insomnia can completely cure insomnia with one gram of it. This thing is also the essence of Yangjing Pill!If you don't add Jingqi Lotus, Yangjing Pill will be useless.

Lin Yi wrapped the young pill with essence lotus, put it at the bottom of Youming Bone Cauldron, and began to slowly refine it with Tianzhu Shengyan.

In this way, another two hours passed, and beads of sweat began to ooze from Lin Yi's forehead, and the essence lotus leaves wrapped around the young pill had completely melted into the young pill.

Another hour passed, and finally, there was movement from the alchemy cauldron, followed by a puff of red and yellow mixed red and yellow elixir smoke, and the refinement of the nourishing elixir was finally completed!

Pill smoke is an important criterion for judging whether the pill refining is successful.

If the first-grade elixir is successfully refined, different colors of elixir smoke will be released according to the different properties of the elixir.

And second-grade pill smoke is two-color pill smoke, third-grade three-color pill smoke, and so on.

Back when Lin Yi was refining the Ninth Grade Divine Pill, the nine colors of the pill smoke shot straight into the sky, amazed the world!

And like Yangjing Dan, because Yangshenhua, one of the raw materials, has the property of 'anode', so one of the pills is red in color.

Jingqi lotus is also yang, but it has not reached the extreme, so another kind of danyan is orange-yellow.

Accompanied by two colors of pill smoke, slowly rising from the tripod, it not only indicates that this nourishing pill has been successfully refined, but also emits a charming fragrance of the heart and lungs.

"The first time you refined a second-grade high-grade pill, you succeeded. It seems that your level of alchemy in your previous life was not bad!" Seeing this, Gu Xiao immediately praised.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

But there is a secret thought in my heart, I was a ninth-rank alchemist in my previous life, although my current mental power is only equivalent to a second-rank alchemist, but refining a second-rank alchemist will not fail, right?

"The second-grade high-grade elixir was successful once, it seems that we can try the third-grade elixir!" Lin Yi thought again without responding to Gu Xiao.

Lin Yi knew very well that second-grade elixir would definitely be looked down upon by a behemoth like Tianbao Auction House, so refining third-grade elixir is the most suitable choice!

After looking at the remaining treasures of heaven, material and earth, Lin Yi decided to refine a third-grade medium-grade elixir called Tongmai Lingdan!
Not just refining one piece, but refining a large number!

 PS: There is only one chapter today, I will add it tomorrow, thanks for voting, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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