Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 6 You are not qualified yet!

Chapter 6 You are not qualified yet! (seeking collection and recommendation)
"Yeah." The middle-aged man with a goatee nodded, looking at his son's back on stage, with a confident smile on his face.

But the smile quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

These two people are Lin Zhengwen, Lin Hao and his son.

Lin Hao walked up to the altar quickly and put his hands on the soul test tablet.

With the awakening power of the soul-testing tablet pouring into the body, with a bang, a piece of purple brilliance burst out from the soul-testing tablet in an instant!

As soon as the purple light came out, everyone was startled, and immediately stared at it, only to see a phantom with a huge wild ax behind Lin Hao.

"Emperor-level battle spirit?"

The battle spirit of the wild ax floated slowly, shining around, exuding a terrifying coercion, instantly suppressing the audience!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

Zhou Ji was also stunned for a few seconds, and then came back to his senses, that iceberg-like face suddenly showed a touch of ecstasy, staring at Lin Hao, and said excitedly: "It's the emperor's low-grade barbarian ax fighting spirit!" , It’s really an imperial battle spirit, that’s great!”

Lin Zhengwen, Lin Hao and his son looked indifferent, as if they had already anticipated the awakening of an imperial battle spirit.

"I really didn't expect that Master Lin Hao actually awakened a low-rank barbarian ax battle spirit."

"Yeah, Master Lin Hao's fate is too good. His cultivation talent is obviously not very good, but he has awakened a rare fighting spirit. In the future, he will enter Yijianzong, and he will definitely be the focus of training."

"Mom sells batches, why don't I have such luck! How angry!"

The surrounding warriors all became emotional, and even spit twice, obviously stimulated by Lin Hao's awakened imperial battle spirit.

From a certain point of view, battle spirit is even more important than talent.

A martial artist with ordinary aptitude, if he awakens a rare battle spirit, can make up for the lack of talent and reach a very high level.

Of course, the former belongs to his own great opportunity to awaken a rare battle spirit with low talent.

And Lin Hao is just a grafted battle spirit!
Grafting battle spirits is very difficult, and rare battle spirits are extremely difficult to find. Even if you find them, you still need to spend a lot of money to hire alchemists with a rank three or above, so that you can successfully graft other people's battle spirits onto yourself.

But by chance, Lin Zhengwen heard that in a slum in Chiyang City, a little beggar had awakened an imperial battle spirit, and not many people knew about it.

Lin Zhengwen immediately changed his mind, and sent a large group of people to tie the little beggar back to the Lin family.

Then, spending most of the Lin family's property, he invited a fourth-rank alchemist from the Eastern Xia Wu Kingdom, and grafted the emperor-level battle spirit in the little beggar's body onto Lin Hao's body. After that, the little beggar and everyone who knew The poor people of the truth were all killed by Lin Zhengwen.

Lin Hao successfully inherited the low-grade emperor-level battle spirit in the little beggar, and that's why the current scene happened.

"Excuse me, Elder Zhou, am I qualified to enter Yijianzong to practice?" At this time, Lin Hao asked lightly.

"Yes, of course!" Zhou Ji nodded quickly, with a flattering tone in his tone: "You awakened an emperor-level battle spirit, even if it is not common in the entire sect, how could you not be qualified!"

Zhou Ji's attitude towards Lin Hao became very kind, even flattering.

Zhou Ji knew very well that a young man with an imperial battle spirit, after entering Yijianzong, would definitely be cultivated by the sect with all his strength, and become a famous and powerful man. It would be just around the corner. If he flattered him now, it might be good for him in the future .

"I didn't expect that the son of the steward would actually awaken a low-rank battle spirit at the imperial level..."

Zhao Feng was also shocked, his eyes narrowed slightly, he stared at Lin Hao on the altar, and murmured.

After regaining his senses, he looked at his daughter Zhao Ruoqing and asked, "Qing'er, what do you think of this Lin Hao?"

"That's right, after awakening an emperor-level battle spirit, he must be a dragon among men in the future, and his future is limitless." Zhao Ruoqing commented a little shyly.

Hearing this, Zhao Feng immediately showed the expression of knowing his daughter Mo Ruofu, and laughed: "Why don't you change the marriage contract for your father?"

"Change the engagement?" Zhao Ruoqing's eyes flashed a little puzzled.

"That's right, as long as you agree, as a father, go and discuss with the head of the Lin family now, and change Lin Yi to Lin Hao. A young man with an imperial battle spirit becomes your husband, and it does not lose the identity of our Zhao family. What do you want?" How about it?" Zhao Feng asked his daughter's opinion.

Hearing her father's words, Zhao Ruoqing pondered for a moment, then hummed inaudibly, her face flushed instantly.

Although Lin Hao had an ordinary appearance and ordinary talent, Zhao Ruoqing was not interested in these two points, but his awakened imperial battle spirit!
Compared with looks and talents, a young man with an imperial fighting spirit is more in line with her image of a wishful gentleman, the proud son of heaven.

After confirming his daughter's thoughts, Zhao Feng immediately came to Lin Zhengwen, pretending to be authentic: "Congratulations, brother Lin, your son has awakened an emperor-level battle spirit, and his future is immeasurable. ah!"

"Thank you, Brother Zhao. To be honest, I didn't expect that Quanzi could awaken an emperor-level battle spirit. God bless my Lin family!" Lin Zhengwen's acting skills were very good, and his expression was excited.

"That...Brother Lin, my Zhao family has a marriage with your Lin family, I don't know if you know it well?" At this moment, Zhao Feng asked awkwardly.

"Marriage? You mean, the marriage between Ling Qianjin and Lin Yi?" Frowning, Lin Zhengwen looked a little ugly.

As the housekeeper of the Lin family, he was also present when Zhao Feng made the agreement with Lin Jiuxiao, how could he not be clear?
"Exactly." Zhao Feng nodded, and then a wry smile appeared on his face: "The little girl is extremely dissatisfied with this marriage, and has been begging for many days, hoping that I can return it."

"But if I cancel this marriage directly, wouldn't people laugh at me and put the words 'breach of faith' on top of my head?"

"Then what does Brother Zhao want to do?" Hearing this, Lin Zhengwen asked calmly.

"Why don't you change the engagement and change Lin Yi's trash to your son?" Zhao Feng said straightforwardly with a smile on his lips.

"This, isn't it right?" Lin Zhengwen frowned.

"What's wrong, anyway, Lin Yi's name is not written on the marriage certificate, could it be that brother Lin despises my little girl?" Eyes narrowed, Zhao Feng's voice was sullen.

"How could it be? Ling Qianjin is smart and extremely talented. She just awakened a general-level top-rank battle spirit and was admitted by Yi Jianzong. How can I, Lin Zhengwen, be dissatisfied with such a daughter-in-law?" Lin Zhengwen quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that Qianjin will look down on Gouzi!"

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this, I have already asked Ruoqing just now, she has a good impression of your young master, otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask about this." Zhao Feng laughed.

"Really? That's great. It's a blessing for my Lin family that Brother Zhao and Ling Qianjin have a crush on Gouzi. As for the marriage contract, Brother Zhao is just looking at the arrangements!" Lin Zhengwen said happily.

"Okay." Zhao Feng smiled and nodded.

Just at this moment, the Soul Inspiration Ceremony was coming to an end, Zhou Ji stepped down from the altar to sort out the records, Zhao Feng pulled Zhao Ruoqing, and walked directly onto the altar.

"Everyone, Mr. Zhao has something to announce today!" Zhao Feng looked at the crowd and shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, those martial artists who were about to leave the field all turned their eyes towards the altar.

"Patriarch Zhao, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you want to hold a martial arts contest to recruit relatives for Ling Qianjin?"

"Patriarch Zhao, if you hold a competition to recruit relatives, for Miss Qing'er, we will participate even if we work hard!"

"That's right, as the saying goes, 'If you die under a peony flower, you can be a ghost too'. For Miss Qing'er, I would even give up my life!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Immediately, there was a sound of teasing in the field.

Zhao Feng's face immediately turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "Hmph, my daughter hasn't come to the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, even if she does, she won't be cheap to you low-level people."

"What I want to announce is the engagement between my daughter and Lin Hao, son of the Lin family."

"What? Make a marriage contract with Lin Hao?"

"But isn't Miss Ruoqing engaged to that boy Lin Yi?"

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The fact that Lin Yi and Zhao Ruoqing made a marriage contract since they were young is well known in Chiyang City, but since Lin Jiuxiao and Zhao Feng never mentioned it in public, few people can be sure of the authenticity.


Hearing this, Zhao Feng frowned, and immediately said angrily: "That little trash Lin Yi is also worthy of being the son-in-law of my Zhao family?"

"My daughter is extremely talented, and now she is an eight-star martial artist, and she also has a general-level top-rank battle spirit. Only Lin Hao, the son of the Lin family, can be worthy of being a little girl."

"I'll say it again for the last time, the little girl has no engagement with that trash Lin Yi at all. If anyone dares to gossip, Zhao will definitely not let him go easily!"

At this moment, Zhao Ruoqing also said: "That's right, my father is right, my husband, Zhao Ruoqing, must be a proud son of heaven, that guy Lin Yi has lost all his cultivation, and he will never be able to enter the martial arts world." Realm is not worthy of my liking at all, besides, there is no so-called marriage contract between us..."

"Hao'er, you are showing it!"

At this moment, Lin Zhengwen suddenly pushed Lin Hao, asking him to show his respect.

After all, as Zhao Ruoqing's fiancé, she couldn't say nothing in this situation, right?
Lin Hao nodded, but his expression was still a little dull. Obviously, at this moment, he had been stunned by the huge surprise.

It never occurred to him that when his father called him over, he actually arranged for him a marriage that he even dreamed of!
Lin Hao had a crush on Zhao Ruoqing since he was a child, but because of his status as the housekeeper's son, he never expressed his feelings.

But now that she has actually embraced the beauty, Lin Hao will be a little overwhelmed for a while.

Seeing this, Lin Zhengwen quickly pushed Lin Hao again, and Lin Hao came to his senses, rushed up to the altar, grabbed Zhao Ruoqing's soft and boneless jade hands, stared at everyone and shouted coldly: "From now on, Ruoqing It's my Lin Hao's fiancée, who dares to say that she has something to do with Lin Yi, be careful, I'll kill him with an axe!"

As soon as the words fell, a phantom of a wild ax suddenly appeared behind him!
Immediately, the aura of the emperor-level battle spirit burst out, causing the warriors in the arena to change their colors.

Looking at Lin Hao's imperial battle spirit, Zhao Feng, Zhao Ruoqing and their daughter suddenly showed a smug smile on their faces.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the entrance of Chiyang Wuchang!
"Zhao Ruoqing, you are not qualified to be my woman! Also, your Zhao family deserves death for treachery!"

(End of this chapter)

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