Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 7 Garbage Battle Spirit?

Chapter 7 Garbage Battle Spirit? (seeking collection and recommendation)
"who is it!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was startled, and hurriedly followed the prestige, wanting to see who was the one who didn't want to die, and dared to speak nonsense.

However, immediately afterward, everyone felt a little surprised that two figures appeared at the entrance of the Chiyang Martial Field.

Although one was dressed plainly, she had a graceful posture and a beautiful appearance, no worse than Zhao Ruoqing.

The other is tall and straight, like a seven-foot solitary Yang Aoli, with raging anger in his eyes at the moment, staring at the figures of Lin Hao and Zhao Ruoqing on the altar with a slightly ferocious expression!
"Lin Yi?"

Seeing these two figures, everyone exclaimed, apparently they did not expect that Lin Yi would appear here!

Although it didn't take long for Lin Yi's cultivation to be abolished, it spread throughout Chiyang City, so everyone knew that it was impossible for Lin Yi to come to the Chiyang Martial Arts Field to participate in the Soul Awakening Ceremony. After all, he didn't even have a cultivation base. What can I do if I have awakened the battle spirit?

Lin Zhengwen, Lin Hao and his son looked shocked, thinking that this trash was beaten to death?Why haven't I seen you for a few hours, and you're jumping around like a dragon and a tiger again?
At this time, Lin Yi suddenly said again: "Everyone, the head of the Zhao family and my father made a marriage contract more than ten years ago. The target was changed from me to Lin Hao, the purpose is obvious, I said that the Zhao family is treacherous, is there anything wrong?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, everyone nodded and started talking at the top of their voices.

"Yeah, this purpose is too obvious, isn't it just to covet Lin Hao's imperial battle spirit?"

"That's right, but I can't blame the Zhao family for being too snobbish. If it were me, I would definitely marry my daughter to a young man with an imperial battle spirit, not Lin Yi, a trash who has lost all his cultivation."

"Having said that, the Zhao family is really impersonal, as Lin Yi said, treachery!"

"The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest, this is the cruel reality! No wonder others."

Immediately because of Lin Yi's words, the Chiyang martial arts field became noisy, and everyone insisted on their own opinions and expressed their own opinions.

Zhao Feng and Zhao Ruoqing's father and daughter, whose purpose was exposed by Lin Yi in public, immediately became angry from embarrassment.

Zhao Feng's face turned red, and he shouted angrily: "Lin Yi, you trash, you dare to humiliate my daughter and my Zhao family in public, you want to die!"

"So what if you humiliate your Zhao family? What I said is all the truth. Although your daughter Zhao Ruoqing is good-looking, she is also worthy of being my Lin Yi's woman with this kind of trash talent?"

"Fortunately, Patriarch Zhao changed the engagement in time, otherwise I thought your Zhao family wanted to hug my Lin Yi's thigh!"

Lin Yi folded his arms with both hands, calm and powerful, and said unyieldingly.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter in the martial arts field.

Even Lin Zhengwen, Lin Hao and his son laughed.

"This Lin Yi was beaten up by Hao'er. Could it be that his brain was broken?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Zhengwen's mouth, signaling Lin Hao to wait and see what happened, and not to do anything yet.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng's face was flushed red from anger, his whole body was trembling, he pointed at Lin Yi and shouted coldly: "What did you say? My Zhao family hugged your thigh? It's just nonsense!"

"My daughter's awakened is a general-level top-rank battle spirit, possesses the strength of an eight-star warrior, and is about to enter Yijianzong to practice. Compared with your rotten shit, it is nothing like mud, my Zhao family Is it worth hugging your thigh?"

"Hmph, the world is unpredictable. If I awaken a peerless fighting spirit, I hope Patriarch Zhao will not regret it, crying and asking me to be your son-in-law." Lin Yi snorted coldly, then ignored everyone's surprised eyes, and went straight Walk past Zhao Feng, Zhao Ruoqing and others, climb up the altar, and come to the soul-testing monument.

Lin Yi had two purposes for coming here.

One awakens the fighting spirit of this body, and the other is to eradicate Lin Zhengwen and Lin Hao and his son, and take back the Lin family.

But what Lin Yi didn't expect was that when he first came to the Chiyang Martial Arts Field, he saw Lin Hao awakening an imperial battle spirit, and what happened next made him even more dumbfounded!
A marriage contract that originally belonged to the predecessor, but because of Lin Hao's awakening of an emperor-level battle spirit, it fell on Lin Hao's head.

Although Lin Yi didn't covet Zhao Ruoqing's beauty, seeing Lin Hao and Zhao Ruoqing's intimacy, whether it was the instinct of this body or the stimulation of Huangfu Jing and Bai Morou, Lin Yi took a moment. Angry, out of control.

At this moment, Lin Yi calmed down a little, so he put down a harsh word, and went up to the altar, preparing to awaken his fighting spirit, so as to slap him in the face.

He believed in the vision of his generation of sword emperors, this physical talent is good, and the awakened battle spirit should not be much worse.

Looking at Lin Yi, who was standing in front of the soul-testing tablet, about to awaken his battle spirit, everyone felt a little curiosity in their hearts, thinking to themselves, this kid just said something cruel, if he awakened a garbage war spirit, he would be a shame. ?

Standing under the altar, Ping'er shouted confidently to Lin Yi: "Master, I believe you will be able to awaken a peerless fighting spirit!"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded.

At this moment, Zhou Ji finished recording the list of recruited disciples and walked back. Just in time, he saw Lin Yi touching the soul-testing tablet, and immediately shouted: "What do you want? The soul-inspiring ceremony is over! Don't touch the soul measuring tablet!"

But Lin Yi ignored him and pressed down directly with his big hand.


buzzing, tremor.

The reaction of the soul-testing tablet was very ordinary, and there was no sign of the peerless battle spirit at all.

However, immediately after, as the power of awakening poured into Lin Yi's body, a gleaming green light appeared behind Lin Yi!
Next, a green ivy that was only as thick as a child's arm was quickly formed, and because it had just awakened, it looked extremely weak.

"What thing? Plant war spirit?"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, it's actually a plant spirit, the most trashy plant spirit!"

"This Lin Yi, what did you say about awakening the peerless battle spirit and telling the Zhao family not to hug his thigh? Isn't that just asking for humiliation!"

"Wait, I haven't seen what level the battle spirit is."

"Don't look at it, it will definitely not exceed the lower rank of the general level. Plant war spirits, if they have not reached the emperor level, they are all rubbish!"

Lin Yi awakened a plant fighting spirit, which surprised everyone, followed by a burst of laughter.

Everyone laughed loudly and looked at Lin Yi with a strong sense of sarcasm.

At this moment, a blue brilliance appeared on the soul-testing tablet, which was obviously the symbol of a human-level battle spirit.

As expected, it was rubbish.

"How could this be?"

Seeing this scene, Ping'er's beautiful face suddenly turned pale, she bit her lips tightly, obviously unable to believe that Lin Yi's awakened fighting spirit was so bad.

When the others saw this, their laughter grew stronger...

Zhao Feng, Zhao Ruoqing, and Zhao Xinghe all had mocking smiles on their faces.

"Lin Yi, is this the peerless battle spirit you mentioned? The gap seems to be a bit big." With sarcasm in his eyes, Zhao Feng stared at Lin Yi and said with a half-smile.

"Lin Yi, the gap between the two of us will only get bigger and bigger. I can understand your reluctance. You thought you were worthy of me, but the reality is the opposite. I'm really sorry! A young man with a super fighting spirit is what I want to be like."

Although she was apologizing to Lin Yi, Zhao Ruoqing's pretty face was full of disdain and contempt.

I'm afraid anyone can tell that she is really mocking Lin Yi.

And Zhao Xinghe laughed even more undisguisedly: "Boy, you want my Zhao family to hug your thigh just because of your broken war spirit? It's too whimsical! If I, Zhao Xinghe, awakened this kind of rubbish war spirit, I'm afraid it would be too late. He hanged himself in shame, how could he have the face to stand here, are you right?"

"Young Master Zhao is right."

"Young Master Zhao's words are justified!"

"Lin Yi, if you don't have the skills, don't force yourself to compare yourself. Now that it's all over, don't you want to lose face?"

Under the altar, there was a sound of echoing and mocking, which was very harsh.

Every word cut out the heart!

Zhao Xinghe, Zhao Ruoqing, Zhao Feng, father and son.

That sentence will not let Lin Yi lose face?
That sentence, won't Lin Yi's self-esteem be shattered? !

If it were the old Lin Yi, he might really commit suicide in shame.

But now, Tianwu Sword Emperor took control of this body, but he didn't take it seriously, and a icy coldness appeared in his eyes for an instant.

"What about human-level battle spirits?"

"This emperor can still kill you all with one sword!"

Lin Yi thought to himself.

Although the awakened battle spirit is rotten like dog shit, it is nothing in the eyes of a generation of Tianwu sword emperors.

Without a Peerless Battle Spirit, we can definitely use the method of grafting to create one in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately withdrew his hands.

However, just as he took his hand away from the soul-testing tablet, the soul-testing tablet suddenly seemed to be out of control!
After the blue light dissipated, a bright red light suddenly burst out.

Before everyone could react, purple brilliance emerged from the soul measuring tablet again.

This is not over yet, in the end the purple light changed into a boundless golden light, instantly filling the entire Chiyang martial arts field, making it look like daylight in the martial field, and everyone couldn't open their eyes.

At the same time, a vast and ancient atmosphere enveloped the Chiyang Martial Field, making the Chiyang Martial Field look like a god's mansion descended into the world from the outside, sacred and majestic!
The four colors are unpredictable, representing the level of the battle spirit, from human level to general level, emperor level, and finally god level!

This situation has never happened in the Divine Soul Continent for millions of years!

The green vine behind Lin Yi also suddenly exuded a terrifying aura at this moment, as if it was about to swallow the sky and the earth, making Lin Hao's savage ax fighting spirit become much darker in an instant .

Compared with Lin Yi's Ivy Battle Spirit, the Emperor's low-rank Barbarian Ax Battle Soul seems to be just an ordinary ax for chopping firewood!
(End of this chapter)

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