Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 60 Reverse Scale, You Will Die If You Touch It

Chapter 60 Reverse Scale, You Will Die If You Touch It

Lin Yi came to Jianzong Square with a feeling of apprehension. At this moment, nearly thousands of inner sect disciples from the entire Yijianzong gathered here, mostly in twos and threes.

From a distance, Lin Yi spotted Chu Shenglan and the little fat man, and they were also looking around, as if they were looking for Lin Yi.

When seeing Lin Yi, Chu Shenglan greeted quickly: "Lin Yi, we are here!"

Lin Yi immediately walked towards the two of them, and then Chu Shenglan said to him braggingly, "Lin Yi, let me tell you a secret, I have been cultivating desperately these past few days, and now I have reached the level of a seven-star martial artist!"

"Hey, brother, my cultivation has also broken through, and I'm now an eight-star martial artist!" The little fat man also showed off.

Hearing this, Lin Yi was slightly startled. He didn't expect the strength of the two to develop so quickly, especially Chu Shenglan, who raised two small realms in just a few days. It seemed that in order not to hold him back , is also very hard!

Lin Yi showed a smile, and praised: "Not bad, not bad, it can be seen that you are also very self-motivated."

Chu Shenglan and the little fat man chuckled.

At this moment, surrounded by a group of young men in brocade robes, Zhou Langchu walked towards Lin Yi and the others.

"Lin Yi, did you really do what happened to Tianbao Auction House?" Staring at Lin Yi, Zhou Langchu asked with a gloomy expression.

"Tianbao Auction House? Oh, I believe it now. It seems that some idiot spent more than 500 million medium-level spirit stones to buy ten Tongmai Spirit Pills. By the way, how about those Tongmai Spirit Pills? Not bad, right?" Lin Yi laughed suddenly, without any intention of hiding his identity.

"Who do you say is brain-dead?" Zhou Langchu raised his sword eyebrows, his face flushed with anger.

"You are said to be brain-dead, what's the matter, isn't it? You paid four or five times more for the Tongmai Spirit Pill that can be photographed with a few million medium-sized spirit stones. What is it if you are not a brain-dead? Hahaha... " Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi found it funny.

When Zhou Langchu heard this, he gritted his teeth, panted like a cow, and trembled slightly, as if he wanted to kill Lin Yi on the spot!
But Zhou Langchu held back, even though he was the only son of the Minister of War, he had to abide by Yi Jianzong's rules, if he dared to fight against his fellow disciples before issuing a life-and-death challenge, the consequences would be very serious.

Those dogs beside him also tried to persuade Zhou Langchu not to get angry.

"Brother Langchu, there's no need to get angry with him. Anyway, in the Twilight Blood Forest, it's the time of his death. What's the point of letting him dance around for a while?" A young man in a green brocade suit with freckles on his face stared at Lin Yi with a tone of voice Said indifferently.

The young man's eyes seemed to regard Lin Yi as a dead body, with contempt.

"Yes, yes, senior brother Langchu, you are hurting yourself by being angry. You are the only son of the Minister of the Ministry of War. If you get angry, we can't bear the responsibility." Another young man comforted him with a worried expression on his face.

Zhou Langchu nodded, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he stared at Lin Yi, and said in a sinister voice, "Lin Yi, you don't know the rules of the Sword Sect hunting test, do you?"

"As long as you take part in the Sword Sect's hunting test, the sect has no right to interfere with the contest between disciples. That is to say, even if I kill you and throw your body into the wilderness, you will not be punished by the sect."

"If you are cowardly, there is still time to quit now, otherwise, I will definitely ask you to kneel down, lick my shoes for me, and then kill you and feed the monsters to vent my anger!"

Zhou Langchu's words can be said to be clear and clear, with a strong murderous intent in his words.

When Chu Shenglan and the little fat man saw this situation, they immediately turned pale with fright. Zhou Langchu had a large number of people, and there were many "little brothers" in the inner sect who were willing to work for him.

If Lin Yi ignored Zhou Langchu's threats and insisted on participating in the Jianzong hunting test, the consequences could be imagined.

"Lin Yi, otherwise, let's not participate in this Jianzong hunting test." Chu Shenglan said worriedly.

Lin Yi shook his head, and said two words lightly: "It's okay."

Lin Yi didn't take Zhou Langchu's threat to heart.

A generation of Tianwu Sword Emperor, could it be that he was scared to death?
Like Zhou Langchu, Lin Yi had crushed to death many of them in his previous life, how could he shrink back in fright at his few words?
Immediately, Lin Yi sneered back and said: "It seems that Young Master Zhou hates Lin so much. Didn't Lin cheat you with some spiritual stones? With Young Master Zhou's wealth, do you still care about this?"

"Hmph, it's not just about the Lingshi. Did you abolish Huang Di, my subordinate?" Zhou Langchu asked coldly.

"Huang Di? You mean that dog? That's right, it was Lin who beat him into a useless dog. There's no way. Who told him to be so annoying?" Lin Yi spread his hands, looking very helpless.

It seems that it is imperative to abolish Huang Di.

"Paralysis, haven't you heard that beating a dog depends on the owner?"

"Regarding your background, this young master has already investigated it clearly. I warn you, if you dare to go against this young master, your Lin family will be wiped out overnight, believe it or not?" Zhou Langchu sneered: "By the way, After all, your Lin family is one of the three great houses in Chiyang City, why is the head of the family now a minor maid?"

"Young Master, I have seen the portrait of that maid. She looks pretty good, and it suits my taste. If you give that maid to Young Master, Young Master, you can think about it. How about cutting off one of your hands less?"

The corners of Zhou Langchu's lips were slightly raised, and he said to Lin Yi with contempt in his eyes, as if he really thought he had mastered Lin Yi's weakness.

However, in Lin Yi's eyes, that arrogant look seemed extremely hateful!

How dare you threaten yourself with Ping'er? !

Suddenly, a wave of anger surged into his chest.

Lin Yi's eyes were cold, and he said in a low voice: "Zhou Langchu, you'd better not get Pinger's idea, otherwise, I will let you experience what is the ultimate pain in the world!"

"Also, don't think that Lin is afraid to do anything to you, don't say that you are just the son of a military minister, even if you are the son of the emperor, Lin will still kill you!"

Hearing these words and Lin Yi's breathtaking gaze, Zhou Langchu felt abnormally afraid, but when he thought about it again, the fear in his heart disappeared immediately.

Who is he?
The majestic only son of the Minister of War of the Wu State of Jin Dynasty, not to mention Lin Yi in the Wuzong realm, even if he is a master of the Wuwang and Wuhuang realms, before killing him, he must consider the existence of his father Zhou Kun!
Zhou Kun is old enough to have a son, so he naturally loves Zhou Langchu extremely!

Because of this, Zhou Langchu developed a playful and arrogant character.

If anyone dares to hurt Zhou Langchu's life, Zhou Kun will definitely take revenge at any cost!

An official in the court and a minister of the military department who holds great power in his hands, even the masters of the Emperor Wu are unwilling to provoke easily, let alone a mere Lin Yi.

So Zhou Langchu thought that Lin Yi was just bluffing, and immediately sneered, "Who are you scaring?"

However, Zhou Langchu didn't know that Lin Yi had already murdered him!
Ping'er, and even the entire Lin family, are Lin Yi's reverse scales, anyone who dares to touch them will surely die!

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

 PS: Thank you [Fake Heart] brother for the reward, I didn’t see it before, sorry, there is another update today!
(End of this chapter)

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