Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 61 Crisis 4 Volts

Chapter 61 Dangerous
"If you don't believe me, you can try it." After leaving this sentence, Lin Yi walked away.

Chu Shenglan and the little fat man hurriedly chased after her.

Regarding Zhou Langchu, Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, since he dared to threaten him with Ping'er and the Lin family, he must make him pay a heavy price!Not just talk!

However, after Zhou Langchu heard Lin Yi's words, he laughed disdainfully...

Not long after, the suzerain Jian Changming and more than a dozen elders appeared in front of the Jianzong Square. Jian Changming directly entered the theme and read out the rules of the 'Jianzong Hunting Examination' in a resonant voice.

"Jianzong's hunting test is the traditional test of Yijianzong for thousands of years."

"Before the hunting test begins, there will be a master who will read out the various regulations of the hunting test."

"First of all, the Jianzong Hunting Exam will last for five days and will be held outside the Evening Blood Forest. Participants are not allowed to withdraw early."


Among those elders, there was Zhou Ji.

Lin Yi and Zhou Ji met Zhou Ji's eyes. When Zhou Ji found out that Lin Yi was going to participate in the Jianzong hunting test, he immediately ran over and asked, "Lin Yi, how can you participate in the Jianzong hunting test? , This is too dangerous!"

"Elder, you can't keep me in the greenhouse all the time, can you? Don't worry, I won't be killed so easily, although there are many people who want to take my life now." Lin Yi smiled, disapproving Said.

Hearing this, Zhou Ji felt that what Lin Yi said was also reasonable. If Lin Yi was treated as a little flower in the greenhouse and protected all the time because Lin Yi possessed a god-level battle spirit, then he would not be able to grow into a real strong man in the end of his life. By!
A real strong person has to go through endless wind and rain, and more importantly, has to go through life and death dangers before he can transform and become a peerless figure who stands upright and dominates one side.

Having figured this out, Zhou Ji stopped worrying about Lin Yi's safety, nodded slightly, and then leaned into Lin Yi's ear, whispering: "Lin Yi, the elder who is in charge of supervising the hunting test this time is Xu Tianlong's master Feng Feng. Wuji."

"I heard that after Feng Wuji learned of Xu Tianlong's death, he was so sad that he almost went crazy. He didn't do anything to you for such a long time. It must be because of the sect's rules."

"This time in the Jianzong hunting test, he fought desperately for the position of supervisor elder. I'm afraid it has a lot to do with you."

"The elder means that Feng Wuji wants to take this opportunity to get rid of me and avenge Xu Tianlong?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

"Exactly!" Zhou Ji nodded.

"How high is his cultivation?"

"Fourth-rank medium alchemist, eight-star Wuzun realm."

"I know, I will be extra careful." Lin Yi nodded.

Zhou Ji hummed, and then returned to the elders' seat.

At the same time, Jian Changming was still talking about the various rules of the 'Jianzong hunting test' and the purpose of holding it.

However, Lin Yi's thoughts were all on the old man in green robe next to Jian Changming.

The old man in the green robe had strange long green hair. He was about 60 years old. He had a very long, old face and dark eyes.

At this moment, he was staring at Lin Yi with a half-smile, his eyes full of murderous intent!
Lin Yi knew that this person should be Feng Wuji, otherwise, how could an elder who had never met him have murderous intentions towards him?

"Fortunately, it's just the Eight Star Martial Venerable Realm. If you can't beat it, you should be able to escape." Lin Yi thought to himself.

Facing such guys with vastly different strengths, Lin Yi also had to think about the way out.

"Are you sure? He's an eight-star Martial Master. He's a dozen small realms behind your current cultivation level. Are you sure you can escape?" Gu Xiao suddenly asked.

"Damn, don't you even have this little confidence in this emperor? Don't forget, this emperor was the Nine Star Martial Emperor in his previous life, so there is no way to save his life?" Lin Yi said speechlessly.

This Gu Xiao really underestimated him.

After all, Lin Yi was a master of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor in his previous life. He had inexhaustible exercises and martial arts in his mind, and he could use them casually to protect himself. Lin Yi thought he could do it.

"Okay, but don't be brave, if you can't beat it, run away! This soul doesn't want to live that kind of sad life without the host again." Gu Xiao said with a touch of sadness.

Hearing this, Lin Yi didn't bother to answer, and then listened carefully to what Jian Changming said.

Immediately Lin Yi learned that the main purpose of the Jianzong hunting test was actually to test the actual combat ability of the inner sect's disciples.

Every three people form a team, go to the trial place to hunt monsters and pick elixir.

In the end, whichever team harvests the most resources will win the first place in the hunting test!
To put it bluntly, it is the final harvest of the competition, but at the same time there is a rule that allows the same sect to compete for resources, and even fight each other.

If he died in the Jianzong hunting test, Jianzong would not care about it, which was why Zhou Langchu was so unscrupulous.

After Jian Changming finished talking about these things, more than a thousand inner sect disciples started to set off, including more than a dozen true disciples, but there were no 'disciples bestowed by heaven'.

Of course, there is no need for Tianci disciples to participate in trials of this level.

Thousands of disciples from the inner sect, under the gaze of many disciples from the outer sect, walked out of the sect and headed straight for the Evening Blood Forest.

A few hours later, they arrived at the outskirts of the Evening Blood Forest.

As the supervising elder, Feng Wuji had to supervise outside all the time. If someone was found to quit early, he would be expelled from the sect as punishment.

Of course, there is more than one elder overseeing this matter, but Feng Wuji is the one with the most power.

At this moment, Feng Wuji led eleven Yijianzong elders, stood in front of everyone, and said loudly:

"The trial site has arrived. From now on, the five-day Jianzong hunting trial will officially begin!"

"Come to this old man to get the map of the Twilight Blood Forest and the space ring, then you can enter it and start the hunting and testing journey!"

"Don't forget, don't set foot in the restricted area of ​​Twilight Blood Forest, otherwise any danger will have nothing to do with the sect!"

After Feng Wuji finished speaking, everyone lined up to get the map and space ring.

He learned from the little fat man that the map issued by the sect included the entire Twilight Blood Forest, it was very comprehensive, and the restricted area was marked inside, the purpose was to warn everyone not to step into the restricted area.

The space ring is also different from ordinary space rings. The space ring issued by the sect can accurately detect the value of those resources as long as the hunted resources are placed in it, and the final judgment will also be based on this.

When it was Lin Yi's turn to receive the two items, Lin Yi finally followed Feng Wuji face to face.

Feng Wuji smiled faintly, looked at Lin Yi, and didn't say anything, but the moment Lin Yi turned to leave, a voice so small that only Lin Yi could hear it, suddenly entered his ears: "Boy, you Wait to die!"

Lin Yi's body froze, but he soon came back to his senses and walked away disapprovingly.

Holding the map of Twilight Blood Forest, and entering it with Chu Shenglan and the little fat man, Lin Yi suddenly felt a sense of danger.

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(End of this chapter)

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