Chapter 1016 Compensation?

"Xuechen, you are the Danzi hand-picked by the young master. The young master is the most optimistic about you. Before they kill them, leave as soon as possible. In the future, Zhentian Pavilion will depend on you." Wu Nu said, her voice a little anxious.

Beside her, a young man in white stood quietly, looking calmly at the thousands of troops below.

"Sister Wu, I won't leave. If the teacher is still alive, then Zhentian Pavilion will not perish. If the teacher has unfortunately passed away, then, with my strength, it will be difficult to support it."

"Therefore, I will live and die with Zhentian Pavilion." The boy in white's eyes were slightly red, but he was extremely firm.

In two years, Cang Xuechen had already refined a fourth-order elixir.

This level of cultivation speed can be called a monstrosity!
"Hey." Nu Wu sighed, and touched the black hair of the boy in white, feeling a little unbearable.

Such a talented boy, is he going to be buried here today?
The army of Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang has already pressed forward step by step and is about to arrive here.

The monks in Zhentian Pavilion resisted desperately, but the number of deaths continued to increase.

Tian Yan turned into a body form, extremely violent, spewing flames from his mouth, and slapped it with sharp giant claws, making all the enemies in front of him turn into blood mist.

However, the number of monks on the other side is too large to kill them all.

Like a tide, they overwhelmed the resistance of Zhentian Pavilion.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the owner of Zhentian Pavilion is actually a female class, which I admire." The people from Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang have already killed here.

Gu Li looked at Miss Wu in military uniform, and couldn't help but salivate.

The master of Jiuyou Hall also looked at Wu Nu with a smile.

At the beginning, Jiang Mo was in Emperor Wu's cave, but he made them miserable. Now, it's time to get it back with interest.

"It's very capable to attack Zhentian Pavilion while our pavilion master is away?" Wu Nu said coldly.

Hearing these words, Gu Li and the master of Jiuyou Hall couldn't help but look at each other, and then laughed loudly: "To tell you the truth, your pavilion master has already fallen. Otherwise, how could he not show up for two years?" body?"

Wu Nu and the surrounding Zhentian Pavilion monks couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. Could it be that the Pavilion Master really died?

"I think so. How about we just surrender to Xuanmingzong? In the future, Sect Master Gu will not treat us badly." Yin Chuan said with a smile.

Gu Li looked at Yin Chuan, and said with a smile, "He who understands current affairs is a hero. This hero, after today, can serve under my Xuanmingzong."

He could tell that Yin Chuan was a four-star martial saint, and he was worth wooing.

"Back then, why did you put you, a wolf-hearted thing, into Zhentian Pavilion?!" Wu Nu spat, her eyes were cold.

However, with a flicker of Yin Chuan's figure, he attacked Wu Nu.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to capture Wu Nu, as if Gu Li and the others were claiming credit.

"Shameless traitor, stop it." Tian Yan snorted coldly. He is the Tianyan Demon Lion himself, extremely violent. When he met someone like Yin Chuan who betrayed the sect, he couldn't suppress his anger, and directly sprayed purple flames from his mouth , swept past.

"Naughty animal, don't be mad!" Yin Chuan's subordinates roared, and they all shot, and the flying sword burst out, cutting towards Tianyan.

Wu Nu's realm was not as good as Yin Chuan's, so she soon fell into a disadvantage and was captured by Yin Chuan.

"Gu Zongzhu, look, how should she deal with it? Or let me deal with it for you." Yin Chuan laughed, as cold as a poisonous snake.

Wu Nu's face turned red, and her heart was sad, the young master entrusted her to take charge of Zhentian Pavilion, but unexpectedly, she still failed to hold it.

Tianyan was already injured in the previous battle, and was besieged by two of Yin Chuan's subordinates, and soon fell into a disadvantage, with many injuries already on his body.

Yin Chuan clasped Wu Nu's hands behind his back, and looked at Gu Li as if asking for credit.

Right here, an incomparably indifferent voice seemed to come from the Nine Nethers, which made people feel chills all over their bodies!

"My people, who dares to deal with it?!"

When this slightly domineering voice resounded through the space, Nu Wu was startled for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on her face.

"Young master, it is the young master who is back!"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of Gu Li and the master of Jiuyou Hall suddenly became very ugly.

How could they forget that voice?
Who else but Jiang Mo?

"Master, is that you?"

Tian Yan was extremely excited.

He thought that today, Zhentian Pavilion was really going to be buried.

However, when this voice came out, whether it was Tianyan, Wu Nv, or other monks in Zhentian Pavilion, they all seemed to have taken a reassurance in their hearts.

It seems that as long as Jiang Mo is there, even if the sky falls, Zhentian Pavilion will not collapse.

"Who is playing tricks there?" Yin Chuan felt nervous for no reason.

He had never met Jiang Mo before, but, with the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and hearing too many legends about Jiang Mo, he naturally felt a little jealous of him in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Chuan's body was frozen there, unable to move at all.

His whole body seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, and on his forehead, the veins stood out one by one, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

"Just now, are you going to deal with Miss Wu? What a guts!" Jiang Mo yelled coldly, Yin Chuan's body was out of control, and he knelt down on the ground with a bang, with blood pouring out of his mouth .

"My lord!" Wu Nu burst into tears at this moment.

She really thought that the young master had already fallen, and the Zhentian Pavilion would also be destroyed.

Seeing Jiang Mo now, the excitement and joy in her heart are hard to describe in words.

The monks who were still alive in Zhentian Pavilion had hope in their eyes the moment they saw the white-haired youth.

Lord Pavilion Master, we will definitely turn the tide.

After severely injuring Yin Chuan, Jiang Mo handed him over to Tian Yan to control, while Jiang Mo's eyes fell on Gu Li and the others.

"Gu Zongzhu, it's really okay. Jiang hasn't come back for two years, Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang, have they started to plan to suppress Tiange?" Jiang Mo's voice was flat, as if he was chatting with old friends .

However, Gu Li's eyelids twitched wildly.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that Yin Chuan, a four-star martial sage who was in the perfect realm, was severely injured directly under Jiang Mo's hands for some reason.

What does this mean?
It shows that Jiang Mo's combat power can completely crush the monks of the four-star martial saints.

Gu Li and the master of Jiuyou Hall are only four-star martial saints. Since Jiang Mo can hit Yin Chuan hard without anyone noticing, then they are naturally not Jiang Mo's opponents.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no room for relaxation between the two parties.

Even if Gu Li wanted to explain, how could Jiang Mo listen?

Looking at the messy appearance of Zhentian Pavilion and the piles of corpses, one can know what the Xuanmingzong and Jiuyou Hall have destroyed Zhentian Pavilion.

"Governor Jiang, I didn't expect that the matter would develop to this extent. If you need compensation, I, Xuanmingzong and Jiuyou Hall, will try my best to satisfy it." Gu Li said.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo smiled.

"Compensation? It's very simple. I need it. Xuanmingzong, as well as Jiuyou Hall, have completely disappeared in the land of returning to the ruins!"

When Jiang Mo's cold words came out, Gu Li's complexion suddenly became very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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