Chapter 1017 Black Mirror
"I want Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang to disappear completely in the land of returning to the ruins!" Jiang Mo's domineering words resounded here, making Gu Li and the others look extremely ugly.

"Governor Jiang, your words are too loud. If you want to eat my Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang, just people like Zhentian Pavilion, do you have the ability?" Gu Li said.

He has seen Jiang Mo's strengths before, and if it can be resolved through peace talks, he is naturally unwilling to fight Jiang Mo to the end.

If he knew that Jiang Mo was still alive, even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to provoke Zhentian Pavilion.

However, it is too late to regret it now.

It's hard to ride a tiger.

Many experts from Xuanmingzong and Jiuyou Hall surrounded Gu Li and the head of Jiuyou Hall, fearing that Jiang Mo would violently kill people.

Even Yin Chuan was seriously injured by Jiang Mo in the blink of an eye, which made everyone fear Jiang Mo's fighting power!

Wu Nu and the others looked at Jiang Mo expectantly.

"My lord, before you left, the jade talisman you gave me was destroyed by this bastard." Nu Wu walked to Jiang Mo's side and said in a low voice.

Yin Chuan's body trembled, filled with fear.

The fear that Jiang Mo brought to him had already permeated his bones.

Jiang Mo didn't go to see Yin Chuan, but comforted Wu Nu: "Thanks for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

Immediately, Jiang Mo looked at Cang Xuechen again, and the boy in white stepped forward and said, "Teacher, you are finally back."

"The little guy is not bad, he is already a third-rank alchemist." Jiang Mo smiled.

Immediately afterwards, his divine sense spread out, and the land with a radius of ten thousand miles was shrouded in his divine sense.

Although Yin Chuan destroyed the jade talisman that summoned the army of corpses, Jiang Mo didn't need the jade talisman at all if he wanted to mobilize the army of ghouls.

"Get out."

Behind Zhentian Pavilion, there is a world of ice and snow.

There, nine corpse-level existences sat on their horses, and they all held sharp ice-blue spears in their hands.

Behind the nine corpse generals, an army of one hundred thousand corpse ghosts stood solemnly, exuding an aura of iron and blood.

Just like a real army.

The lead corpse general waved his spear forward, and an army of [-] corpses marched out, leaving this icy and snowy world in an instant.

At this time, Jiang Mo turned his eyes away quietly, and said coldly: "Do you think I am joking with you?"

Gu Li's face was cold, and he was about to speak when he suddenly saw a large army around Zhentian Pavilion, like a black tide.

When the black army approached, it didn't make any sound, but it shot up into the sky with a strong murderous aura.

This army, as if crawling out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses, has an astonishing evil spirit!

"This, how is it possible?!" Seeing this scene, Gu Li's eyes froze and his voice trembled a little.

The other monks trembled even more.

This is terrible. No one expected that Zhentian Pavilion would hide such a backhand.

Yin Chuan's face was ashen, he would never have expected that the jade talisman he destroyed could mobilize such a huge army!

If he knew this earlier, how dare he offend so much?

"Gu Zongzhu, do you still think that my tone is too loud?" Jiang Mo's dark eyes stared at Gu Li coldly, making him shiver.

"Rush, rush out of the encirclement!" Gu Li yelled at the monks on the side of Xuanmingzong with a trembling voice.

The black tide was enveloping them, like a huge iron bucket, completely impenetrable around them.

The army of [-] ghouls, after two years of formal training, was so powerful that even Jiang Mo was a little surprised.

Gu Li led the monks of Xuanmingzong, trying to break the encirclement of the army of ghouls, but one monk fell under the army of ghouls.

Gradually, the corpses piled up again, but this time, there were no corpses of monks from Zhentian Pavilion.

Those who fell were all members of Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang.

The fighting power erupted by the army of [-] ghouls was terrifying. After just half an hour, the monk army of Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang had already been defeated and fled in a hurry.

Jiang Mo stood on a high place, looking down calmly, without fluctuation.

This Gu Li dared to take advantage of his absence to join forces with Jiuyou Hall to destroy Zhentian Pavilion. This kind of crime is simply unforgivable.

Wu Nu, Tian Yan, Cang Xuechen and the others stared blankly at the back of the white-haired figure, a little lost in thought.

As if, with him around, even if the sky falls, nothing will happen.

However, at this moment, Yin Chuan and his two subordinates felt even more desperate.

Yin Chuan thought that he was already the strongest fighting force in Zhentian Pavilion, but he didn't expect that the Lord Master who hadn't appeared in two years was even more terrifying!
With the power of one person, the army of monks from Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang, who were chasing him, had nowhere to flee.

Soon, the massacre was coming to an end.

Under Jiang Mo's instruction, most of the people in Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang were slaughtered.

Since they dare to attack Zhentian Pavilion, they must be prepared to be completely left behind!
Gu Li and the master of Jiuyou Hall are still left, with less than a hundred strong people protecting them.

Jiang Mo moved and flew down, looking down at Gu Li.

"Wait, do you want to kill yourself, or do you want me to do it yourself?" Jiang Mo said indifferently.

With his current superficial level of martial arts, it is enough to crush Gu Li and others.

"Governor Jiang, my Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang have been seriously injured now, and I will no longer pose any threat to Zhentian Pavilion in the future. If Pavilion Master Jiang can let us go..." Gu Li looked flattering Said.

"That's not possible." Jiang Mo waved his hand and refused.

If people know that Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang once wanted to destroy Zhentian Pavilion but were later forgiven, then there may be more people who have wrong ideas about Zhentian Pavilion in the future.

Jiang Mo must kill the chickens to scare the monkeys and deter other forces.

After his words fell, the remaining elite monks in Zhentian Pavilion shot directly, and suddenly violent fluctuations of Yuan force exploded, bombarding Gu Li and others with all their strength.

Boom, boom, boom!

Gu Li and the others, who had already lost their morale, did not intend to fight to the death at all. When there were fewer and fewer monks on his side, Gu Li gritted his teeth fiercely, and a black mirror appeared in his hand.

This black mirror is a life-saving thing he exchanged for one hundred thousand high-grade primordial stones, and it can only be used once.

However, in the current situation, if it is not used anymore, I am afraid that it will be completely stuck here.

"Governor Jiang, I, Gu Li, have made a note of the great enmity that you destroyed my Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang. In the future, you will have to pay back a hundredfold!"

After the words fell, Gu Li grabbed the black mirror violently, and suddenly a monstrous black brilliance swept away, enveloping his body.

Jiang Mo frowned, but he saw that Gu Li's body disappeared in place after the black light swept across.

(End of this chapter)

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